Monthly Archives: May 2023

ways to relieve stress

7 Ways To Relieve Stress And Anxiety

Navigating through stress and anxiety might seem overwhelming, particularly in our rapidly changing contemporary environment.  However, remember that you possess the capacity to modify your reactions to stressful events and create an atmosphere of calm within.

Here are seven strategies you can use in your daily life to help lower your stress and anxiety levels. 

1. Butterfly Tapping

Interlace your thumbs so your hands form a butterfly and place your thumbs just below the dip between your clavicles. Close your eyes and breath in and out slowly while tapping your fingertips against your clavicle. You can tap both sides together or in an alternating pattern. Do this for 2-3 minutes.

2. Box Breathing

This measured form of breathing can be very helpful for reducing stress. Breath into your belly slowly to a count of four - hold the breath for four counts - release slow for four counts - hold for four counts. Repeat four times.

3. Stretch

Stand up to take a break from sitting. Take a deep breath in while you raise your arms above your head with your fingers laced together. Stretch upwards, release your hands, and bring them down to your sides while you exhale. Repeat this five times.

4. Nature break

Connecting with nature is a wonderful stress relief. Spend 10-15 minutes outside, if possible with bare feet on grass or dirt. If you're in a city and there is no grass, plants, or trees nearby, looking at images of nature can also be helpful.

5. Laughter

There's a big movement toward laughter yoga and it's health benefits. Start laughing and you may find that your mood changes. Even if you're not feeling it at the beginning, the act of really enjoying a belly laugh has lots of positive benefits. If needed check out a laughter yoga video.

6. Take a journal break

Journaling has been shown to be highly beneficial for stress reduction. Even a 10-15 minute journal break can be a good way to disconnect from stress. Consider either using a list of journal prompts and working through them one at a time, or simply practicing free-flowing journaling and writing whatever comes to mind until the timer goes off.

7. Positive self-talk

Positive input is important for your well-being and a great way to practice self-care. Take 5-10 minutes and talk out loud to yourself in a positive manner. 

sneaky sources of gluten

Top 25 Sneaky Sources Of Gluten

If you're avoiding gluten in your diet you need to know these hidden sources that could potentially contain gluten.

Avoiding gluten

More people are avoiding gluten in their diet, you may be one of them.

Not everyone has celiac disease, but an increasing number of people are discovering they simply feel better when they remove gluten. Common symptoms of gluten sensitivity may include:

  • bloating, diarrhea or constipation
  • brain fog
  • fatigue, especially after eating gluten-containing foods
  • headaches or migraines
  • joint or muscle pain
  • nasal congestion or sinus issues
  • rashes or other skin conditions like psoriasis

Although it can be challenging to determine exact which symptoms may be related to consuming gluten, eliminating it for 30 days can be helpful to see if there's an issue. If you're going to do this you'll want to be sure to read the labels in order to remove all sources of gluten.

Remember this

It can be difficult sometimes to remember which grains do and which grains don't have gluten. This simple mnemonic is an easy way to remember the gluten containing grains:




Oats (unless certified gluten free they can be contaminated

Wheat (includes faro, kamut, eincorn, and other types of wheat)


Hidden sources of gluten

Because this list is pretty long it can be difficult to remove all sources at once. Although that would be great, it can be overwhelming to try to do it all at once.  Make a list of the items on this list which are most likely to be a problem for you and one at a time find substitutions so you can get rid of the gluten.

  1. Beef Jerky - Some flavors, especially those with teriyaki, contain soy sauce (see soy below)

  2. Broth or soup stock – Packaged or powdered broths may have yeast extracts from barley or hydrolyzed wheat protein.

  3. Cheeses – Any cheeses that are soaked in beer or which have a beer rind, unless otherwise marked, will be made with a wheat or barley beer. Blue cheese spores may come from a rye or wheat base. Shredded cheeses may be using flour to help them not stick together. Any soft cheeses that state modified food starch on the label, unless marked gluten free, probably contain gluten.

  4. Corn or rice flakes or crisp cereals – Many of these can use malt which comes from barley.

  5. Deli meats – You are allowed to ask to see the label on these. Watch out for wheat gluten, wheat dextrin, modified food starch, or soy products.

  6. Energy and/or granola bars – These are often made with oats. Unless they are labeled gluten free there is a potential for cross contamination.

  7. French fries – Unless they're fried in a separate fryer there will be cross contamination from other fried foods that are battered. Also restaurant or frozen french fries may contain wheat flour to help keep them from sticking to one another.

  8. Hard cider, hard lemonade, wine coolers, or other adult alco-pop beverages – These are often made with malt, even the hard ciders.

  9. Ice pops, dessert bars, and frozen fruit confections – The fruit only items (fruit juice, water, sweetener) are most likely gluten free. Others may use wheat starch, malt, or maltodextrin.

  10. Licorice – Most licorice, unless specifically gluten free, uses wheat as the primary binding agent.

  11. Marinades and BBQ sauces – Avoid any that have flour, malt, or soy.

  12. Meat substitutes – Imitation meats may use vital wheat gluten. For those that list yeast extract as one of the ingredients, unless it's certified gluten free it may contain gluten. Seitan, a popular vegetarian meat substitute is made from wheat gluten. 

  13. Mustard – The thickener may be from wheat flour. If it simply says thickening agent or bulking agent and is not identified as gluten free, assume there's gluten in it.

  14. Pickles – Malt vinegar is used for some types of pickles. The malt comes from barley.

  15. Restaurant egg dishes – Eggs are gluten free, but not all egg dishes are. In some restaurants they add pancake batter to make their omelettes and scrambled eggs fluffier.

  16. Salad dressings – These can be a prime source of gluten. Read the label and avoid the words flour, modified food starch, modified wheat starch, malt vinegar, and soy ingredients.

  17. Sausage – Some sausages have bread or wheat gluten, especially the plant-based ones.

  18. Seasoned rice – Especially for sushi, but any seasoned rice is a potential source of exposure from soy, wheat flour, or wheat starch.

  19. Milkshakes – Malted milk uses barley to get the malt flavoring. Any cookie, brownie, or cake bits in a shake will also have gluten in them. Make sure the scoops that are used are fresh and have not been used for gluten-containing flavors.

  20. Roux – Anything which claims to contain roux has gluten as this is a mix of flour and fat.

  21. Soy, tamari, and teriyaki sauces – These sauces are traditionally made using fermented crushed wheat and soy. Traditionally made with fermented crushed wheat and soy in a salty brine with mold cultures.  

  22. Taco seasonings– Some brands may have wheat as part of the seasoning.

  23. Vegan hot dogs – (see Meat Substitutes above) These may be made with wheat gluten as a binder and/or yeast extracts for flavor.

  24. Veggie burgers – (see Meat Substitutes above) In addition to wheat gluten some of these may hae oat bran or oats. Unless clearly identified as gluten free these may be cross contaminated.

  25. Vinegar – Malt vinegar uses barley. Flavored vinegars may also use barley. Distilled white vinegar can be made from a variety of starches. If you are, or suspect you are, highly sensitive you may want to avoid this.

In conclusion, gluten can be present in more than just bread, cake, and pasta. If you are someone who needs to avoid gluten it’s important to be aware of the different places where ingredients made from glutenous grains can hide. Make mindful changes, one step at a time. 

elimination diet

How To Do An Elimination Diet: Discovering Food Sensitivities

The elimination diet is considered the gold standard for identifying food allergies or sensitivities. The process consists of removing suspected foods from the diet for a specified time and then slowly re-introducing them back in a controlled fashion. Through the process, you pay close attention to how your body reacts with each re-introduction; using a food journal can be very helpful. 

Elimination Diet Benefits

The biggest benefit of an elimination diet is that it can help you determine specific foods that you may be allergic, sensitive, or intolerant to. Food sensitivities can produce a wide range of symptoms such as ADD/ADHD, brain fog, depression, pain, rashes, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, headache, obesity, and stomach aches just to name a few. Knowing which foods you are sensitive to can help you make better food choices for your overall health.

Phases of the diet

There are two phases in an elimination diet. Phase one is where the diet gets its name – elimination. The second phase is the reintroduction phase. It is important to understand each phase and the process for completing it.

Elimination Phase

In this phase foods common trigger foods are eliminated from the diet.  Foods that you suspect your body can’t tolerate can be eliminated as well the common trigger foods. These trigger foods include:

  • Beverages – Alcohol and caffeine should be avoided.  Sources of caffeine include soda, coffee, tea, and cocoa
  • Citrus fruits – Avoid all citrus fruits including lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and pomelos
  • Corn – This is one the nine top allergens and therefore is part of the elimination. Conventionally grown corn tends to be treated with glyphosate which can disrupt the gut, another good reason to include it in this phase
  • Dairy – All forms of dairy from all animal sources are eliminated
  • Eggs – These are another top nine allergen, avoid eggs from all sources
  • Fats – Eliminate less than desirable fats including margarine, hydrognated oils, spreads, and mayonnaise
  • Gluten – Avoid all sources of gluten, wheat, barley, rye, spelt, oats, kamut, and farro. In highly sensitive individuals a complete grain free elimination may be necessary
  • Legumes – Beans, lentils, and peas should all be avoided
  • Nightshade vegetables – These contain a plant alkaloid called solanine which people can be very sensitive to.  Avoid tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and peppers including paprika and cayenne. This does not include sweet potatoes or black pepper as those are not from the nightshade family
  • Nuts and seeds – Nuts are part of the top nine allergens as are sesame seeds. All nuts and seeds are avoided during the elimination phase
  • Peanuts – Not a nut, peanuts are a fatty legume which is part of the top nine food allergens and should be avoided during this phase
  • Processed meats – These tend to have a lot of additives in them which may be contributing to food sensitivity issues.  Avoid all processed meats, canned meats, cold cuts, and bacon
  • Shellfish – All shellfish should be avoided
  • Soy – Another food that is highly contaminated with glyphosate, soy is also phytoestrogenic and goitrogenic making it potentially problematic for people with hormone or thyroid issues
  • Sugars – All sugar should be avoided during the elimination phase including table sugar, honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, and agave nectar

Remember this is just for a short time period to allow your body to rest from potential inflammatory foods. The elimination diet is not meant to be a lifestyle. It is important to remember this.

What Do I Eat on an Elimination Diet?

The most important point here is to eat real food! Health and nourishment come from real, unadulterated food.

  • Animal Protein: These proteins are best obtained from pasture-raised or wild caught sources and can include fish, chicken, turkey, lamb, wild game, and fish. Processed fish and meats should be avoided.
  • Fruit: Any fruit except for citrus can be eaten. Between one half to one and a half cups per day.
  • Gluten-free grains: Any gluten-free grain which can include quinoa, wild rice, amaranth, buckwheat, millet, and teff can be eaten.
  • Healthy Fats: Cold-pressed olive oil, coconut oil, and avocados are great sources of healthy fat
  • Herbs and Spices: Any can be consumed except cayenne, red pepper, and paprika as these are all nightshades. White and black pepper are okay to use during an elimination diet. Herbs and spices not only add flavor to our food, they are little powerhouses of healing potential.
  • Vegetables: Three to four cups of leafy greens plus two to three cups of colorful veggies. Remember, nightshade vegetables should not be eaten during the elimination period. Think about eating a rainbow of colors when it comes to fruits and vegetables.

Eating these health-promoting foods allows your body to not only be nourished but also gives it a rest from foods that may be aggravating. At the end of the elimination period (your symptoms should have improved during this time), it is time to reintroduce foods back into your diet. This is done slowly, one at a time.

Reintroduction Phase

After successfully completing the elimination phase you slowly bring foods back into your diet.  It is helpful to work with a holistic nutrition professional to do this in order to make sure you’re getting the support and guidance you need. 

The point of this process is to eliminate and then slowly reintroduce foods one at a time. This is so you can monitor your reactions/symptoms. You want to pay careful attention to your sleep, mood, energy, digestion, bowel habits, skin challenges, and so on.

  • Bloating, gas, or cramping
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Fatigue or low energy
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Issues with sleep
  • Joint pain
  • Rashes or itching
3 Day Reintroduction Process
  • Day 1 you will reintroduce one food, eating two servings of it during the day at different times.
  • Day 2 and Day 3 stop eating the new food. Watch for any reactions from it
  • Day 4 and beyond will depend on what happened on day 2 and 3. If no disturbance occurs, move on to the next food; repeating the three-day cycle.

Even if there is no reaction to a food, it is important to not eat that food again until all foods in that category have been tested. If you experience any reaction on day 2 or 3, you will need to wait until those symptoms subside before reintroducing another food.

It’s best to work through the foods you had eliminated, determining which foods produce a reaction and which do not. For any food that does produce a reaction that is moderate to severe, it is best to eliminate that food for a longer period, such as four months. After that time, you can retest to see if your body has adjusted and gained a tolerance to the food. If a food produces no reaction, it is advised to eat the food only occasionally or only as long as no disturbance is noted.

If there is a known anaphylactic allergy to any food, DO NOT try to reintroduce it.

By now you realize an elimination diet may not be easy, but can be worth it in the end. The diet is a beneficial way to help you determine which foods may be trigger foods. You can then eliminate them for a period and see if this helps restore gut health and overall sensitivity

Studies have shown that an elimination diet has been helpful with conditions such as IBS, eczema, migraines, and more. Using an elimination diet can also help you learn which healthy foods you can continue to eat and enjoy. It is always in your best interest to eat real, whole, organic foods if at all possible and eliminate processed foods, sugars, and artificial sweeteners.

After going through an elimination diet it may be helpful to use the Rotation Diet Theory in order to help reduce over-exposure to proteins and support gut integrity. The Rotation Diet Theory is based on the thinking that the more you are exposed to certain proteins the higher the potential to develop sensitivities to them. Most humans tend to have a preference for their top 20 foods and those are the ones they eat over and over and over. It is not uncommon for those favorite foods to be the ones that show up on a food sensitivity test or which are revealed through an elimination diet to be the ones causing the issues.

When you are doing an elimination diet, it can be helpful to work with an experienced health educator or coach. If you would like to learn more about doing an elimination diet, please reach out to me.



Alpay K, Ertas M, Orhan EK, Ustay DK, Lieners C, Baykan B. Diet restriction in migraine, based on IgG against foods: a clinical double-blind, randomised, cross-over trial. Cephalalgia. 2010 Jul;30(7):829-37. doi: 10.1177/0333102410361404. Epub 2010 Mar 10. PMID: 20647174; PMCID: PMC2899772.

  •   Chey, W.D, MD, AGAF, FACG, FACP, RFF. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 114(2):p 201-203, February 2019. | DOI: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000000099
  •   Pacor ML, Peroli P, Nicolis F, Bambara LM, Givanni S, Marrocchella R, Lunardi C. Eczema e allergia alimentare nell'adulto [Eczema and food allergy in the adult]. Recenti Prog Med. 1990 Mar;81(3):139-41. Italian. PMID: 2359866.
  •   Smith, Erin, Foxx-Orenstein, Amy, Marks, Lisa A. and Agrwal, Neera. "Food Sensitivity Testing and Elimination Diets in the Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome" Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, vol. 120, no. 1, 2020, pp. 19-23.

asparagus benefits

7 Nutritional Benefits Of Asparagus

You read a lot about various different super foods and how healthy they are for you.  Many of these superfoods tend to come from other countries.  But you don't need to go far to find delicious superfoods, many of them are available right here at home.

One of my favorites is asparagus. Although it's native to the west coast of Asia, it is cultivated worldwide. It's a delicious, nutrient dense perennial with edible leaves and stalks. There are a number of varieties of asparagus and it is often used in casseroles, salads, soups, or as a side dish.

Nutrition facts for asparagus

You may be wondering why I consider asparagus a superfood. It's simple, it contains an array of micronutrients all of which are highly supportive for the body.

1.Vitamin A

Important for vision, skin health, bone health, and the immune system

2. Vitamin C

An antioxidant that is supportive for collagen production, hormone production, and helps protect against heart disease

3. Vitamin K

Supportive for bone health (and boost vitamin D uptake) Vitamin K2 is also important for soft tissue structures and cardiac health

4. Folate

Vital for DNA synthesis and repair.  This B vitamin also supports cellular  and tissue growth

5. Thiamine

Which is the name for Vitamin B1, helps the body turn food into energy. Also important for glucose metabolism, nerve, heart, and muscular function

6. Riboflavin

Responsible for producing energy for the body, riboflavin, also known as Vitamin B2, acts as an antioxidant and fights free radicals.  It is also important for red blood cell production

7. Zinc

This essential trace element is highly important for proper immune and digestive system function as well as hair, skin, nails, and eyesight.  It is also beneficial for managing stress, energy metabolism, overall system healing, and appetite/taste

In addition to the micronutrients, asparagus is low in calories, provides a good source of fiber, and  1 cup of cooked asparagus contains 4.4 grams of protein. 

Best ways to prepare asparagus

  • Cleaning – before you can cook asparagus you'll need to clean it properly.  Aside from rinsing well, to remove any dirt, you'll also need to remove the woody ends. It's best, and easiest to snap them, rather than cutting them off. This way the stalk will separate right where the woody section ends and the soft, tender section begins.
  • Roasting – Lay the asparagus spears on a baking tray, drizzle lightly with olive oil, salt, and pepper, Place in a preheated 400°F oven for 10-12 minutes
  • Steaming – Place spears in a steamer basket set over a few inches of water. Turn on the stove and bring the water to a boil. Steam the asparagus for just 1-2 minutes.  Do not over steam as the spears will get mushy.
  • Blanching – To blanch asparagus you may need to cut the spears to fit the size pot you are using. Place into boiling water and blanch for 1-2 minutes. Do not leave too long in the boiling water as the spears will become mushy.

After cooking asparagus one delicious way to finish them before serving is to add a squeeze of lemon or lime juice plus salt and pepper to taste.  Herbs that pair well with asparagus include chives, dill, garlic, and tarragon.

Adding asparagus to your dietspaghetti squash with asparagus

Although it's available year round, for proper nutrient density and full flavor, asparagus is best eaten in season.

As mentioned above, asparagus is a very versatile vegetable and  can be used in soups, casseroles, and more.  But we don't want to eat just asparagus, we want to have more vegetables in our diet!  Asparagus is simply one of many wonderful veggies that should be considered when you're looking to get your 3-5 servings per day.

Some delicious ideas for pairing asparagus with other vegetables include:

  • Spaghetti squash primavera – snap peas, green peas, asparagus, and onion

  • Asparagus with cannelli beans and Italian seasoning

  • Asparagus salad – on a bed of mixed greens add slices of asparagus, sliced cherry tomatoes, chopped walnuts, and freshly shaved parmesan cheese

  • Sautee asparagus with olives and fresh basil for a delicious side dish

  • Asparagus makes a fabulous addition to a frittata with tomatoes and bell peppers

However you choose to add asparagus to your diet, this is one delicious, nutritious, and super tasty vegetable. Just right for an unacknowledged superfood.

Differences Between Protein Powder and Collagen

The Differences Between Protein Powder And Collagen

As more people prioritize their health and wellness, there has been a growing interest in supplementing with either protein powder and/or collagen. While they may sound similar, these products are actually quite different and serve different purposes. 

What are the differences between protein powder and collagen?

Protein powder is a dietary supplement that provides a concentrated source of protein, which is essential for building and repairing muscles, bones, skin, and other tissues in the body. Protein powder can be made from a variety of sources such as whey, casein, and pea. It is often used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts in order to enhance performance, build muscle mass, and to aid in post-workout recovery. It is important to note that protein powder can be used by anyone looking to increase their protein intake, including vegetarians, based on the source of the protein and their preference for animal protein or not.

Collagen, on the other hand,  is the most abundant protein in the body. It is responsible for maintaining the health and elasticity of our skin, bones, joints, and other connective tissues. Our body tends to produce less collagen as we age, which can result in wrinkles, joint pain, or other signs of aging. Collagen supplements are derived from animal sources, such as cow or fish. In addition to supporting skin and joint health it can also promote healthy hair and nail. 

Protein powder benefits

protein powder

  • Building muscle mass: It’s an excellent source of amino acids which are essential for building and repairing muscle tissue.  Getting enough Protein is very important for people over 40, as it prevents muscle wasting that can happen as we age. Protein also helps promote a faster metabolic rate. And let’s not forget that good quality muscle mass is necessary for a strong and capable body, a stronger core, and better posture.
  • Weight loss: Many people trying to lose weight may be eating too little protein. The use of protein powder may help boost the system a little
  • Post workout recovery: Adding a protein boost after workouts can often help reduce muscle soreness and support recovery
  • Convenience: Protein powder is an easy way to up your protein intake, especially if you are on the go

Collagen powder benefitscollagen powder

  1. Healthy skin, hair, and nails: Collagen promotes elasticity and hydration. This can help to improve the appearance of your skin, hair, and nails
  2. Joint health: Studies have shown collagen is very helpful for repairing cartilage as well as reducing joint pain and stiffness 
  3. Gut health: Collagen helps support your gut by helping to balance the beneficial bacteria as well as helping to create a strong gut lining both of which can help with digestion
  4. Bone health: In addition to improving hair, skin, and nails, collagen can also improve how strong your bones are and your bone density 

Which one should I use?

Whether you choose protein powder or collagen powder really depends on your wellness goals and your dietary needs. 

Looking to build muscle mass or recover after a workout?

Protein powder may be a better choice. 

Want to improve the health and appearance of your skin, hair, and nails, or support joint and gut health?

Collagen may be a better choice here.

In conclusion

Both protein powder and collagen have their own unique benefits and can be used to supplement a healthy diet. 

By understanding the differences between the two, you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

My preferred powder, whether it’s protein or collagen, is Rootz.  I’ve written about them before and I like their clean label profile and how they create their products. 

Here’s a quick and easy smoothie that uses either protein powder or collagen.protein powder vs collagen

  • 1 serving protein powder or collagen powder
  • 1 ½  cup almond milk
  • 1-2 T.  seeds (flax, chia, hemp, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame)
  • 1 handful greens 
  • 1/2 C. berries, fresh or frozen
  • 2 T. melted coconut oil
  1. Place all ingredients into a blender except the coconut oil
  2. Pour in the coconut oil while the blender is going in order to avoid clumping
should you drink raw milk

Should You Drink Raw Milk?: Benefits, Risks, And Regulations

I've previously written about how raw milk regularly crops up in the news. There are many people who prefer it to pasturized and/or homogenized milk.  Both the Raw Milk Institute and the Weston A. Price Foundations Campaign for Real Milk support those consumers who want raw milk and those farmers who want to provide it.  

What’s the deal with raw milk?

Every now and again the issue of consuming raw milk seems to get more attention in the news and in legislative prospects. Each state has their own laws on subject and are divided in to four categories for the sale of raw milk for human consumption: Farm legal, Retail Legal, Cow Share Legal, and Illegal. 

Currently there are 44 states that allow distribution or sale of raw milk, of these 44 states - 38 allow the sale or distribution for human consumption and the other six states allow for animal consumption. Some states make decisions regarding raw milk specifically but will allow the grocery store sale of and consumption of raw milk cheeses. If you’re interested in consuming raw milk you’ll need to look into the guidelines for your particular state.

Raw milk nutritionraw milk

The battle for the right to purchase raw milk has been going on for over 100 years. Milk pasteurization became a common practice in the 1920s and was considered “one of the major breakthroughs in public health.” Yet many believe that the pasteurization of the milk destroys or hinders the health benefits of the milk.

  • Proponents of raw milk believe it provides more nutrition. It is noticeably higher in Vitamin C than pasteurized milk
  • A study in 2009 found that all of the DHA (dehydroascorbic acid) and 20% of the ascorbic acid disappeared in pasturized milk due to the processing
  • When milk is heated there is also a reduction in calcium available for your body to use. 
  • Raw milk contains high levels of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid – an essential fatty acid which can help fight cancer). 
  • More than half of the Vitamin D in raw milk is destroyed in processing which is why commercial milk is fortified.
Additional benefits of raw milk include:
  • A 2006 study from England showed that raw milk consumption substantially reduced allergies and asthma in children
  • Pasteurization of milk destroys a lot of the enzymes and good bacteria in the milk. These are beneficial to our health and the only way we can get them is through raw dairy
  • Homogenizing milk forces the fat globules into small particles and prevents the cream from rising to the top. This process heats the milk for a second time and many folks feel it changes the flavor and the nutritional value
  • Because unheated milk has all the enzymes and bacteria (important for lactase to break down the milk sugar), many people who think they are lactose intolerant can actually drink raw milk without a problem

The dangers of raw milk

The other side of the debate claims that raw milk is too dangerous to be sold for human consumption. 

There are risks with raw milk as it can harbor microorganisms that can pose a serious health risk such as salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Campylobacter, and other foodborne illnesses. There is a risk of these pathogens in many other foods too. This is why it is extremely important to know your farmer, the cleanliness of the farm and milking process, and confirm that the farm does regular testing for pathogens.

When considering purchasing raw milk from a farm, do your research on the farm, ask questions about the milking process, and maybe even ask to do a farm visit to see for yourself how clean the operation is. I cannot stress enough to do your research about the farm and their practices.

In conclusion

There are a wide range of documented health benefits to be had from consuming raw dairy products. However there are also some risks. The consumption of raw dairy is a personal one and may or may not be available depending on the laws in your area. If you do choose to consume raw dairy it is vital that you know where it comes from and verify that the dairy is taking appropriate measures to provide the cleanest, best quality raw milk products.


  • "Raw Milk Institute". Raw Milk Institute, 2023,

  • "Home - Real Milk". Real Milk, 2023, 

  • CDC Raw Milk Q&A - 


  • Lucey JA. Raw Milk Consumption: Risks and Benefits. Nutr Today. 2015 Jul;50(4):189-193. doi: 10.1097/NT.0000000000000108. Epub 2015 Jun 27. PMID: 27340300; PMCID: PMC4890836.

  • "Raw Milk: Discussing It’S Merits And Safety - The Nourishing Gourmet". The Nourishing Gourmet - Nourishing. Satisfying. Gourmet., 2009,

  • Yoon, Yohan et al. "Microbial Benefits And Risks Of Raw Milk Cheese". Food Control, vol 63, 2016, pp. 201-215. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2015.11.013. 

  • Cardin, Guillaume et al. "A Mechanistic Study Of The Antiaging Effect Of Raw-Milk Cheese Extracts". Nutrients, vol 13, no. 3, 2021, p. 897. MDPI AG, doi:10.3390/nu13030897. Foundation, The. "Real Milk Campaign". The Weston A. Price Foundation, 2018,