Tag Archives: seasonal vegetables

what's in season march

What's In Season: March Produce Guide

The weather in March may come in like a lion and go out like a lamb, but it sure is a delicious month, especially when you look at all the ripe and in-season foods.

Here are the fruits and vegetables that you can take advantage of for maximum freshness, flavor, and nutritional content. Check out some seasonal recipes, too, by clicking the links! 


Native to the western and central Mediterranean, artichokes are low in fat, rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, phosphorus, and magnesium. 

Moreover, artichokes are among the richest sources of antioxidants. These delicious thistles are usually served as a hot vegetable with a sauce or as a cold appetizer. 


Broccoli, also abundant in January and February, is a superfood native to Europe. Low in calories and packed with many micronutrients, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, broccoli has a reputation for helping to boost immunity and promote heart health.

The Institute for Functional Medicine suggests eating 2-3 cups of broccoli per day. Broccoli can be eaten cooked or raw. When cooking, it can be sautéed, steamed, roasted or air fried. If you plan to serve it without cooking, it's great for salads or dips.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts derive their name from Belgium's capital, where they were first cultivated in the 13th century. 

Just 1 cup of raw Brussels sprouts meets the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) recommended daily requirements for vitamin C and vitamin K. Not to mention that they are also rich in minerals. 

Brussel sprouts can be eaten raw (when shredded, they make a fabulous slaw!) or served stir-friedsauteed, or steamed.


Not many vegetables contain choline. Cauliflower, along with broccoli, is among the sources of this nutrient that most people are lacking. Although the body makes some choline, we still need to consume choline-rich food to get enough. 

Consuming a sufficient amount of choline may reduce the risk of several health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and dementia. 

If you're following a low-carb diet, cauliflower is a healthier choice to replace grains and legumes in a wide variety of recipes. I often like to curry cauliflower for a change of taste. The flavors of curry go well with cauliflower and greens. You can also try my autumnal cauli-mash recipe with roasted, crunchy Brussel sprouts. Yum!


Leeks are an ancient crop and are native to eastern Mediterranean lands and the Middle East. Its close relatives are onions, shallots, scallions, chives, and garlic.

Low in calories but high in nutrients, such as magnesium and vitamins A, C, and K, leeks also contain some fiber, copper, vitaminB6, iron, and folate. 

They're widely used in soups and stews. You can also enjoy leeks in dips, salads, and quiche.


Lettuce is a nutritious vegetable in the aster family. Although it comes in many varieties, this leafy veggie, in general, is rich in vitamins K and A. Note that red leaf lettuce is higher in antioxidants.

Most lettuce varieties, such as iceberg and romaine, are eaten fresh and often served in salads, wraps, and sandwiches. 

Mushroomswhat's in season march

Mushroom is a type of fungi, but the term "mushroom" is used to identify edible sporophores. It is considered a vegetable for cooking purposes. 

Mushrooms also come in a lot of different shapes, sizes, and colors. The most common types found in the grocery are shiitake, portobello, button, oysters, and crimini.

They are a rich source of antioxidants, potassium, beta-glucan, and B vitamins for heart health and copper for bones and nerves. 

My favorite way to eat mushrooms is by tossing them into eggs, soup or using them to create my no-bean chili recipe


Parsnips are a tasty root vegetable related to carrots and parsley root. They're commonly found in Great Britain and throughout Europe and Asia. Parsnips were introduced in America early in the 17th century. 

They pack a hearty dose of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and other important micronutrients. Parsnips are also low in calories yet high in fiber, improving digestive health, regulating blood sugar level, and supporting heart health.

If you want to add parsnips to your diet, you can easily swap them for other root vegetables in your favorite recipes!

Pineappleswhat's in season march

Pineapples are delicious tropical fruits native to the Caribbean islands and Central and South America.

They are low in calories and loaded with antioxidants and compounds that can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve digestion, lower the risk of cancer, boost immunity, ease arthritis symptoms, and speed up recovery after surgery or vigorous exercise.

Serving one cup of fresh pineapples along with your usual breakfast or blending frozen pineapples into smoothies is a refreshing way to start your day!

Radishwhat's in season march

Radish varieties are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Compared to other root vegetables, they have fewer carbs and calories.

Strong immune system, better digestion, and increased bile production are just a few of the many radishes' health benefits. Note that radishes are generally safe to eat, but people with thyroid problems must consume them in moderation.

Using Daikon radish root to substitute for ramen noodles is my personal favorite! 


Rutabagas are thought to have been first bred in Russia or Scandinavia in the late Middle Ages. They are a hearty vegetable packed with fiber, vitamins, and important minerals that you may not be getting enough of.

Among the minerals and micronutrients that rutabagas are rich in are potassium and magnesium, which play an important role in regulating cells, tissue, and organs. In a nutshell, it makes your body work right.  

Rutabaga roots can be cooked with other root veggies, and the leaves are perfect for salads and soups. 


Turnips are thought to have originated in middle and eastern Asia. Both turnips and turnip leaves provide over 30% of the daily value for vitamin C. The leaves are also a rich source of folate, vitamin K, and provitamin A.

Moreover, their glucosinolate compounds may help control blood sugar levels, fight harmful bacteria, and provide anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. 

Turnip roots make a great addition to salads! They can also be cooked and served whole, mashed, or used in chowder.
























whats in season: november

What’s In Season: November Produce Guide

This is the month that has my favorite holiday of all time-- Thanksgiving! And it’s made even more special by knowing that so many of these foods are ripe and in season now. How many of these are on your table? How many will be part of your Thanksgiving meal?


Beets are one of the most extensively grown vegetables in the world and are mostly cultivated during the cooler seasons.

They contain a bit of almost all the vitamins and minerals that you need, including fiber, folate, and vitamin C. Beets are also a good source of nitric oxide which can help to lower blood pressure levels, boost the immune system, and it’s also good for brain health.

Roasting is one of the best ways to cook beets. You can also “zoodle” beets for a delicious addition to salads or as a base for another dish.


Broccoli is a superfood native to Europe. Low in calories and packed with many micronutrients, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, broccoli has a reputation for helping to boost immunity and promote heart health. The Institute for Functional Medicine suggests eating 2-3 cups of broccoli per day. 

Broccoli can be eaten cooked or raw. When cooking, it can be sautéed, steamed, boiled, roasted or air fried. If you plan to serve it without cooking, it's great for salads or dips.

Brussel Sprouts

Brussels sprouts derive their name from Belgium's capital, where they were first cultivated in the 13th century. 

Just 1 cup of raw Brussels sprouts meets the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) recommended daily requirements for vitamin C and vitamin K. Not to mention that they are also rich in minerals. 

Brussel sprouts can be eaten raw (when shredded, they make a fabulous slaw!) or served roasted, sauteed, or steamed.


Native to the Mediterranean region, there are four different varieties of cabbage: green, red or purple, white savoy, and napa. Regardless of which variety you choose, all of them boast an outstanding nutrient profile.

Cabbage is rich in vitamin K1, providing 85% of the recommended daily intake in just 1 cup. This vitamin is crucial for blood clotting.

The humble cabbage also makes a delicious and inexpensive addition to several healthy recipes, such as casserole, slaw, and even smoothie!


Not many vegetables contain choline. Cauliflower, along with broccoli, is among the sources of this nutrient that most people are lacking. Although the body makes some choline, we still need to consume choline-rich food to get enough. 

Consuming a sufficient amount of choline may reduce the risk of several health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and dementia. 

Now that we're heading into colder weather, I often like to curry cauliflower for a change of taste. The flavors of curry go well with cauliflower and greens. You can also try my autumnal cauli-mash recipe with roasted, crunchy Brussel sprouts. Yum!


The American cranberry is grown extensively in Massachusetts, New Jersey and Wisconsin but you can also find them near the Pacific Coast as well.

Cranberries are a powerhouse of nutrition, providing you with not only their signature tartness but also important vitamins and minerals. Manganese is found in abundance as well as copper, and vitamins C, E, and K1.

Cranberries are a popular pie filling, their juice is widely marketed as a beverage, and in sauce and relish form cranberries are traditionally associated in the U.S. and Canada with the Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.

Cranberries add a sweet and tangy flavor to both sweet and savory dishes, such as holiday bundt cake and chicken recipes.


Leeks are an ancient crop and are native to eastern Mediterranean lands and the Middle East. Its close relatives are onions, shallots, scallions, chives, and garlic.

Low in calories but high in nutrients, such as magnesium and vitamins A, C, and K, leeks also contain some fiber, plus copper, vitamin B6, iron, and folate. 

They're widely used in soups and stews. You can also enjoy leeks in dips, salads, and quiche.


Mushrooms have been a part of the human diet for thousands of years. The word mushroom is most often used to identify the edible sporophores. The term toadstool is often reserved for inedible or poisonous fungi.

Since it’s difficult to identify the toxic ones, it’s best to buy from a reliable grocery store or if possible, from a farmer’s market

Mushrooms are low-fat and cholesterol-free food. They are also a  good source of nutrients, such as essential amino acids and B vitamins.

The best way to cook mushrooms while still preserving their nutritional properties is to grill them. This would help in retaining more of their goodness and nutrients than frying and boiling.



The citrus fruit oranges are believed to be native to the tropical regions of Asia. There are a number of varieties of orange, some of the most well-known are navel, blood orange, mandarin orange, tangerine, and clementine.

Whole oranges are a great way to keep your blood sugar levels steady due to their low glycemic index plus good fiber content. They are a rich source of vitamin C and other nutrients that can help fight inflammation as well as heart disease or even lower the risk of diabetes.

As The Ingredient Guru, I encourage you to avoid processed (i.e., canned) oranges, as they may contain harmful ingredients such as artificial colors, citric acid, and disease-causing high fructose corn syrup.

If you want to take advantage of oranges this holiday season, try my recipe Orange-Cranberry Bone-In Chicken Breasts. Enjoy! 


Parsnips are a tasty root vegetable related to carrots and parsley root. They're commonly found in Great Britain and throughout Europe and Asia. Parsnips were introduced in America early in the 17th century. 

They pack a hearty dose of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and other important micronutrients. Parsnips are also low in calories yet high in fiber, improving digestive health, regulating blood sugar level, and supporting heart health.

If you want to add parsnips to your diet, you can easily swap them for other root vegetables in your favorite recipes.  Or make a roasted root vegetable side dish and add parsnips for a delicious flavor boost.


The common pear is a fruit that originated in Europe and has been cultivated for centuries. 

Pears are a good source of polyphenol antioxidants. They also contain other nutrients like folate, vitamin C, copper, and potassium. 

Pears are a good source of fiber, including prebiotics, which promote regular bowel movements, relieves constipation, and helps with digestion. If you want to get the most fiber from a pear, eat it with the skin on. 

This coming Thanksgiving, my Cinnamon Apple and Pear Sauce recipe is a delicious condiment I highly suggest for roast meats, bread, or even as part of a snack!


Persimmon trees are a popular fruit grown in China for thousands of years. There are hundreds of different types of persimmons but the most popular ones include Hachiya and Fuyu varieties. The American persimmon’s fruit is generally considered more flavorful in its softened state than the Japanese species.

Persimmons are a delicious fruit that can be enjoyed in the winter months. They are filled with important vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, C, and B, potassium, and manganese. 

There are many culinary uses for persimmons; among my favorites are my persimmon raisin muffin and persimmon tea for acid reflux.


Pomegranate is a fruit that is believed to have originated in Iran. It is commonly cultivated in the warmer parts of the United States to Chile.

It is high in dietary fiber, folic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin K. This makes it a nutritious fruit that anyone can enjoy.

If you want to reap the many health benefits pomegranates have to offer, either eat them directly or drink the juice. The juice is the source of grenadine syrup, used in flavorings and liquor.

Pumpkinspumpkin for breakfast

Pumpkin is a type of winter squash that belongs to the gourd family, native to North America. 

It is a vegetable with many different uses. In Europe and South America, it is served as a vegetable whereas, in the United States of America, it is more commonly used as a dessert, such as pumpkin pies.

Pumpkin is high in vitamins and minerals and a great source of beta-carotene, a carotenoid that has been proven to protect against eye diseases.

Technically considered a fruit, it’s often treated like a vegetable.  Pumpkins can be boiled, baked, or steamed into various dishes like pie, soup, or bread. Pumpkin can also be turned into purees like apple sauce or canned puree that can then be made into pies and bread. Here are my three delicious pumpkin recipes to try this coming Fall.


Rutabagas are thought to have been first bred in Russia or Scandinavia in the late Middle Ages. They are hearty vegetables packed with fiber, vitamins, and important minerals that you may not be getting enough of.

Among the minerals and micronutrients that rutabagas are rich in are potassium and magnesium, which play an important role in regulating cells, tissue, and organs. In a nutshell, it makes your body work right.  

Rutabaga roots can be cooked with other root veggies, and the leaves are perfect for salads and soups. 


Spinach is a cool-season vegetable, mainly grown in North America and Europe.

It is a nutrient-rich vegetable with high amounts of many essential nutrients such as carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, iron, and calcium. It is also high in insoluble fiber to help prevent constipation. 

The easiest and most healthy way to cook spinach is steaming to maximize its nutritional value.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are native to tropical America and widely cultivated in tropical and warm temperate climates.

Sweet potatoes are healthier than regular potatoes because they have a lower glycemic index (GI) and higher levels of nutrients like beta-carotene that help protect your eyesight. They are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and many other vitamins and minerals. 

One of the easiest ways to cook sweet potatoes is to steam them. You can also try mashing, frying, grilling, or even slow-cooking. Here are some of my favorite sweet potato recipes!


Tangerines are indigenous to Southeast Asia. They are a subgroup of mandarins and the second-largest cultivated citrus fruit after oranges. They’re a bit smaller and less round than oranges, but they have a sweeter taste.

The pulp of tangerines is tender and juicy, with a rich flavor that provides vitamin C and antioxidants. Plus, they’re good sources of other vitamins and minerals, such as potassium and B complex vitamins. 

You can also use tangerines instead of orange in my Bone-In Chicken Breasts recipe. 


Turnips are thought to have originated in middle and eastern Asia. Both turnips and turnip leaves provide over 30% of the daily value for vitamin C. The leaves are also a rich source of folate, vitamin K, and vitamin A.

Moreover, their glucosinolate compounds may help control blood sugar levels, fight harmful bacteria, and provide anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. 

Turnip roots make a great addition to salads! They can also be cooked and served whole, mashed, or used in chowder

Winter Squash

Winter squashes have been known to last longer than summer varieties, and they're characterized by their thick rinds and hard seeds because these characteristics help them resist spoilage from exposure while on store shelves. 

The winter varieties include acorn, butternut, spaghetti, pumpkin, and kabocha.

Winter squash is a great source of healthy minerals, including manganese which helps with bone health. Some varieties also contain antioxidants like vitamin C and carotene for extra protection against free radicals in our bodies.

One of the most useful and versatile veggies in your garden, winter squash can be baked or pureed for hummus, pasta sauce, and used in baked goods!

When eating fresh, in-season produce, don’t forget to wash it first. Click here to get your toxin-free fruit and veggie wash!




september produce guide

What’s In Season: September Produce Guide

As we move through the year, we find ourselves now heading into that restorative deep nutrition time of the year with these seasonal crops. What’s one of your favorite foods to make with something on this September produce guide?

Acorn Squash

Acorn and butternut squash are among the types of winter squash that belong to the gourd family, which also includes pumpkin and zucchini. 

Winter squashes have many health benefits, such as high levels of fiber to help keep your digestive system in good shape, vitamin A for proper eye function, and potassium, an essential mineral that helps regulate blood pressure.

Try my protein-rich stuffed acorn recipe!

Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is usually a little sweeter and nuttier than acorn squash. The nutty flavor makes butternut perfect as an addition to soups. 


With a history that stretches back more than two thousand years, apples have been the apple of our eye since their first introduction to European cultures. 

Aside from high fiber content, apples also boast good levels of polyphenols, which may help reduce cancer risk while improving heart health, memory retention ability, and brain function.

My apple cinnamon cheesecake recipe is perfect for this season. It's made with a crust of almond flour, topped with a layer of cinnamon cream cheese filling and a cinnamon butter layer on top.

My recipe for cinnamon apple pear sauce can also be used as an accompaniment to any type of dessert or your favorite breakfast dish.


Beets are one of the most extensively grown vegetables in the world and are mostly cultivated during the cooler seasons.

They contain a bit of almost all the vitamins and minerals that you need, including fiber, folate, and vitamin C. Beets are also a good source of nitrates which can help to lower blood sugar levels.

Roasting is one of the best ways to cook beets. You can also “zoodle” beets for a delicious addition to salads or as a base for another dish.


Cantaloupes contain high levels of beta-carotene, which is an important nutrient for eye and skin protection since it is converted to vitamin A in the body. 

Cantaloupe has over 100% DV per cup for Vitamin C, meaning that eating one serving will give you enough Vitamin C throughout your day! 

This fruit can be enjoyed on its own or mixed with other fruits like bananas, blueberries, strawberries, etc., making it versatile and enjoyable while getting all your daily nutrients at once!

Remember: wash your produce first to remove any bacteria or other exposures that might be on the rind and then transferred by the knife to the flesh of produce. A prime example of this was the 2011 salmonella outbreak which was tied to cantaloupe.

CauliflowerNot many vegetables contain choline. Cauliflower, along with broccoli, is among the sources of this nutrient that most people are lacking. Although the body makes some choline, we still need to consume choline-rich food to get enough. 

Consuming a sufficient amount of choline may reduce the risk of several health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and dementia. 

Now that we're heading into colder weather, I often like to curry cauliflower for a change of taste. The flavors of curry go well with cauliflower and greens. You can also try my autumnal cauli-mash recipe with roasted, crunchy Brussel sprouts. Yum!


Eggplants require a warm climate and have been cultivated in their native Southeast Asia since ancient times.

They are high-fiber food that has many potential health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease and helping with blood sugar control. 

I am always experimenting in the kitchen. Because this dish--eggplant corn fritters with chunky tomato red pepper coulis-- turned out so well, I would like to share it with you! It's super easy to make and full of flavor. 

You could serve these as an appetizer with some goat cheese or any other cheese you'd like, or even as a main course with some side salads for a meal-sized appetizer. The tomato-red pepper coulis is so flavorful that you'll want to eat it on its own too!


Fig trees’ natural seedlings can be found in many Mediterranean countries. It is so widely used throughout these regions that it has been nicknamed “the poor man’s food."

The fruit contains significant amounts of copper and vitamin B6. Copper is a mineral that your body needs for the production of red blood cells. It also aids in energy metabolism, and it can help maintain healthy hair, skin, bones, and joints. 

While vitamin B6 is one of the most essential vitamins to help you maintain a healthy immune system and assist with many bodily processes like balancing hormones, reducing stress levels, and aiding indigestion. 

Figs can be enjoyed fresh, dried, or in tea form. Be sure to consume dried figs in moderation because of their high sugar content.


Grapes are primarily grown in temperate climates across the world, including Southern Europe, Africa, Australia, and North and South America. In the United States, most grapes are grown in California.

Grapes are packed with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that can help with many health issues. They contain more than one-quarter of the RDIs for vitamin C and K.

For those who have access to good grapes for jelly making, here's a great grape jelly recipe from the book Preserving Memories: Growing Up in My Mother's Kitchen.

Note: Since grapes are one of the 12 fruits and vegetables that are on the Dirty Dozen list. It’s important to buy organic because it has a higher risk of pesticide exposure. Moreover, If you’re buying organic grapes, you’re also going to want to buy organic grape juice, organic raisins, and, yes, organic wine.

Green Beans

Green beans, also called string beans, are a common food in many kitchens across the United States. 

These vegetables contain several essential vitamins, including folate, which is 10% of your daily recommended intake value and helps prevent neural tube defects and other birth defects. 

My three-bean salad recipe is a classic side dish you can easily prepare for you and your family. This salad features a delicious mix of green beans, yellow beans, and red or pinto beans. You can also add cucumbers for a refreshing crunch. It’s light and fresh but also filling enough that you can have this salad as dinner too.


Lettuce is a nutritious vegetable in the aster family. Although it comes in many varieties, this leafy veggie, in general, is rich in vitamins K and A. Note that red leaf lettuce is higher in antioxidants.

Most lettuce varieties, such as iceberg and romaine, are eaten fresh and often served in salads, wraps, and sandwiches.


Mangoes are indigenous to southern Asia. They are packed with immune-boosting nutrients -- vitamin A, C, K, and E. Just one cup of mango has 46 mg of vitamin C or 76% of what you should get per day.

It is the best time to go eat them fresh and buy from your local market. Mangoes and salsa are also a delicious combination. This easy-to-make recipe combines both fruits into a refreshingly sweet and tangy 


Mushrooms have been a part of the human diet since thousands of years ago. The word mushroom is most often used to identify the edible sporophores. The term toadstool is often reserved for inedible or poisonous fungi.

Since it’s difficult to identify the toxic ones, it’s best to buy from a reliable grocery store or if possible, from a farmer’s market

Mushrooms are low-fat and cholesterol-free food. They are also a  good source of nutrients, such as essential amino acids and B vitamins.

The best way to cook mushrooms while still preserving their nutritional properties is to grill them. This would help in retaining more of their goodness and nutrients than frying and boiling.


Okra is native to the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere, such as in Africa and South Asia. 

It is high in vitamins C and K1, which boost the immune system and prevent blood clotting. 

This vegetable is somewhat unique as it also boasts protein and fiber, a nutrient that many fruits and vegetables lack.

Cooking okra is simple. It can be sauteed, pickled, or added to soup and stews.


Persimmon trees are a popular fruit grown in China for thousands of years. There are hundreds of different types of persimmons but the most popular ones include Hachiya and Fuyu varieties. The American persimmon’s fruit is generally considered more flavorful in its softened state than the Japanese species.

Persimmons are a delicious fruit that can be enjoyed in the winter months. They are filled with important vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, C, and B, potassium, and manganese. 

There are many culinary uses for persimmons; among my favorites are my persimmon raisin muffin and persimmon tea for acid reflux.


Peppers are the fruits of a tropical plant related to chilies, tomatoes, and breadfruit; all three were originally grown in America. 

One thing you may not know about peppers? They have 92% water content! The rest consists mainly of carbs with small amounts of protein and fat--making them one very nutritious meal choice for those looking to maintain their weight.

Not only do they provide 169% vitamin C (which is essential), so it's no wonder bell pepper recipes can be found everywhere, from grocery stores on the street corners alike!

As far as eating these babies go, either raw or cooked will work wonders for our bodies’ health.


Pomegranate is a fruit that is believed to have originated in Iran. It is commonly cultivated in the warmer parts of the United States to Chile.

It is high in dietary fiber, folic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin K. This makes it a nutritious fruit that anyone can enjoy.

If you want to reap the many health benefits pomegranates have to offer, either eat them directly or drink the juice. The juice is the source of grenadine syrup, used in flavorings and liquor.


Red raspberries originate from Europe or northern Asia and are often cultivated in temperate areas throughout the world. The most common place to find US-grown berries is California, Oregon, and Washington.

Raspberries contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber which can help provide proper nutrition to your diet. They also come with various health benefits, including providing more than half the recommended daily intake for vitamin C.

Raspberries are a popular ingredient in jams and jellies, but did you know that you can also try making your own raspberry vinegar? Check out my recipe!


Pumpkin is a type of winter squash that belongs to the gourd family, native to North America. 

It is a vegetable with many different uses. In Europe and South America, it is served as a vegetable whereas, in the United States of America, it is more commonly used as a dessert, such as pumpkin pies.

This scientifically considered fruit is high in vitamins and minerals and a great source of beta-carotene, a carotenoid that has been proven to protect against eye diseases.

Pumpkins can be boiled, baked, or steamed into various dishes like pie, soup, or bread. Pumpkin can also be turned into purees like apple sauce or canned puree that can then be made into pies and bread. Here are my three delicious pumpkin recipes to try this coming Fall.


Spinach is a cool-season vegetable, mainly grown in North America, Europe.

It is a nutrient-rich vegetable with high amounts of many essential nutrients such as carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, iron, and calcium. It is also high in insoluble fiber to help prevent constipation. 

The easiest and most healthy way to cook spinach is steaming to maximize its nutritional value.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are native to tropical America and widely cultivated in tropical and warm temperate climates.

Sweet potatoes are healthier than regular potatoes because they have a lower glycemic index (GI) and higher levels of nutrients like beta-carotene that help protect your eyesight. They are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and many other vitamins and minerals. 

One of the easiest ways to cook sweet potatoes is to steam them. You can also try mashing, frying, grilling, or even slow-cooking. Here are some of my favorite sweet potato recipes!

Swiss Chard

The name may imply that it originated in Switzerland, but it is native to the Mediterranean region. Due to its enormous cultivation in Switzerland, it was referred to as a Swiss Chard. 

These leafy greens are an excellent source of vitamins A and K and nearly fulfills the daily need for vitamin C. Additionally, it is extremely low in calories, making a weight-loss-friendly vegetable.

Swiss chard can be eaten raw in salads, sautéed, or served in soups. Check out my two recipes --braised carrots and swiss chard stems and creamed swiss chard recipes.


Labeled as a vegetable for nutritional purposes, tomatoes are fruits native to South America.

They're high in vitamins C and lycopene-- an important phytochemical that helps fight off diseases such as cancer.

You can find them eaten raw atop salads with all sorts of tasty toppings like cheese or avocado, baked into delicious dishes like lasagna or marinara sauce, sun or oven-dried, and pickled.  Green tomatoes are also fabulous as a chutney.

When eating fresh, in-season produce, don’t forget to wash it first. Click here to get your toxin-free fruit and veggie wash
august produce guide

What’s In Season: August Produce Guide

The bounty continues, and we’re starting to see a little bit of crossover into autumnal crops. I personally find a lot of joy in transitioning foods with the seasons. Enjoying the last of the summer bounty and looking forward to the richness and nutrient density of autumn. 

What’s your favorite seasonal food?


Acorn Squash

Butternut and acorn squash are among the types of winter squash that belong to the gourd family, which also includes pumpkin and zucchini. 

Winter squashes have many health benefits, such as high levels of fiber to help keep your digestive system in good shape, vitamin A for proper eye function, and potassium, an essential mineral that helps regulate blood pressure.

Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is usually a little sweeter and nuttier than acorn squash. The nutty flavor makes butternut perfect as an addition to soups,.

Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is usually a little sweeter and nuttier than acorn squash. The nutty flavor makes butternut perfect as an addition to soups. 

Like acorn squash, acorn squash is also a winter squash filled with fiber, vitamin A, potassium and minerals.



With a history that stretches back more than two thousand years, apples have been the apple of our eye since their first introduction to European cultures. 

They are eaten fresh and cooked in various ways-- as a sauce or blended with other ingredients for use in desserts such as pies and tarts.

Aside from high fiber content, apples also boast of polyphenols, which may help reduce cancer risk while improving heart health, memory retention ability, and brain function, among several others!



Apricots are grown throughout the warm regions of the world, especially in the Mediterranean.

They are low in calories and fat, a good source of vitamin A and C, and packed with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. These multiple benefits can promote eyes, skin, and even gut health. Not to mention that fresh apricots are a hydrating food. 

Apricots can be eaten fresh or cooked and can be preserved by canning and drying. Dried apricots are especially high in iron. 



Blackberry bushes grow all over North America (especially in eastern portions), but their favorite place is along the Pacific coast.

Blackberries are high in vitamin C and antioxidants, which help to reduce inflammation in the body. A cup of raw blackberries has 30.2 milligrams of vitamin C or half the daily recommended value. For this reason alone, they've been touted as a superfood.

They are generally eaten fresh, in preserves, or baked goods such as pies!



The Native Americans were the first to recognize blueberries as a versatile and healthful fruit. They used them for medicinal purposes, as a natural flavoring for food, or in pastries like pies and muffins

Blueberries boast many vitamins, including vitamin C, manganese, iron, plus dietary fiber, which is great at aiding digestion! 

Today they're hailed as "superfoods" because of their nutritional value. Fresh berries can be eaten fresh from summertime's harvest while dried ones make excellent flavorings such as sauces with tart lemon juice added in too!



Cantaloupes are not only delicious, but they have a variety of health benefits as well. They contain high levels of beta-carotene, which is an important nutrient for eye and skin protection since it is converted to vitamin A in the body. 

Cantaloupe has over 100% DV per cup for Vitamin C, meaning that eating one serving will give you enough Vitamin C throughout your day! 

This fruit can be enjoyed on its own or mixed with other fruits like bananas, blueberries, strawberries, etc., making it versatile and enjoyable while getting all your daily nutrients at once!



Corn originated in the Americas and is one of the most widely distributed food crops. 

It is one of the most highly genetically modified (GM) ingredients in the United States.  Because of the challenges that genetic modification presents for our health and the environment, I encourage people to choose organic corn and only eat it in moderation. 

Whole-grain corn is rich in fiber and provides many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Despite the sugar in sweet corn, it is not a high glycemic food, as it has low to medium sugar levels.



Cucumbers are widely cultivated. It contains 96% water but high in many important vitamins, such as vitamin K and minerals.

Eating this incredible fruit may lead to many potential health benefits, including better digestion, balanced hydration, and lower blood sugar levels.

Cucumber is a refreshing summer vegetable. It goes perfectly with BBQs and other hot dishes for an added crunch. It also makes some of the yummiest pickles!



Eggplants require a warm climate and have been cultivated in their native Southeast Asia since ancient times.

They are high-fiber food that has many potential health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease and helping with blood sugar control. 

Eggplants are a beautiful, versatile vegetable-- they can be baked, grilled, or fried. A staple in cuisines of the Mediterranean region, eggplant is used in classic dishes as the Greek moussaka, the Italian eggplant parmigiana, and the Middle Eastern relish baba ghanoush.



Fig trees’ natural seedlings can be found in many Mediterranean countries. It is so widely used throughout these regions that it has been nicknamed “the poor man’s food."

The fruit contains significant amounts of copper and vitamin B6. Copper is a mineral that your body needs for the production of red blood cells. It also aids in energy metabolism, and it can help maintain healthy hair, skin, bones, and joints. While vitamin B6 is one of the most essential vitamins to help you maintain a healthy immune system and assist with many bodily processes like balancing hormones, reducing stress levels, and aiding indigestion. 

Figs can be enjoyed fresh, dried, or in tea form. Be sure to consume dried figs in moderation because of their high sugar content.


Green beans

Green beans, also called string beans, are a common food in many kitchens across the United States. 

These vegetables contain several essential vitamins, including folate, which is 10% of your daily recommended intake value and helps prevent neural tube defects and other birth defects. 

You can either blanch them or sauté them to eat raw, and they taste great with melted butter sauce on top!



Also commonly referred to as simply kiwi, this fruit originated in China and was originally called Chinese gooseberry. At some point, it transitioned to New Zealand, where it was renamed Kiwifruit. From there, it traveled to California, where it is now a commercial crop.

Kiwifruits are very high in vitamin C, with just one small fruit providing 120% of your RDA. They have a lot of fiber and are also a good source of potassium, magnesium, and vitamin E.

Our favorite way to eat them is to simply cut them in half and scoop them out with a spoon, although kiwi pineapple smoothies are pretty tasty, and kiwi lime pie is a wonderful thing.  



Kohlrabi is not widely grown commercially but has several health benefits that make it popular in certain regions. 

A single cup (135 grams) contains 17% of the recommended daily fiber intake. It also generously provides your body with vitamin C and B6, which supports the immune system, protein metabolism, red blood cell production, among other things.

Kohlrabi can be roasted or baked but keep the cooking simple to take advantage of its crunch and slightly sweet taste.



Lettuce is a nutritious vegetable in the aster family. Although it comes in many varieties, this leafy veggie, in general, is rich in vitamins K and A. Note that red leaf lettuce is higher in antioxidants.

Most lettuce varieties, such as iceberg and romaine, are eaten fresh and often served in salads, wraps, and sandwiches.



Mangoes are indigenous to southern Asia. They are packed with immune-boosting nutrients -- vitamin A, C, K, and E.

Just one cup of mango has 46 mg of vitamin C or 76% of what you should get per day.

Fresh, yellow mangoes are delicious when eaten plain. I love it as part of smoothies as well!



Okra is native to the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere, such as in Africa and South Asia. 

It is high in vitamins C and K1, which boost the immune system and prevent blood clotting. 

This vegetable is somewhat unique as it also boasts protein and fiber, a nutrient that many fruits and vegetables lack.

Cooking okra is simple. It can be sauteed, pickled, or added to soup and stews.



Peaches probably originated in China and spread westward through Asia and to the Mediterranean countries before finally reaching other parts of Europe. 

Peaches are a rich source of antioxidants that can help protect your body from aging or disease. Plus, they contain a good amount of vitamin A for eye health, especially abundant yellow-fleshed varieties! 

They are widely eaten fresh and are also baked in pies and cobblers.



Peppers are the fruits of a tropical plant related to chilies, tomatoes, and breadfruit; all three were originally grown in America. 

One thing you may not know about peppers? They have 92% water content! The rest consists mainly of carbs with small amounts of protein and fat--making them one very nutritious meal choice for those looking to maintain their weight.

Not only do they provide 169% vitamin C (which is essential), so it's no wonder bell pepper recipes can be found everywhere, from grocery stores on the street corners alike! 

As far as eating these babies go, either raw or cooked will work wonders for our bodies’ health.



Plum trees have been cultivated around the world and grown in a variety of soils. They come from the same family as peaches or cherries.

Plums contain a fair amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Additionally, one plum provides a small amount of B vitamins, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Plums can be eaten fresh, as an after-dinner dessert fruit, or cooked into jam for your morning toast! 



Red raspberries originate from Europe or northern Asia and are often cultivated in temperate areas throughout the world. The most common place to find US-grown berries is California, Oregon, and Washington.

Raspberries contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber which can help provide proper nutrition to your diet. They also come with various health benefits, including providing more than half the recommended daily intake for vitamin C.

Raspberries are a popular ingredient in jams and jellies, but they're also delicious by themselves. 



As you know, strawberries top anew this year’s''Dirty Dozen" list of produce found with the most pesticides. Again, it’s best to buy these organic and wash them thoroughly before eating to avoid this. 

These delicious berries are a good source of vitamin C, manganese, folate (vitamin B9), and potassium. Reduced cholesterol, blood pressure, and inflammation are just a few of its health benefits. 

Furthermore, berries could help prevent spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels.

The fruits are commonly eaten fresh, baked, and preserved


Summer Squash

Squash is considered a vegetable in cooking but botanically classified as a fruit. 

Some popular varieties of summer squash include yellow squashes (196 grams provides more potassium than a large banana), zucchini (low-calorie alternatives to noodles), and pattypan (which contains many vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, folate, and manganese).

These varieties can be sautéed, baked, grilled, or used to make casseroles and soups.


Swiss Chard

The name may imply that it originated in Switzerland, but it is native to the Mediterranean region. Due to its enormous cultivation in Switzerland, it was referred to as a Swiss Chard

These leafy greens are an excellent source of vitamins A and K and nearly fulfills the daily need for vitamin C. Additionally, it is extremely low in calories, making a weight-loss-friendly vegetable.

Swiss chard can be eaten raw in salads, sautéed, or served in soups.



Labeled as a vegetable for nutritional purposes, tomatoes are fruits native to South America.

They're high in vitamins C and lycopene-- an important phytochemical that helps fight off diseases such as cancer.

You can find them eaten raw atop salads with all sorts of tasty toppings like cheese or avocado, baked into delicious dishes like lasagna or marinara sauce, sun or oven-dried, and pickled.  Green tomatoes are also fabulous as a chutney.



Watermelon is native to tropical Africa and cultivated around the world. 

Despite its high water content, it's surprisingly healthy with many nutrients such as lycopene and vitamin C! 

It can be eaten raw or preserved in pickles for a tasty twist to your typical condiment.



Zucchini is a variety of summer squash. Although it is considered a vegetable, it is classified as a fruit.

It is particularly high in vitamin A and offers several health benefits -- from healthy vision to healthy digestion. 

Zucchini is versatile and eaten raw or cooked in stews, soups, salad, and even chips!


When eating fresh, in-season produce, don’t forget to wash it first. Click here to get your toxin-free fruit and veggie wash






what's in season july

What’s In Season: July Produce Guide

July brings such a treat for our taste buds. There are so many fresh and in-season fruits and vegetables that it's hard to pick just one! With such a bounty of fresh produce available, it’s super easy to eat the rainbow at this time of year.

Here's your ultimate guide to July produce, including nutritional profile, buying tips, and some seasonal recipes.


Apricots are grown throughout the warm regions of the world, especially in the Mediterranean.

They are low in calories and fat, a good source of vitamin A and C, and packed with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. These multiple benefits can promote eyes, skin, and even gut health. Not to mention that fresh apricots are a hydrating food. 

Apricots can be eaten fresh or cooked and can be preserved by canning and drying. Dried apricots are especially high in iron. 



Blackberry bushes grow all over North America (especially in eastern portions), but their favorite place is along the Pacific coast.

Blackberries are high in vitamin C and antioxidants, which help to reduce inflammation in the body. A cup of raw blackberries has 30.2 milligrams of vitamin C or half the daily recommended value. For this reason alone, they've been touted as a superfood.

They are generally eaten fresh, in preserves, or baked goods such as pies!



The Native Americans were the first to recognize blueberries as a versatile and healthful fruit. They used them for medicinal purposes, as a natural flavoring for food, or in pastries like pies and muffins

Blueberries boast many vitamins, including vitamin C, manganese, iron, plus dietary fiber, which is great at aiding digestion! 

Today they're hailed as "superfoods" because of their nutritional value. Fresh berries can be eaten fresh from summertime's harvest while dried ones make excellent flavorings such as sauces with tart lemon juice added in too!


Cantaloupes are not only delicious, but they have a variety of health benefits as well. They contain high levels of beta-carotene, which is an important nutrient for eye and skin protection since it is converted to vitamin A in the body. 

Cantaloupe has over 100% DV per cup for Vitamin C, meaning that eating one serving will give you enough Vitamin C throughout your day! 

This fruit can be enjoyed on its own or mixed with other fruits like bananas, blueberries, strawberries, etc., making it versatile and enjoyable while getting all your daily nutrients at once!


Corn originated in the Americas and is one of the most widely distributed food crops. 

It is one of the most highly genetically modified (GM) ingredients in the United States.  Because of the challenges that genetic modification presents for our health and the environment, I encourage people to choose organic corn and only eat it in moderation. 

Whole-grain corn is rich in fiber and provides many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Despite the sugar in sweet corn, it is not a high glycemic food, as it has low to medium sugar levels.



Cucumbers are widely cultivated. It contains 96% water but high in many important vitamins, such as vitamin K and minerals.

Eating this incredible fruit may lead to many potential health benefits, including better digestion, balanced hydration, and lower blood sugar levels.

Cucumber is a refreshing summer vegetable. It goes perfectly with BBQs and other hot dishes for an added crunch. It also makes some of the yummiest pickles!


Green beans

Green beans, also called string beans, are a common food in many kitchens across the United States. 

These vegetables contain several essential vitamins, including folate, which is 10% of your daily recommended intake value and helps prevent neural tube defects and other birth defects. 

You can either blanch them or sauté them to eat raw, and they taste great with melted butter sauce on top! 



Kiwifruits originated in China and were originally called Chinese gooseberry. At some point, it transitioned to New Zealand, where it was renamed Kiwifruit. From there, it traveled to California, where it is now a commercial crop.

Kiwifruits are very high in vitamin C, with just one small fruit providing 120% of your RDA. They have a lot of fiber and are also a good source of potassium, magnesium, and vitamin E. 

Our favorite way to eat them is to simply cut them in half and scoop them out with a spoon, although kiwi pineapple smoothies are pretty tasty, and kiwi lime pie is a wonderful thing.  



Kohlrabi is not widely grown commercially but has several health benefits that make it popular in certain regions. 

A single cup (135 grams) contains 17% of the recommended daily fiber intake. It also generously provides your body with vitamin C and B6, which supports the immune system, protein metabolism, red blood cell production, among other things.

Kohlrabi can be roasted or baked but keep the cooking simple to take advantage of its crunch and slightly sweet taste.



Lettuce is a nutritious vegetable in the aster family. Although it comes in many varieties, this leafy veggie, in general, is rich in vitamins K and A. Note that red leaf lettuce is higher in antioxidants.

Most lettuce varieties, such as iceberg and romaine, are eaten fresh and often served in salads, wraps, and sandwiches.



Mangoes are indigenous to southern Asia. They are packed with immune-boosting nutrients -- vitamin A, C, K, and E.

Just one cup of mango has 46 mg of vitamin C or 76% of what you should get per day.

Fresh, yellow mangoes are delicious when eaten plain. I love it as part of smoothies as well!



Okra is native to the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere, such as in Africa and South Asia. 

It is high in vitamins C and K1, which boost the immune system and prevent blood clotting. 

This vegetable is somewhat unique as it also boasts protein and fiber, a nutrient that many fruits and vegetables lack.

Cooking okra is simple. It can be sauteed, pickled, or added to soup and stews.



Peaches probably originated in China and spread westward through Asia and to the Mediterranean countries before finally reaching other parts of Europe. 

Peaches are a rich source of antioxidants that can help protect your body from aging or disease. Plus, they contain a good amount of vitamin A for eye health, especially abundant yellow-fleshed varieties! 

They are widely eaten fresh and are also baked in pies and cobblers.


Peppers are the fruits of a tropical plant related to chilies, tomatoes, and breadfruit; all three were originally grown in America. 

One thing you may not know about peppers? They have 92% water content! The rest consists mainly of carbs with small amounts of protein and fat--making them one very nutritious meal choice for those looking to maintain their weight.

Not only do they provide 169% vitamin C (which is essential), so it's no wonder bell pepper recipes can be found everywhere, from grocery stores on the street corners alike! 

As far as eating these babies go, either raw or cooked will work wonders for our bodies health.



Plum trees have been cultivated around the world and grown in a variety of soils. They come from the same family as peaches or cherries.

Plums contain a fair amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Additionally, one plum provides a small amount of B vitamins, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Plums can be eaten fresh, as an after-dinner dessert fruit, or cooked into jam for your morning toast! 



Red raspberries originate from Europe or northern Asia and are often cultivated in temperate areas throughout the world. The most common place to find US-grown berries is California, Oregon, and Washington.

Raspberries contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber which can help provide proper nutrition to your diet. They also come with various health benefits, including providing more than half the recommended daily intake for vitamin C.

Raspberries are a popular ingredient in jams and jellies, but they're also delicious by themselves. 



As you know, strawberries top anew this year’s''Dirty Dozen" list of produce found with the most pesticides. Again, it’s best to buy these organic and wash them thoroughly before eating to avoid this. 

These delicious berries are a good source of vitamin C, manganese, folate (vitamin B9), and potassium. Reduced cholesterol, blood pressure, and inflammation are just a few of its health benefits. 

Furthermore, berries could help prevent spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels.

The fruits are commonly eaten fresh, baked, and preserved


Summer Squash

Squash is considered a vegetable in cooking but botanically classified as a fruit. 

Some popular varieties of summer squash include yellow squashes (196 grams provides more potassium than a large banana), zucchini (low-calorie alternatives to noodles), and pattypan (which contains many vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, folate, and manganese).

All of these varieties can be sautéed, baked, grilled, or used to make casseroles and soups.


Swiss Chard

The name may imply that it originated in Switzerland, but it is native to the Mediterranean region. Due to its enormous cultivation in Switzerland, it was referred to as a Swiss Chard

These leafy greens are an excellent source of vitamins A and K and nearly fulfills the daily need for vitamin C. Additionally, it is extremely low in calories, making a weight-loss-friendly vegetable.

Swiss chard can be eaten raw in salads, sautéed, or served in soups.



Labeled as a vegetable for nutritional purposes, tomatoes are fruits native to South America.

They're high in vitamins C and lycopene-- an important phytochemical that helps fight off diseases such as cancer.

You can find them eaten raw atop salads with all sorts of tasty toppings like cheese or avocado, baked into delicious dishes like lasagna or marinara sauce, sun or oven-dried, and pickled.  Green tomatoes are also fabulous as a chutney.



Watermelon is native to tropical Africa and cultivated around the world. 

Despite its high water content, it's surprisingly healthy with many nutrients such as lycopene and vitamin C! 

It can be eaten raw or preserved in pickles for a tasty twist to your typical condiment.



Zucchini is a variety of summer squash. Although it is considered a vegetable, it is classified as a fruit.

It is particularly high in vitamin A and offers several health benefits -- from healthy vision to healthy digestion. 

Zucchini is versatile and eaten raw or cooked in stews, soups, salad, and even chips!

When eating fresh, in-season produce, don’t forget to wash it first. Click here to get your toxin-free fruit and veggie wash


April produce guide

What's In Season: April Produce Guide

Spring is here and brings with it new foods that are at their peak of freshness. How many of these in-season foods can you add to your diet every day? 

Click on the links to find recipes boasting affordable, nutrient-rich, and better-tasting seasonal produce.


Native to the western and central Mediterranean, artichokes are low in fat, rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, phosphorus, and magnesium. 

Moreover, artichokes are among the richest sources of antioxidants. These delicious thistles are usually served as a hot vegetable with a sauce or as a cold appetizer. 


asparagus month

Asparagus is native from Siberia to southern Africa. It is high especially high in vitamin K and folate, essential nutrients that help lower blood pressure and support healthy pregnancy. 

Asparagus is low in calories, high in fiber, and contains 94% water, making it ideal for your digestive health. You can easily incorporate it into your diet; you can add it to salads, omelets, and it also makes a great side dish!


Broccoli, also abundant in January and February, is a superfood native to Europe. Low in calories and packed with many micronutrients, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, broccoli has a reputation for helping to boost immunity and promote heart health.

The Institute for Functional Medicine suggests eating 2-3 cups of broccoli per day. Broccoli can be eaten cooked or raw. When cooking, it can be sautéed, steamed, roasted or air fried. If you plan to serve it without cooking, it's great for salads or dips.


Not many vegetables contain choline. Cauliflower, along with broccoli, is among the sources of this nutrient that most people are lacking. Although the body makes some choline, we still need to consume choline-rich food to get enough. 

Consuming a sufficient amount of choline may reduce the risk of several health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and dementia. 

If you're following a low-carb diet, cauliflower is a healthier choice to replace grains and legumes in a wide variety of recipes. I often like to curry cauliflower for a change of taste. The flavors of curry go well with cauliflower and greens. You can also try my autumnal cauli-mash recipe with roasted, crunchy Brussel sprouts.


Leeks are an ancient crop and are native to eastern Mediterranean lands and the Middle East. Its close relatives are onions, shallots, scallions, chives, and garlic.

Low in calories but high in nutrients, such as magnesium and vitamins A, C, and K, leeks also contain some fiber, copper, vitaminB6, iron, and folate. 

They're widely used in soups and stews. You can also enjoy leeks in dips, salads, and quiche.


Lettuce is a nutritious vegetable in the aster family. Although it comes in many varieties, this leafy veggie, in general, is rich in vitamins K and A. Note that red leaf lettuce is higher in antioxidants.

Most lettuce varieties, such as iceberg and romaine, are eaten fresh and often served in salads, wraps, and sandwiches. 


Mushroom is a type of fungi, but the term “mushroom” is used to identify edible sporophores. It is considered a vegetable for cooking purposes. 

Mushrooms also come in a lot of different shapes, sizes, and colors. The most common types found in the grocery are shiitake, portobello, button, oysters, and crimini.

They are a rich source of antioxidants, potassium, beta-glucan, and B vitamins for heart health and copper for bones and nerves. 

My favorite way to eat mushrooms is by tossing them into eggs, soup or using them to create my no-bean chili recipe


ineapples are delicious tropical fruits native to the Caribbean islands and Central and South America.

They are low in calories and loaded with antioxidants and compounds that can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve digestion, lower the risk of cancer, boost immunity, ease arthritis symptoms, and speed up recovery after surgery or vigorous exercise.

Serving one cup of fresh pineapples along with your usual breakfast or blending frozen pineapples into smoothies is a refreshing way to start your day!


Radish varieties are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Compared to other root vegetables, they have fewer carbs and calories.

Strong immune system, better digestion, and increased bile production are just a few of the many radishes' health benefits. Note that radishes are generally safe to eat, but people with thyroid problems must consume them in moderation.

Using Daikon radish root to substitute for ramen noodles is my personal favorite! 


Rhubarb is classified as a fruit by the USDA. It is a good source of antioxidants, vitamin K, and fiber. Note that rhubarb may be high in oxalate and best to avoid if you are prone to kidney stones. 

Due to its sour and slightly sweet taste, its fleshy, tart leafstalks are usually sugared for use in pies, jams, and crumbles.

Spring Peas

Green peas are actually not a vegetable. They are part of the legume family, consisting of plants that produce pods with seeds inside. Other examples of legumes are lentilschickpeas, and beans

What makes peas unique is their high protein content. Half a cup of peas contains 4 grams of protein. 

Note that raw peas contain higher antinutrients that may disrupt the absorption of some nutrients. So it’s best to eat them fully cooked, fermented, or soaked.

When eating fresh, in-season produce, don’t forget to wash it first. Click here to get your toxin-free fruit and veggie wash!




























What's In Season: December Produce Guide

So many wonderful things to eat that are ripe and in season at this time of year. When we eat in season, and as local as possible, we are getting maximum nutrition. Foods don't have to be picked early and then stored and force ripened. They also taste better when they are at peak freshness. 

Do you have access to a farmers market where you can get these freshly grown produce?


Broccoli is a superfood native to Europe. Low in calories and packed with many micronutrients, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, broccoli has a reputation for helping to boost immunity and promote heart health. The Institute for Functional Medicine suggests eating 2-3 cups of broccoli per day. 

It can be eaten cooked or raw. When cooking, it can be sautéed, steamed, roasted or air fried. If you plan to serve it without cooking, it's great for salads or dips.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts derive their name from Belgium's capital, where they were first cultivated in the 13th century. 

Just 1 cup of raw Brussels sprouts meets the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) recommended daily requirements for vitamin C and vitamin K. Not to mention that they are also rich in minerals. 

They can be eaten raw (when shredded, they make a fabulous slaw!) or served stir-fried, sauteed, or steamed.


Native to the Mediterranean region, there are four different varieties of cabbage: green, red or purple, white savoy, and napa. Regardless of which variety you choose, all of them boast an outstanding nutrient profile.

Cabbage is rich in vitamin K1, providing 85% of the recommended daily intake in just 1 cup. This vitamin is crucial for blood clotting.

The humble cabbage also makes a delicious and inexpensive addition to several healthy recipes, such as casserole, slaw, and even smoothie!


Not many vegetables contain choline. Cauliflower, along with broccoli, is among the sources of this nutrient that most people lack. Although the body makes some choline, we still need to consume choline-rich food to get enough. 

Consuming a sufficient amount of choline may reduce the risk of several health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and dementia. 

Now that we're heading into colder weather, I often like to curry cauliflower for a change of taste. The flavors of curry go well with cauliflower and greens. You can also try my autumnal cauli-mash recipe with roasted, crunchy Brussel sprouts. Yum!


The grapefruit is a citrus fruit that originated in Barbados and became well established as home-grown American produce before spreading to other parts of the world. 

Of all the citrus fruits, grapefruits are among my favorites. They're full of vitamin C and beta-carotene, which helps protect cells from damage that often leads to heart disease or cancer. Grapefruits also have high amounts of lycopene known for their potential ability to prevent certain cancers, such as prostate.

Grapefruits are best enjoyed raw (when they're fresh and juicy!). Slice them up for salads or desserts.


Kale was introduced to the United States by early English settlers in the 17th century and became popular in the 1830s. 

Considered one of the healthiest and most nutritious vegetables, a single cup of kale contains more vitamin C than an orange. Kale also packs a punch providing high amount of Vitamin K and important minerals, such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium. 

Steaming kale, according to a study, could increase the bile acid-binding effect that can lower cholesterol levels in the body. The best way to get the nutrition out of kale is steaming, as it is 43% as effective as cholestyramine, a drug used to treat high cholesterol caused by bile obstruction.

If you’re a big dark leafy greens eater, such as kale, it’s definitely important to make sure you’re getting the organic version of this as it is, unfortunately, number 3 on the 2021 Dirty Dozen List.


Leeks are an ancient crop and are native to eastern Mediterranean lands and the Middle East. Its close relatives are onions, shallots, scallions, chives, and garlic.

Low in calories but high in nutrients, such as magnesium and vitamins A, C, and K, leeks also contain some fiber, plus copper, vitamin B6, iron, and folate. 

They're widely used in soups and stews. You can also enjoy leeks in dips, salads, and quiche.


Mushrooms have been a part of the human diet for thousands of years. The word mushroom is most often used to identify the edible sporophores. The term toadstool is often reserved for inedible or poisonous fungi.

Since it's difficult to identify the toxic ones, it's best to buy from a reliable grocery store or, if possible, from a farmer's market.

Mushrooms are low-fat and cholesterol-free food. They are also a good source of nutrients, such as essential amino acids and B vitamins.

The best way to cook mushrooms to preserve their nutritional properties is to grill them. This would help in retaining more of their goodness and nutrients than frying and boiling.


The citrus fruit oranges are believed to be native to the tropical regions of Asia. There are a number of varieties of orange; some of the most well-known are navel, blood orange, mandarin orange, tangerine, and clementine.

Whole oranges are a great way to keep your blood sugar levels steady due to their low glycemic index plus good fiber content. They are a rich source of vitamin C and other nutrients that can help fight inflammation as well as heart disease or even lower the risk of diabetes.

As The Ingredient Guru, I encourage you to avoid processed (i.e., canned) oranges, as they may contain harmful ingredients such as artificial colors, citric acid, and disease-causing high fructose corn syrup.

If you want to take advantage of oranges this holiday season, try my recipe Orange-Cranberry Bone-In Chicken Breasts. Enjoy! 


Papaya is a delicious tropical fruit that has beautiful soft orange flesh. They can be found throughout Mexico and Central America, as well as in some of the warmest parts of subtropics.

It is high in vitamins C and A, as well as fiber. It also contains an enzyme called papain which can be used to tenderize meat. 

This fabulous fruit may also reduce your risk of many diseases, especially those related told age, such as heart disease and cancer. Their powerful antioxidants like lycopene can help keep skin smooth while helping fight signs of aging. 

Papayas are often served as an appetizer or snack with sugar, lime juice, and nuts for added flair!


Parsnips are a tasty root vegetable related to carrots and parsley roots. They're commonly found in Great Britain and throughout Europe and Asia. Parsnips were introduced in America early in the 17th century. 

They pack a hearty dose of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and other important micronutrients. Parsnips are also low in calories yet high in fiber, improving digestive health, regulating blood sugar levels, and supporting heart health.

If you want to add parsnips to your diet, you can easily swap them for other root vegetables in your favorite recipes. Or make a roasted root vegetable side dish and add parsnips for a delicious flavor boost.


The common pear is a fruit that originated in Europe and has been cultivated for centuries. 

Pears are a good source of polyphenol antioxidants. They also contain other nutrients like folate, vitamin C, copper, and potassium. 

Pears are a good source of fiber, including prebiotics, which promote regular bowel movements, relieves constipation, and help with digestion. If you want to get the most fiber from a pear, eat it with the skin on.

This coming Thanksgiving, my Cinnamon Apple and Pear Sauce recipe is a delicious condiment I highly suggest for roast meats, bread, or even as part of a snack!


Pomegranate is a fruit that is believed to have originated in Iran. It is commonly cultivated in the warmer parts of the United States to Chile.

It is high in dietary fiber, folic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin K. This makes it a nutritious fruit that anyone can enjoy.

If you want to take advantage of the many health benefits of pomegranates, either eat them directly or drink the juice. Pomegranate juice is a source of grenadine syrup used in flavorings and liquor.


Rutabagas are thought to have been first bred in Russia or Scandinavia in the late Middle Ages. They are hearty vegetables packed with fiber, vitamins, and important minerals that you may not be getting enough of.

Among the minerals and micronutrients that rutabagas are rich in are potassium and magnesium, which play an important role in regulating cells, tissue, and organs. In a nutshell, it makes your body work right.  

Rutabaga roots can be cooked with other root veggies, and the leaves are perfect for salads and soups. 

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are native to tropical America and widely cultivated in tropical and warm temperate climates.

They are healthier than regular potatoes because they have a lower glycemic index (GI) and higher levels of nutrients like beta-carotene that help protect your eyesight. They are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and many other vitamins and minerals. 

One of the easiest ways to cook sweet potatoes is to steam them. You can also try mashing, frying, grilling, or even slow-cooking. Here are some of my favorite sweet potato recipes!


Tangelos are a hybrid between the tart taste of tangerine or mandarin oranges and grapefruit, grown primarily in the United States. The two main areas for cultivating tangelos are in Florida and California. 

They are a rich source of vitamin C and folate, which can help maintain healthy skin. Plus, they're high in fiber to keep you feeling full longer! Tangelo flavonoids have been shown to reduce oxidative stress, so it's no wonder this fruit helps improve overall health when eaten regularly. 

Tangelos are an excellent addition to any recipe. They're often found in jam, cakes, and salad but can also be enjoyed as a flavorful fruit for desserts like frosting or pie filling!


Tangerines are indigenous to Southeast Asia. They are a subgroup of mandarins and the second-largest cultivated citrus fruit after oranges. They're a bit smaller and less round than oranges, but they have a sweeter taste.

The pulp of tangerines is tender and juicy, with a rich flavor that provides vitamin C and antioxidants. Plus, they're good sources of other vitamins and minerals, such as potassium and B complex vitamins. 

You can also use tangerines instead of orange in my Bone-In Chicken Breasts recipe. 


Turnips are thought to have originated in middle and eastern Asia. Both turnips and turnip leaves provide over 30% of the daily value for vitamin C. The leaves are also a rich source of folate, vitamin K, and vitamin A.

Moreover, their glucosinolate compounds may help control blood sugar levels, fight harmful bacteria, and provide anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. 

Turnip roots make a great addition to salads! They can also be cooked and served whole, mashed, or used in chowder.

When eating fresh, in-season produce, don’t forget to wash it first. Click here to get your toxin-free fruit and veggie wash!
































what's in season: june

What’s In Season: June Produce Guide

The month of June is the prelude to summer. And as we enjoy the long Memorial Day weekend, I couldn’t help but get excited with the fruit-dominated produce that will hit our favorite farm stand or farmer’s market in the coming days. 

We all have our fair share of fond summer memories. And mine was always built around the most beautiful fruits and vegetables available at the farmer’s markets and our CSA that can be turned into delicious dishes that I and my family enjoy.


Apricots are grown throughout the warm regions of the world, especially in the Mediterranean.

They are low in calories and fat, a good source of vitamin A and C, and packed with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. These multiple benefits can promote eyes, skin, and even gut health. Not to mention that fresh apricots are a hydrating food. 

Apricots can be eaten fresh or cooked and can be preserved by canning and drying. Dried apricots are especially high in iron. 

Blueberrieswhat's in season: june

The Native Americans were the first to recognize blueberries as a versatile and healthful fruit. They used them for medicinal purposes, as a natural flavoring for food, or in pastries like pies and muffins

Blueberries boast many vitamins, including vitamin C, manganese, iron, plus dietary fiber, which is great at aiding digestion! 

Today they're hailed as “superfoods” because of their nutritional value. Fresh berries can be eaten fresh from summertime's harvest while dried ones make excellent flavorings such as sauces with tart lemon juice added in too!


A relative of many varieties of melon, cantaloupe is probably the most versatile of them all. Its distinct light orange, juicy, and fragrant pulp has the right sweetness to be a savory snack or a refreshing dessert. It is low in calories (only 54 cal per cup) and high in beta-carotene and vitamin C. 

The easiest way to select the best one is by the smell of it. It must have a sweet and slightly musky scent, and the skin appears to have a raised netting around it. 

We love it wrapped in prosciutto as a delightful aperitif, or toss with some flax or pine nuts for salads, and even as a granita without sugar to enjoy its natural sweetness that the kids will love. Just like other melons, cantaloupe makes a refreshing agua fresca, perfect for those hot summer days.


Cherries are eighth on this year’s Dirty Dozen list. I recommend that you choose organic whenever possible to avoid possible risks from pesticides. 

These delicious fruits are high in Vitamin C and offer a host of health benefits. It can speed recovery after exercise, improve sleep, and boost heart health.

The sweet and tart varieties can be eaten fresh as a healthy snack; incorporate them in baked goods or add the juice to sparkling water for a hydrating drink for summer!


Could corn get any more summery? We can’t deny the astounding difference between fresh corn and canned or imported ones. And with the anticipated surplus, you can also expect other varieties of heirloom corns to make it to our kitchen table. 

Corn is an excellent source of fiber, thiamine, folate and ranks low on the glycemic index when consumed in moderation. This healthy whole grain is so versatile that we can enjoy them in salads, soups, boiled, or grilled. Be sure to choose heirloom, sustainably grown varieties in order to avoid excessive pesticide and glyphosate exposure.


Also commonly referred to as simply kiwi, this fruit originated in China and was originally called Chinese gooseberry. At some point, it transitioned to New Zealand, where it was renamed Kiwifruit. From there, it traveled to California, where it is now a commercial crop.

Kiwifruits are very high in vitamin C, with just one small fruit providing 120% of your RDA. They have a lot of fiber and are also a good source of potassium, magnesium, and vitamin E.

Our favorite way to eat them is to simply cut them in half and scoop them out with a spoon, although kiwi pineapple smoothies are pretty tasty, and kiwi lime pie is a wonderful thing.  


Lettuce is a nutritious vegetable in the aster family. Although it comes in many varieties, this leafy veggie, in general, is rich in vitamins K and A. Note that red leaf lettuce is higher in antioxidants.

Most lettuce varieties, such as iceberg and romaine, are eaten fresh and often served in salads, wraps, and sandwiches.

Mangoesaugust produce guide

Mangoes are indigenous to southern Asia. They are packed with immune-boosting nutrients -- vitamin A, C, K, and E.

Just one cup of mango has 46 mg of vitamin C or 76% of what you should get per day.

Fresh, yellow mangoes are delicious when eaten plain. I love it as part of smoothies as well!

Peachesaugust produce guide

Peaches probably originated in China and spread westward through Asia and to the Mediterranean countries before finally reaching other parts of Europe. 

Peaches are a rich source of antioxidants that can help protect your body from aging or disease. Plus, they contain a good amount of vitamin A for eye health, especially abundant yellow-fleshed varieties! 

They are widely eaten fresh and are also baked in pies and cobblers.

Strawberriesaugust produce guide

As you know, strawberries top anew this year’s”Dirty Dozen” list of produce found with the most pesticides. Again, it’s best to buy these organic and wash them thoroughly before eating to avoid this. 

These delicious berries are a good source of vitamin C, manganese, folate (vitamin B9), and potassium. Reduced cholesterol, blood pressure, and inflammation are just a few of its health benefits. 

Furthermore, berries could help prevent spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels.

The fruits are commonly eaten fresh, baked, and preserved

Swiss Chardaugust produce guide

The name may imply that it originated in Switzerland, but it is native to the Mediterranean region. Due to its enormous cultivation in Switzerland, it was referred to as a Swiss Chard

These leafy greens are an excellent source of vitamins A and K and nearly fulfills the daily need for vitamin C. Additionally, it is extremely low in calories, making a weight-loss-friendly vegetable.

Swiss chard can be eaten raw in salads, sautéed, or served in soups.

Watermelonaugust produce guide

Watermelon is native to tropical Africa and cultivated around the world. 

Despite its high water content, it's surprisingly healthy with many nutrients such as lycopene and vitamin C! 

It can be eaten raw or preserved in pickles for a tasty twist to your typical condiment.

 Zucchiniaugust produce guide

Zucchini is a variety of summer squash. Although it is considered a vegetable, it is classified as a fruit.

It is particularly high in vitamin A and offers several health benefits — from healthy vision to healthy digestion. 

Zucchini is versatile and eaten raw or cooked in stews, soups, salad, and even chips

When eating fresh, in-season produce, don’t forget to wash it first. Click here to get your toxin-free fruit and veggie wash


what's in season May

What’s In Season: May Produce Guide

As colorful as the May flowers, we can expect the more favorable month to bring in exciting spring produce that is picked at its peak time for the best color and taste!

With the abundance of fruits and vegetables coming our way this season, I can't help but be excited to turn them into memorable spring dishes and desserts for my family. 

I hope you enjoy this list of wonderful selection of fresh seasonal produce! Remember that buying organic versions of the vegetables and fruits on the Dirty Dozen list can help you avoid pesticide residues.



Apricots are grown throughout the warm regions of the world, especially in the Mediterranean.

They are low in calories and fat, a good source of vitamin A and C, and packed with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. These multiple benefits can promote eyes, skin, and even gut health. Not to mention that fresh apricots are a hydrating food. 

Apricots can be eaten fresh or cooked and can be preserved by canning and drying. Dried apricots are especially high in iron. 


Cherries are eighth on this year’s Dirty Dozen list. I recommend that you choose organic whenever possible to avoid possible risks from pesticides. 

These delicious fruits are high in Vitamin C and offer a host of health benefits. It can speed recovery after exercise, improve sleep, and boost heart health.

The sweet and tart varieties can be eaten fresh as a healthy snack; incorporate them in baked goods or add the juice to sparkling water for a hydrating drink for summer!


Mangoes are indigenous to southern Asia. They are packed with immune-boosting nutrients -- vitamin A, C, K, and E. Just one cup of mango has 46 mg of vitamin C or 76% of what you should get per day.

It is the best time to go eat them fresh and buy from your local market. Mangoes and salsa are also a delicious combination. This easy-to-make recipe combines both fruits into a refreshingly sweet and tangy 


Okra is native to the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere, such as in Africa and South Asia. 

It is high in vitamins C and K1, which boost the immune system and prevent blood clotting. This vegetable is somewhat unique as it also boasts protein and fiber, a nutrient that many fruits and vegetables lack.

Cooking okra is simple. It can be sauteed, pickled, or added to soup and stews.


Once again, strawberries top the annual ''Dirty Dozen" list of produce found with the most pesticides. Again, to avoid this, it’s best to buy these organic and wash them thoroughly before eating. 

These delicious berries are a good source of vitamin C, manganese, folate (vitamin B9), and potassium. Reduced cholesterol, blood pressure, and inflammation are just a few of its health benefits. 

Furthermore, berries could help prevent spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels.

The fruits are commonly eaten fresh, baked, and preserved

Swiss chard

The name may imply that it originated in Switzerland but it is native to the Mediterranean region. Due to its enormous cultivation in Switzerland, it was referred to as a Swiss Chard. 

These leafy greens are an excellent source of vitamins A and K and nearly fulfills the daily need for vitamin C. Additionally, it is extremely low in calories, making a weight-loss-friendly vegetable.

Here are two ways to cook Swiss Chard.


Zucchini is a variety of summer squash. Although it is considered a vegetable, it is classified as a fruit. 

It is particularly high in vitamin A and offers several health benefits -- from healthy vision to healthy digestion. 

Zucchini is versatile and be eaten raw or cooked in stews, soups, salad, and even as bread!


Native to the western and central Mediterranean, artichokes are low in fat, rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, phosphorus, and magnesium. 

Moreover, artichokes are among the richest sources of antioxidants. These delicious thistles are usually served as a hot vegetable with a sauce or as a cold appetizer. 


Asparagus is native from Siberia to southern Africa. It is high in vitamin K and folate, essential nutrients that help lower blood pressure and support healthy pregnancy. 

Asparagus is low in calories, high in fiber, and contains 94% water, making it ideal for your digestive health. You can easily incorporate it into your diet; you can add it to salads, omelets, and it also makes a great side dish!

Here are some ways to prepare and cook asparagus. 


Lettuce is a nutritious vegetable in the aster family. Although it comes in many varieties, this leafy veggie, in general, is rich in vitamins K and A. Note that red leaf lettuce is higher in antioxidants.

Most lettuce varieties, such as iceberg and romaine, are eaten fresh and often served in salads, wraps, and sandwiches. 


Pineapples are delicious tropical fruits native to the Caribbean islands and Central and South America.

They are low in calories and loaded with antioxidants and compounds that can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve digestion, lower the risk of cancer, boost immunity, ease arthritis symptoms, and speed up recovery after surgery or vigorous exercise.

Serving one cup of fresh pineapples along with your usual breakfast or blending frozen pineapples into smoothies is a refreshing way to start your day! 


Radish varieties are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Compared to other root vegetables, they have fewer carbs and calories.

Strong immune system, better digestion, and increased bile production are just a few of the many radishes' health benefits. Note that radishes are generally safe to eat, but people with thyroid problems must consume them in moderation.

Using Daikon radish root to substitute for ramen noodles is my personal favorite! 


Rhubarb is classified as a fruit by the USDA. It is a good source of antioxidants, vitamin K, and fiber. Note that rhubarb may be high in oxalate and best to avoid if you are prone to kidney stones. 

Due to its sour and slightly sweet taste, its fleshy, tart leafstalks are usually sugared for use in pies, jams, and crumbles.

Spring Peas


Green peas are not a vegetable. They are part of the legume family, consisting of plants that produce pods with seeds inside. Other examples of legumes are lentils, chickpeas, and beans.

What makes peas unique is their high protein content. Half a cup of peas contains 4 grams of protein. 

Note that raw peas contain higher antinutrients that may disrupt the absorption of some nutrients. So it’s best to eat them fully cooked, fermented, or soaked. 
















When eating fresh, in-season produce, don’t forget to wash it first. Click here to get your toxin-free fruit and veggie wash!