Tag Archives: clean eating

Clean Eating On A Budget

These days a lot more people are paying attention to what’s in what they eat.  That’s a great choice because it means avoiding a lot of negative ingredients in your food.  I’m talking things like artificial colors, artificial flavors, MSG, high fructose corn syrup, and a whole bunch of other ingredients that provide absolutely no nutrition whatsoever.  

But while people are paying attention to what’s in what they eat, they’re also paying attention to their grocery bills.  Because the cost of food is going up quite sharply.  

You might think that clean eating and budgeting on your groceries don’t go together.  But actually they can.  If you’re focused on nourishing your body you’re going to want to avoid the packaged and processed foods.  You’ll be making real food choices instead.  I’m here to tell you it is possible to do that while also being budget minded when it comes to your groceries. 


The Perimeter

When shopping at the grocery store many clients tell me they only shop the perimeter because that’s “the safest.”  You might think that but unfortunately, grocery stores and food producers know that’s what’s on your mind.  And they’ve got some tricks in store for you.  Learning how to navigate the perimeter of the grocery store will help you know how to make healthy, budget-friendly choices.  


Avoid Processed and Packaged Food 

By now you’ve probably figured out that clean eating means mostly whole foods the are not highly processed or packaged.  But you may also think that whole foods mean vegetables or meat.  That’s very true, but you’re forgetting that beans or lentils and quinoa or rice are also whole foods.  Single ingredient foods that are minimally processed are a great choice.

When it comes to the produce you don’t need to buy only from the green grocer section of your grocery store.  Frozen vegetables are also a good choice as long as there are no added sauces or ingredients in there.

Despite what the label on the frozen food packages says, don’t microwave them in that plastic bag.  Remove the produce from the bag and steam, roast, or cook without the plastic. 


Buying In Bulk

Being mindful and aware of sales at the grocery store is a great way to be budget-friendly.  Set aside money to take advantage of sales so you can stock up and freeze the extras.  

This is also a good time to think about seasonal eating because produce that is in season tends to be less expensive.  It can also be more flavorful and have more nutrients since it’s not picked early and held in a warehouse.  Again, this is a great time to buy in bulk and create longer term storage through freezing, canning, or dehydrating.


Avoid Trendy Food

It is possible to eat clean and healthy on a budget without getting sucked into the trendy foods.  Many food companies use front of package labeling and buzz words to get you to buy their products.  Just because they’re selling it doesn’t mean that you have to have it.  Sticking to a simple, nourishing diet is best when it comes to eating healthy on a budget.


Budget-Friendly Foods

Meal planning is one of the biggest budget friendly tips.  As you’re putting your plan together be sure to think about ways to use inexpensive foods that are not highly processed.  Canned foods are not necessarily a bad thing, just be sure to choose those items that are from cans that don’t use BPA.  Tetra pak, those cardboard packages for liquid items, or glass are also a good choice.  

For many of the items listed below I’ve added a recipe to help you with meal ideas:

  • Gluten Free Oats  - choose old fashioned, unflavored oats.  Steel cut is a great choice for higher fiber
  • Quinoa - This is a great high protein grain that is wonderful in so many dishes
  • Wild Rice - This is not actually a rice, it’s a grass, and it’s a wonderful nutty flavored nutrient dense grain substitute
  • Legumes - lentils and beans are a wonderful protein source that are very versatile
  • Canned tomatoes
  • Frozen vegetables
  • In-season produce
  • Eggs - These are a fabulous source of protein and go in a variety of dishes, perfect for any meal
  • Sweet Potatoes - delicious and nourishing this is a fresh food that also  has good longer term storage 

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Healthy Budget-Friendly Ideas For When You Hate to Cook
Realistic Food Budget Tips