Tag Archives: detox

Detoxing The Right Way: Tips From Functional Healthcare Experts

Are you considering a detox to give your body a fresh start? While detoxing can have numerous benefits, it's important to do it the right way. Unfortunately, one of the most common mistakes people make when detoxing is powering through, even when they feel terrible. This approach can actually do more harm than good. 

To help you detox safely and effectively, functional healthcare experts Bridgit Danner and Mira Dessy, The Ingredient Guru, share their insights on how to detox without feeling terrible.

What is Detox? 

Detox, short for detoxification, is the process by which the body eliminates or neutralizes toxins, waste products, and other harmful substances. These substances can come from internal sources, such as metabolic waste, as well as external sources, such as pollutants in the environment or chemicals in food and personal care products. 

The goal of detox is to support the body's natural processes of eliminating these harmful substances in order to improve overall health and well-being. Detox methods can include dietary changes, fasting, exercise, saunas, and other techniques that support the body's natural detoxification processes. 

Common Detox Symptoms

One of the biggest challenges people face when starting a detox program is dealing with the symptoms that can arise. Bridgit explained that when you start eliminating toxins from your body, you may experience symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, and digestive issues. 

These symptoms can be caused by a number of factors, such as caffeine withdrawal, constipation, and dehydration. 

To make the detox process easier on yourself, our experts recommend cutting down on caffeine gradually before starting a detox program, staying hydrated, and taking Epsom salt baths or naps to help your body deal with the extra workload.

Supporting Your Body During Detox

While detox programs can be beneficial, our experts emphasized the importance of supporting your body during the process. This means providing your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly and avoiding programs that are too restrictive or fasting-focused.

Stay hydrated

One of the most crucial factors for successful detoxification that is often overlooked is hydration. It helps the body eliminate toxins through various routes, including the kidneys, bowels, sweat, breath, and skin. Therefore, it's essential to drink enough water and stay hydrated throughout the detoxification process.

Eat a healthy diet

It's important to maintain a balance between detoxification and nutrition to ensure that the body has adequate resources to eliminate toxins effectively.

Choose foods that are high in fiber and nutrients, and low in sugar and processed ingredients. This can help to support your liver and other organs of detoxification.

Dry brushing

This is a simple but effective way to support your body's natural detoxification processes. By brushing the skin in a circular motion, it stimulates lymphatic flow and improves circulation. This can help to move toxins out of the body and reduce inflammation.

Coffee enema

coffee enema

Photo by: serra boten on Flickr 

Another practice that Bridgit recommends is coffee enema. It involves inserting coffee into the rectum and colon, with the aim of detoxifying the liver and improving digestion. The idea is that the caffeine in the coffee stimulates the liver to produce bile, which in turn helps to flush out toxins from the body.

While this may sound like an uncomfortable process, proponents of coffee enemas can have a number of health benefits, including improved digestion, increased energy, and clearer skin.

Coffee enemas can be a powerful tool for detoxification and improved digestion, but they are not for everyone. Bridgit advises that people with certain health conditions, such as fissures, prolapse hemorrhoids, or any kind of tissue damage, should not try coffee enemas. Additionally, people who are older or have mobility issues may find it difficult to perform the enema properly.

For those who are interested in trying coffee enemas, she recommends starting slowly and gradually working up to higher amounts of coffee over time. She also advises speaking with a healthcare practitioner before trying coffee enemas to ensure they are safe for you.


Supplements play a crucial role in supporting the body's natural cleansing processes. Here are some of the supplements that were recommended:


When you're detoxing, you need to hydrate a lot, which can cause you to lose water-soluble vitamins. Electrolytes are essential for replenishing these vitamins and keeping your body hydrated. Look for a sugar-free electrolyte supplement with B vitamins, vitamin C, and herbal antioxidants to support liver function and detoxification.


Binders are substances that bind to toxins, mainly in the bowel, to help remove them from the body. A binder supplement can help move toxins out of the body and prevent their reabsorption, which can happen if you're constipated. Look for a bowel-based binder with ingredients that can also help move your bowels, such as magnesium or psyllium husk.


Fiber is another essential nutrient that can support detoxification by promoting regular bowel movements. Fiber can help remove toxins and waste products from the body, preventing their reabsorption. Consider taking a fiber supplement in the morning to help with elimination throughout the day.


Potassium is an electrolyte that is essential for proper nerve and muscle function. It can also support healthy digestion and regular bowel movements. If you're not getting enough potassium in your diet, consider adding a potassium supplement to your routine.

Additionally, magnesium supplements, digestive enzymes, and prokinetics can help to stimulate the bowels and promote regular elimination.


Detoxification requires a holistic approach that involves building awareness of your body, identifying your needs, and meeting those needs. It is crucial to check in with your body regularly and make adjustments as needed.

Incorporating practices like dry brushing, functional supplemental support, and coffee enemas can help to promote greater body awareness and support the detoxification process.

As we age, it is essential to remain curious and not give up on maintaining our health. By adopting healthy habits and engaging in ongoing self-exploration, you can optimize your well-being and lead a vibrant life.

NoteBridgit is offering a FREE Toxic Mold Masterclass this coming  Feb. 27 – March 5, 2023! Learn what steps you can take at home to recover from toxic mold exposure. Sign up today! 

Best Detoxifying Foods

Detox Your Body The Food Way

It is no secret that we are surrounded by toxins. They're in the air we breathe and can be on food on our plates. Chemicals and heavy metals fill the environment around us in sometimes harmful quantities. But do you really need an expensive detox diet or cleanse?

Just about every media source from TV to the internet to magazine covers is telling us we need to detoxify. But cleansing your body isn't just about getting rid of the bad stuff. It's also an opportunity for you to take care of yourself, nurturing your body so you can look and feel your best.  It starts with a real food diet.  

Long-time readers will know that I encourage cleaning up the chemicals in your diet, eating whole foods, and the use of alkalizing beverages and foods. I am not a fan of painful detox methods, extreme caloric reduction, or detox methods that cause you to feel ill.  I believe you should not feel bad, physically or mentally, while trying to support your body during a cleanse.

It is possible to eat well and support your body and good health while adding detoxifying foods.  

This top ten list gives you my suggestions for foods and nutrients to add to your diet, plus links to delicious recipes:

Cilantro - an excellent and tasty way to cleanse the body, ridding it of heavy metal accumulation.

Cruciferous vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, bok choy, cabbage, rutabaga, turnip, and radishes all support the liver which is important for detoxification.

Fiber - supports a healthy digestive system which in turn helps with elimination when transporting toxins out of the body.  Good fiber choices include beans, fresh ground flax seeds, and whole grains.

Folate - found in dark leafy greens, calves liver, lentils, beans, and asparagus, has been shown to help counter the effects of BPA in the system.

Garlic - high in sulfur garlic helps to dilate the blood vessels so they don't get blocked, it's also anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial.

Green tea - high in anti-oxidants it supports the liver and helps with hydration.

Lemons - have an alkalizing effect on the system, also add the juice to foods rich in iron to increase bio-availability.

Wheatgrass - an excellent detoxifier that is also high in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

Selenium - helps to rid the body of mercury while protecting against free radicals, found in codfish, tuna, egg yolks, beef, shiitake mushrooms, lamb, and Brazil nuts.

Water - pure, clean water helps to flush the body of toxins.

Detox Bath

Baths versus showers


There are many ways to “clean up” which can include showers or baths. Many of us tend to take showers rather than baths. For some it's a matter of necessity with no tub available, for others showering is seen as faster and more convenient.  

Yet, taking some time and enjoying a bath can be a powerful way to help balance our bodies.  First there is the slow down, taking the time to soak.  A form of hydrotherapy, that relaxing time goes a long way toward counteracting the hectic pace at which most of us lead our lives.  Baths can also, however, be a great way to help us re-mineralize our system.  This is done through the use of something called a detox bath.

Health benefits of a bath


Our skin is our largest body organ, sometimes referred to as the “third kidney.”  What we put on it goes into our system.  This works for both positive and negative ingredients.  Often, we are exposed to many environmental stressors and/or we eat foods that may cause a more acidic body state.  While a bath cannot counteract all of that it can help to balance us.  Many people find that when they take a detox bath, they feel much better and more relaxed.  

It's often recommended to take the bath immediately before bed. In fact one small scale study showed a positive correlation between bathing and improved sleep.  Some participants reported falling asleep faster and researchers noticed that after bathing sleep movement was reduced for the first three hours.

A bath can not only be relaxing but also may have positive benefits for your overall health. These benefits can include improved mental and emotional health, soothe muscle and joint pain, and increase blood flow, thus supplying more oxygen to the periphery areas of the body. One study published in the British Cardiac Society, Heart, found that among middle aged people taking baths was linked to a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease.  All of which adds up to a good reason to include regular baths as part of your self care routine.

What’s in that tub?


Many people, when they think about a bath, think about bubble baths.  Those aren’t recommended due to the ingredients.  A much better option is an epsom salt soak.  And while you can purchase scented bath salt products you need to be careful about what the fragrance is made from, what the ingredients are, plus you may be spending too much. As it turns out you can make a simple detox bath at home for pennies.  

While daily bathing is fine and has a variety of health benefits as mentioned above, it is often suggested to not take a detox bath more than 2-3 times a week so as to not overwhelm your system. 

This detox bath recipe includes Epsom salt which helps to soothe inflammation, reduce stress, promote elimination of environmental toxins, and help with re-mineralizing the body with its magnesium content. The baking soda is alkalizing for the skin and many people report the combination to be very soothing.

Detox Bath


  • 1 cup Epsom salts
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 5-7 drops relaxing essential oil (the most relaxing ones are lavendar*, ylang ylang, sandalwod, geranium, and vanilla)


  • Run a hot bath and add the ingredients
  • Combine the ingredients and add them into the bath
  • Soak for 20 minutes immediately before bed
  • Take the time to invest in you and your health with a relaxing detox bath.


Note: Hot baths and sauna bathing are not recommended if you are pregnant, nursing, or have a health condition which might be negatively affected by immersion in high heat.




Family Medicine. Four reasons to take a bath. Cleveland Clinic.

Ukai, Tomohiko et al. "Habitual Tub Bathing And Risks Of Incident Coronary Heart Disease And Stroke". Heart, vol 106, no. 10, 2020, pp. 732-737. BMJ, doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2019-315752. 

Kanda, Kiyoko et al. "Bathing Before Sleep In The Young And In The Elderly". European Journal Of Applied Physiology And Occupational Physiology, vol 80, no. 2, 1999, pp. 71-75. Springer Science And Business Media LLC, doi:10.1007/s004210050560.