Category Archives: lacto-fermentation

food allergies

Food Allergies

There are a number of different ways that our body can react to foods, food additives, toxins, molds, and environmental exposures.  But the terminology used by consumers to identify them can be a bit difficult to wrap your head around. What is an allergy? What is a sensitivity? Are all allergies the same? This article will help explain the difference between the two responses and looks specifically at foods and food additives.

The difference between allergy and sensitivity

A food allergy happens when the body’s immune system sees a particular food as harmful and reacts with a variety of symptoms. These can include hives, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, breathing difficulties, and/or swelling around the mouth.

These types of allergies run the gamut from mild or moderate. Or it can escalate to the most severe reaction of anaphylaxis which can be potentially life threatening and requiring immediate medical attention. This type of allergy is an IgE (Immunoglobulin E) response; and is something an Allergist can test for.  Often it starts with a skin prick or scratch test.

The other reaction to certain foods is food sensitivity.  Instead of a skin prick or scratch test, it is often identified by

  1. Drawing blood and then exposing the blood to various proteins to see which ones cause a reaction, or
  2. Going on a full elimination diet, removing the suspected foods from the diet for a period, of time and then gently re-introducing them in a challenge to see if there is a response. An elimination diet is best for top level foods such as wheat, eggs, dairy, soy, etc rather than embedded ingredients such as calcium propionate, sodium benzoate, or BHA.

Food sensitivities can be overwhelming to the system. However, these are not the same as food allergies although, unfortunately, the term allergy is used interchangeably between the two.  

An example of this would be someone who is allergic to fish or seafood.  They may have a severe physical response to it and should not ever eat them or be exposed to them.  Someone who has a food sensitivity to fish or seafood may be able, with appropriate nutritional support, to eventually include it in their diet again.

Food sensitivities are on the rise

Food sensitivities and food allergies are on the rise, why is this? There are different thoughts, but one is the health of our gut microbiota. A recent study done in Sweden entitled, “Low diversity of the gut microbiota in infants with atopic eczema” appears to show that higher diversity in infant gut microflora lowers the chance of allergies, including eczema.

This is of interest for a number of reasons.  

  1. It appears to support the Hygiene Hypothesis.  This is the idea that if our environment is too clean it doesn't provide the diversity we need and also encourages the body to attack “harmless antigens.”  
  2. It provides further information about the role of certain beneficial bacteria.  Examples included proteobacteria protecting against allergies while Bacteroides appear to be useful against inflammation.  
  3. It shows, yet again, the connection between the gut and health.  
  4. It highlights, to me, the dangers of the over-use of antibiotics.  I have written briefly about antibiotics in our food supply here

The more antibiotics that appear in our food system, the higher the toll they take on our bodies.  Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome and creator of the GAPS Diet, tells us that when she looks at dysfunction in the gut she traces it back over at least three generations.  The less healthy flora the parents have to pass on, the fewer strains will be available to inoculate the baby.  Dr. Campbell-McBride has found the effect of reduced intestinal flora to be cumulative over the generations.

What does all of this mean?

In addition to cleaning up our irresponsible use of antibiotics in the food supply, it also means that we need to do what we can to ensure a strong, healthy eco-system in our gut - creating a rich supply of diverse prebiotic and probiotic colonies.  

Adding fermented foods to the diet such as kombucha or kefir is a good start.  Other fermented foods could include yogurt and live culture sauerkraut.  Eating a diet high in fiber, especially soluble fibers which are fermented by the bacteria in the gut will help.  

Should you need to take antibiotics it is vitally important that you take them as prescribed and finish the dose to avoid creating resistant bacteria.  You will also need to re-inoculate your system by taking probiotics (antibiotics wipe out both good and bad bacteria).

In summary

While the study from Sweden highlights the benefits of a richly diverse gut colony in infants for protecting them against allergies, I feel that supporting the gut at any time is beneficial.  I also believe probiotic support can go a long way toward helping to regain or maintain healthy gut function. Having a healthy gut can also be beneficial when dealing with seasonal allergies.


[expand title="Sources"] 

Abrahamsson, Thomas R. et al. "Low Diversity Of The Gut Microbiota In Infants With Atopic Eczema". Journal Of Allergy And Clinical Immunology, vol 129, no. 2, 2012, pp. 434-440.e2. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/j.jaci.2011.10.025.


lacto-fermented condiments

Be Prepared To Make Condiments

Preparedness is a big topic these days and many people are looking at purchasing packages of food that are good for long term storage. The biggest challenge with pre-made prepared foods is all of the chemicals and additives that are in them. Of course, making a list of foods to have on hand for those times when you need it is important. But when you're putting that list together consider skipping the condiments.

Making condiments

I'm not saying don't have condiments on hand. However, I do believe it's better to know how to make your own condiments. This way you'll have them on hand fresh and tasty, plus you'll avoid all the negative ingredients found in many condiments. And truthfully even those without too many harmful additives don't last that long. By knowing how to make your own condiments and having a few simple, easy to store ingredients on hand you'll always have delicious, nourishing condiments available.

You'll need to remember that when fermented the condiments may have a slight bubble to them or may seem to separate slightly. They may also have a slightly tangy smell. Do not eat them if they are fuzzy, discolored, or smell really bad/moldy.  If you've done it right, this should not happen.

Needed ingredients

When making lacto-fermented condiments you start with a basic condiment recipe. Then you add some sort of liquid that helps with the fermentation process.  The two best options are whey, the liquid that's left over from making yogurt, or the liquid you have when you make homemade sauerkraut.  You often have quite a bit of either of these left over after making the item. You can store it in a jar in the fridge until you need to use it to make recipes like these condiments below.

Lacto-fermented Ketchup
  1. 6-ounces organic tomato paste (one small can)
  2. ½ c. whey (strained from yogurt or made from starter)
  3. 1-2 tablespoons whey
  4. 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar (raw & unfiltered)
  5. 1 tablespoon honey
  6. 2 teaspoons molasses
  7. ½ teaspoon of sea salt
  8. ½  teaspoon onion powder
  9. ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  10. generous pinch each allspice, cloves, and nutmeg
  1. Blend all ingredients (except 1-2 T. whey) together in a food processor until well combined
  2. Place in a jar and top with 1-2 tablespoons of whey to cover completely
  3. Cover jar and let sit at room temperature for 2-3 days
  4. After fermenting store in the refrigerator
The Ingredient Guru, Mira Dessy


Quick and Easy BBQ Sauce
  1. 1 cup ketchup (see above)
  2. 2 tablespoons mustard (see below)
  3. ½ cup honey
  4. 1 ½ tablespoons molasses
  5. ½ teaspoon sea salt
  1. Mix all ingredients together in a sauce pan and heat gently until just under a boil
  2. Remove from heat, cool and jar
  3. Store in the refrigerator
The Ingredient Guru, Mira Dessy
Lacto-fermented Mustard
  1. ½ cup mustard seeds
  2. ½ cup sauerkraut brine (leftover/filtered from live kraut)
  3. 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (raw & unfiltered)
  4. 1 clove garlic, minced
  5. 1 tablespoon honey
  6. ½ teaspoon sea salt
  1. Blend all ingredients in a food processor
  2. Place in a jar, cover, and let sit at room temperature 1-2 days
  3. Store in the refrigerator
The Ingredient Guru, Mira Dessy


Lacto-fermented Mayonnaise
  1. 1 egg
  2. 1 cup olive oil, divided
  3. 11⁄2 teaspoons mustard powder
  4. 1 teaspoon sea salt
  5. 3 tablespoons tarragon vinegar (can substitute white wine vinegar and a few fresh tarragon leaves)
  6. 1 tablespoon whey
  1. Place the egg, 1⁄4 cup oil, mustard, and salt into a container
  2. Blend well. (A stick blender is the best tool for this.)
  3. When well blended, drizzle in another 1⁄4 cup olive oil and blend well again.
  4. Add the tarragon vinegar; blend well
  5. Slowly add the remaining olive oil and blend well
  6. Gentle blend in whey until completely incorporated
  7. Place in a jar, cover and let sit at room temperature for 8 hours
  8. Store in refrigerator
The Ingredient Guru, Mira Dessy
Olive Oil Dressing/Marinade
  1. 3 cups organic extra virgin olive oil
  2. 1/4 Cup  apple cider vinegar  (raw & unfiltered)
  3. 3 tablespoons dry oregano
  4. 2 tablespoon dry basil
  5. 2 tablespoons dry parsley
  6. 2 teaspoons sea salt
  7. 1 teaspoon garlic salt
  1. Blend well in a blender
  2. Store in the refrigerator
  1. Add ½ cup mayonnaise to make a creamy dressing
  2. Add ¼ cup mustard and substitute 1 clove fresh garlic for the dried
  3. Add ½ cup ketchup, 1 teaspoon paprika and substitute red wine vinegar for the apple cider vinegar to make a Catalina dressing
The Ingredient Guru, Mira Dessy

When Probiotics Are Not A Good Choice

Health supplements are expected to reach a global market share of $278 billion by 2024. That's a sizable market and it continues to grow. Probiotics are one of the fastest growing items in the category in the U.S. With so much focus on the microbiome and the as more information points to their effectiveness in minimizing digestive issues and promoting gut health, the demand for probiotics is all set to explode.

A recent report reveals that Canada could save up to $100 million CAN per year through probiotic use designed to minimize instances of upper respiratory infections. The supplement market in China, with probiotics at the top of the list, is also set for rapid expansion.

However, while probiotics are a great choice to combat many digestive issues, they are not always the best choice. That's why it is important to know when to take probiotics and when to seek alternative treatments.

What Are Probiotics?

While bad bacteria can make you sick, good bacteria can help break down food and support your immune system. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that work in harmony with your biological systems. Many probiotics specifically help support good digestive health, combating issues like diarrhea, nausea, malabsorption, and dozens of other symptoms of a leaky gut. 

You can get probiotics through consuming probiotic-rich foods such as lacto-fermented vegetables and yogurt or through beverages like kombucha and kefir. Or you can get them through supplementation. However just because they can have some health benefits doesn't always mean that they always have health benefits. There can be times when it's best to not take probiotic-rich foods or supplementation and you should actually avoid them.

3 Reasons to Avoid Probiotics

Below is a quick list of those occasions when it might be better to seek alternative treatments for digestive issues. In each of these cases, use of or consumption of probiotics is contraindicated until the condition has been resolved.


Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) refers to a condition where you already have too much bacteria in your small intestine. Adding more is not a healthy solution to anything, even when it is otherwise helpful bacteria. For those with SIBO getting a diagnosis can sometimes be difficult. But once you have a diagnosis there's a specific dietary protocol and supplemental support required to support your system.

The symptoms of SIBO are quite diverse and can include

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal bloating and pain
  • Joint pain
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Depression
  • and more

2. Candida Overgrowth

Candida is a type of yeast that can overrun your intestinal tract and cause a variety of symptoms. When your candida levels are under control, this yeast helps with digestion and nutrient absorption. When levels get too high, symptoms can range from simple things like a white coating on the tongue to more serious symptoms like:

  • Exhaustion
  • Brain fog
  • Joint pain
  • Chronic sinus and allergy problems
  • Gas and bloating
  • Weakened immune system
  • Frequent UTIs

This is just a small sample of the potential problems associated with an out-of-control candida overgrowth. While some low-level imbalances can be treated with over-the-counter medications (such as fluconazole for yeast infections), chronic overgrowth needs to be addressed through dietary changes, nutritional support, and possibly antifungal medications. The use of a self-scoring quiz can be helpful for diagnosis. Many people who switch to a candida protocol after scoring high on the test have good results ranging from clearer skin and better digestive function to clearing of infections and weight loss.

3. Probiotics Don't Fix Everything

The effectiveness of probiotics depends entirely on the cause of your problem. If your gut flora is out of balance or you have too little bacteria to help with digestion, probiotics can be a great way to rebalance everything. If you have been on antibiotics, pairing those with probiotics might help prevent conditions like H. Pylori. Since H. Pylori can cause systemic and prolonged digestive upset, a bit of prevention is well worth the investment in probiotics. If you don't suffer from any of these conditions or your digestive upset has nothing to do with your gut biome, probiotics won't help.

While probiotics can be a great way to improve your digestive health, it is important to know when to take them. Unless directed by a doctor, you likely won't want to take probiotics on a daily basis.

Added Probiotics

Unfortunately with all the news about the benefits of probiotics many food producers are starting to add them to a wide variety of items at the grocery store. Cereals, chocolate, cold brew coffee, salad dressings, and more are all being promoted as a healthy choice due. However, overconsumption of probiotics can lead to an imbalance of the gut and is not a healthy choice. 

If you suspect you have gut health issues it's best to work with a health professional and be evaluated to see if you need to add or avoid probiotics in your diet.

How To Make Kombucha And Water Kefir At Home

Fermented foods have become extremely popular for good reason. They're good for your gut and a very healthy way to add probiotics to your system. The wonderful thing about fermented foods is you can make many at home. Some I make at home while others I buy. The challenge is finding the time to make everything while still finding time for family, work, and real life. 

One of my favorite foods to make however is kombucha. This is in part because the price for kombucha has risen to an incredible $4.19 at my local grocery store.  That seems rather steep for a 16-ounce bottle of fermented tea.  Especially when you consider that all you need to make your own is a one-gallon glass jar, a SCOBY, 1 cup of starter kombucha, 8 tea bags, 1 cup of sugar, and filtered water.  All of that will make a gallon of kombucha.  That's eight pints which is more than $32.00 at grocery store prices. The at home price (not including the cost of the jar) is less than $1.00. It's definitely worth it to make your own.

The picture above is called a SCOBY. That's an acronym for Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast.  It is the "mother" that consumes all the sugar while fermenting the tea all the while adding beneficial colonies to it. To get started, you will need to have a SCOBY.  Amazingly enough each time you brew a batch it makes a new "baby."  Eventually you have so many that you wind up giving them away.  It's a great way to make friends and share the healthy benefits of this wonderful drink. 

Secondary fermentation

After my initial batch of kombucha is done brewing, I do a secondary brew by adding fruit, sealing the jar, and letting it sit at room temperature for 24 hours. This extracts the sugars (and flavor) from the fruit and makes a fizzy drink at the same time. The longest I've ever let it sit is 36 hours because it generates so much fizz, I'm afraid to let it go longer, I don't want to shatter the jar. One of these days I'll get around to buying a fermentation lock and then I won't have to worry about exploding jars.

After it's done, I decant the flavored kombucha into recycled kombucha bottles. This time I used strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries.  The blackberries, unlike most fruits, were still firm, pretty tangy, and delicious, rather than bland, sour, and soggy. If you mash them first, you get a better flavor in the kombucha, but I wanted to try eating the fruit afterwards to see what it was like. Not every fruit will produce a tasty drink but try those fruits you enjoy to see how you like each one. Some fruits will be edible after the fermentation process while others will have given up all their flavor to the drink.

A testimonial

The best thing about kombucha is how healthy it is for you. I recently had a friend visiting who has been having a lot of gut issues. We talked about fermented foods. I happened to need to brew a new batch of kombucha, so I showed her the process. She got to eat some fermented foods while she was at my house. I sent her home with a baby SCOBY, and she's been adding fermented foods to her diet. She says that her stomach has not bothered her once since she started adding fermented foods. Yay for live food!! If you'd like to know more about kombucha, including specific brewing instructions and recipes using kombucha be sure to get your copy of my ebook.

Water Kefir

Another highly beneficial fermented beverage is water kefir.  Like kombucha, it’s a great source of probiotics and can be great for your digestion.  Studies also show that probiotics can help when you are depressed or anxious.  So, it makes sense to support good probiotic status in your gut.  And just like kombucha you can make this delicious drink easily at home. Check out additional health benefits of water kefir!

Health benefits of kefir:

  • Due to the beneficial bacteria, kefir is helpful for the immune system and supports a good bacterial balance in the gut
  • Water kefir is high in antioxidant activity which can protect against cell damage caused by free radicals
  • May be helpful for those with diabetes mellitus to control glucose and lipid levels
  • High in probiotics, kefir may be a beneficial beverage for supporting mental wellbeing
  • L. kefiri (one of the active beneficial bacteria in kefir) is antimicrobial and has good probiotic benefits, inhibiting pathogens
  • Appears to be anti-carcinogenic and may have therapeutic benefit for both healthy and ill adults
  • Those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy can drink and enjoy this probiotic drink which is comparable to milk kefir without the adverse effects of a dairy allergy or intolerance.

How to make water kefir

I have to say water kefir is my favorite when it comes to home-made because it’s so quick and simple.

  1. Dissolve 1/3 cup sugar with filtered warm water in a clean one-quart glass jar. I like to use turbinado or rapadura sugars because they are not stripped of all their nutrients.
  2. Add water kefir grains (about 1 to 2 tablespoons).
  3. Cover jar with a plastic lid, fermentation cap, or clean dish towel.
  4. Place jar out of direct sunlight.
  5. Let sit for 24 to 30 hours or to your taste. (If you aren’t sure how it should taste, try some from someone else’s batch)
  6. Strain the water kefir grains from liquid.
  7. Do a secondary fermentation by adding something to provide some flavor – I like ginger so I add 5-10 slices of freshly peeled ginger. Another option is a few mint leaves. Cap and let sit on the counter for 24 hours.
  8. Strain out flavorings, transfer the liquid to another one-quart glass jar and save in the fridge to start drinking
  9. Start the process all over with your strained grains.


A few more notes:


  • Don’t worry about the sugar as it’s mostly used up during the fermentation process
  • Your kefir grains will actually start to grow so you can share them with friends – getting grains from a friend is a good way to get started
  • The grains sort of look like very baby cauliflower florets and should be kept cool when not being used

For those of you who would like to try making kombucha or water kefir at home Kombucha Kampis a great resource.  You can get kombucha mother cultures, grains for both milk or dairy kefir plus an assortment of equipment that makes your beverage making better.  

[expand title="Sources"] 

  • Alsayadi, M., Al jawfi, Y., Belarbi, M., and Sabri, F. (Jun/Jul 2013) Antioxidant potency of water kefir. Journal of Microbiology, biotechnology and Food Sciences. Vol. 2, Iss 6.
  • Cai, Y., Sounderrajan, A., and Serventi, L. (May 27, 2020). Water kefir: a review of its microbiological profile, antioxidant potential and sensory quality. ACTA Scientific Nutritional Health, Vol 4, Issue 6 June.
  • Moretti, A., Moure, M., Quinoy, F., Esposito, F., Simonelli, N. Medrano, M., and Leon-Pelaez, A. Water kefir, a fermented beverage containing probiotic microorganisms: from ancient and artisanal manufacture to industrialized and regulated commercialization. Future Foods, Vol 5.
  • Pendon, M., Bengoa, A., Iraporda, C., Medrano, M., Garrote, G, and Abraham, A. (25 Nov 2021). Water kefir: factors affecting gran. Growth and health-promoting properties of the fermented beverage.  Journal of Applied Microbiology. 


Trudy Scott, CN, Food Mood Expert and the author of The Antianxiety Food Solution contributed to this article. Trudy educates women about the amazing healing powers of food and nutrients and helps them find natural solutions for anxiety and other mood problems. Her goal for all her clients (and all women): “You can be your healthiest, look your best and feel on-top-of-the-world emotionally!"

Amazing Health Benefits Of Kimchi

amazing health benefits of kimchi
A lot of research has recently come out praising the health benefits of kimchi, a popular fermented food originally from Korea. It's made by a simple process of fermenting cabbage, spices, and other vegetables in a tightly closed jar. Although traditionally made kimchi does have a specific type of crock that is used, it can be made at home in glass jars.  Kimchi is practically a super-food; a low-calorie, high fiber condiment that can be used to heal many ailments and improve overall health.

Due to the fermentation process kimchi is an excellent source of probiotics, these are the good bacteria that help your body fight off various infections. Kimchi is also packed with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, some B vitamins, iron, calcium, and selenium.  These all contribute to supporting muscle growth, improve your immune system, and improve blood flow.

If you suffer from high cholesterol kimchi may be the answer you're looking for as part of a heart-healthy diet. Recent research has proved that kimchi has the ability to lower cholesterol levels when eaten on a daily basis. Garlic, one of the key ingredients in kimchi, is a great source of both allicin and selenium. Allicin is a well-known compound that can reduce cholesterol levels, which will help decrease chances of developing strokes and heart attacks. The selenium, another active compound in garlic, can help lower cholesterol levels by preventing cholesterol plaque from building up in your artery walls.

The fermentation process to make kimchi also contributes to the delicious taste and creates a rich source of probiotics. Probiotics are the healthy bacteria your body needs to maintain a balanced state of bacteria  in your colon. The cabbage, which is the main ingredient in kimchi, will also help your body get rid of waste, and stabalize your bowel movements.

As a weight loss food kimchi is believed to be highly supportive due to its lactobacillus content. Lactobacillus is one of the many good bacteria your body needs to function at a top level. This good bacteria in kimchi can help control your appetite by lowering blood sugar levels. The fiber content in kimchi may also help you feel less hungry so you are not as likely to over=eat during the day.

Most of the ingredients used to make kimchi such as ginger, pepper, and garlic have all been known to support the immune system and are believed to have the ability to stop or shorten cold and flu symptoms. The antioxidants in kimchi are beneficial for protecting your body from free radicals.  There are some theories which support the idea that high levels of free radicals may increase susceptibility to flu and colds.

Eating kimchi regularly may also help reduce your chances of developing certain cancers, such as stomach cancer. It is the cabbage used to make kimchi that gives it powerful antioxidants and flavonoids known to help prevent cancer. Along with the antioxidants and flavonoids it possesses, cabbage is also a rich source of glucosinolates. Glucosinolates when digested convert into a compound known as isothiocyanate, which is an effective anti-cancer phytochemical found in many cruciferous vegetables..

Although kimchi is considered a super-food with extraordinary health benefits it is important to eat it with caution. Eating too much of this fermented dish can cause digestive distress and may even increase your chances of developing gastric cancer. Also if you have high blood pressure be sure to carefully monitor your kimchi intake as it normally has a high amount of salt in it. You can eat kimchi by itself as a pre-meal or with meal condiment, add it to soups, to rice, or as a topping on sandwiches.

John Maddox is an experienced herbalist who writes about natural alternatives to medicine, nutrition, diet, and fitness. He is currently doing research on natural acne treatments; his work can be found online at Natural Acne Med.

photo: jqn

kefir - fermented beverage

Benefits Of Water Kefir

It's a good idea to drink fermented beverages – they contain probiotics, or good bacteria, and are great for your digestion! Studies also show that probiotics help when you are depressed or anxious. Beneficial probiotics can be found in a number of foods, but they're also found in fermented beverages such as kombucha or kefir. The best part is that you can actually make these delicious beverages at home.

Health benefits:

  • Due to the beneficial bacteria, kefir is helpful for the immune system and supports a good bacterial balance in the gut
  • Kefir has been shown in laboratory studies to improve bone mass, helpful to prevent osteoporosis
  • High in probiotics, kefir may be a beneficial beverage for supporting mental wellbeing
  • L. kefiri (one of the active beneficial bacteria in kefir) is antimicrobial and has good probiotic benefits, inhibiting pathogens
  • Appears to be anti-carcinogenic and may have therapeutic benefit for both healthy and ill adults

How to make water kefir:

I have to say water kefir is my favorite when it comes to home-made because it’s so quick and simple.

  1. Dissolve 1/3 cup sugar with filtered warm water in a clean one quart glass jar. I like to use turbinado or rapadura sugars because they are not stripped of all their nutrients.
  2. Add water kefir grains (about 1 to 2 tablespoons).
  3. Place jar out of direct sunlight.
  4. Cover jar with a clean dish towel.
  5. Let sit for 24 to 30 hours or to your taste. )If you aren’t sure how it should taste, try some from someone else’s batch)
  6. Strain the water kefir grains from liquid
  7. Do a secondary fermentation by adding something to provide some flavor – I like ginger so I add 5-10 slices of freshly peeled ginger. Another option is a few mint leaves. Cap and let sit on the counter for 24 hours.
  8. Strain out flavorings, transfer the liquid to another one quart glass jar and save in the fridge to start drinking
  9. Rinse your grains and start over for an unlimited supply of delicious and nourishing water kefir loaded with probiotics or good bacteria!

A few more notes:

  • Don’t worry about the sugar as it’s mostly used up during the fermentation process
  • Your kefir grains will actually start to grow so you can share them with friends – getting from grains from a friend is a good way to get started
  • The grains sort of look like very baby cauliflower florets and should be kept cool when not being used

For those of you who would like to try making water kefir at home Cultures for Health is a great source for your grains.  They also sell a large number of other culture products for yogurt, sourdough, cheese and more.


Carasi P, et al., Safety Characterization and Antimicrobial Properties of Kefir-Isolated Lactobacillus kefiri . BioMed Research International. 2014;2014:208974. doi:10.1155/2014/208974.

Chen, HL, et al., Kefir improves bone mass and microarchitecture in an ovariectomized rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int. 2015 Feb;26(2):589-99. doi: 10.1007/s00198-014-2908-x. Epub 2014 Oct 3.

Messaoudi, Michael, et al., Beneficial psychological effects of a probiotic formulation (Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175) in healthy human volunteers. Gut Microbes, 2:4, 256-261, DOI: 10.4161/gmic.2.4.16108

S. Sarkar, (2007) “Potential of kefir as a dietetic beverage – a review”, British Food Journal, Vol. 109 Issue: 4, pp.280-290,


* * * * * * *

This is a guest post from my friend and colleague Trudy Scott (CN).  Trudy is a Certified Nutritionist and the founder of, a thriving nutrition practice with a focus on food, mood and women’s health. Trudy educates women about the amazing healing powers of food and nutrients and helps them find natural solutions for anxiety and other mood problems. Her goal for all her clients (and all women): “You can be your healthiest, look your best and feel on-top-of-the-world emotionally!”  Trudy is also the author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.

lacto fermented pickles

How To Make Traditional Lacto-Fermented Pickles

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in lacto-fermented foods, including pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, and other probiotic-rich recipes.

The traditional lacto-fermentation process uses lactobacilli, a beneficial microbe that converts starches and sugars in food into lactic acid, which preserves the food and promotes a healthy bacterial balance in the gut.


Lacto-fermented foods can be an excellent addition to canned vegetables, providing a boost to digestive health. However, many commercial food processes don't allow for lacto-fermentation due to longer production time, increased interaction with the food, and shorter shelf life.

I've been canning and preserving for over 20 years. Quite frankly I've never understood why pickle manufacturers felt it necessary to add yellow #2 to pickles. It doesn't add anything to the flavor. If you want your pickles to be yellow just add turmeric.

To make your own lacto-fermented pickles at home, you don't necessarily need a fermentation crock; a 1-gallon glass jar and pickle weights can suffice. The key is to ensure the brine is strong enough to preserve the cucumbers until the lactobacilli take over the preserving process, and that the cucumbers are fully submerged in the brine.


Some individuals are concerned about lacto-fermenting without the use of whey. However, whey is not strictly necessary if the brine is at the right percentage. If you live in a hot climate and have trouble getting fermentation started due to air conditioning, adding 2 tablespoons of whey can help kick off the ferment.

To make your own whey, simply strain plain organic yogurt overnight in a lined colander in the refrigerator. In the morning, you will have creamy Greek-style yogurt and clear strained whey, which can be used for soaking beans, grains, and lacto-fermented foods.

Another traditional tip from a reader's grandmother is to add grape leaves to the jar to enhance lacto-fermentation and make your pickles crisp. This sounds like it could be a good idea, as grapes are known for their natural bacteria content, which can aid the fermentation process.


Here is a classic lacto-fermented pickle recipe that you can try at home. This recipe is for a two-quart jar, but you can easily double the ingredients if you wish to make a gallon jar.

lacto fermented pickles

Lacto-fermented Pickles


  • 4 large pickling cucumbers (only because this is what fit - if using baby cukes you may need more)
  • 3 cloves of garlic, crushed, not peeled
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1/2 t. celery seed
  • 1/2 t. dill seed
  • 1 quart of water
  • 1 1/2 T. kosher salt


  • Sterilize the jar
  • Wash the cucumbers
  • Add spices to the jar
  • Mix together water and salt until salt is completely dissolved (this is your brine)
  • Pour brine over cucumbers and herbs
  • Use pickle weights to hold down the cucumbers
  • Loosely cover jar with wax paper and a ring or rubber band
  • Let sit in a warm (not hot) dark place
  • After 4 days you can cut off small pieces of pickle to taste
  • When it tastes pickle-y enough you can put it in the refrigerator
  • This will slow down but not completely stop the fermentation process

For those who want a faster option, quick refrigerator pickles are also a great alternative to store-bought pickles.

refrigerator pickle

Quick Refrigerator Pickle Recipe

Summer is a wonderful time for fresh and in season foods like salads or grilled meats. I’ve been known to serve it on the side of egg dishes, it’s fabulous on tacos, and I will even confess to occasionally eating it straight out of the jar. If you’re making any of these dishes it can be delicious to add a gentle pickle as a condiment on the side. 

This recipe is not only super easy to make, it’s delicious and adds a nice fresh snap to whatever you’re serving. It’s also a bit of a DIY pickle project because you can change the recipe depending on what’s available or what you’re in the mood for. Although you can buy some of your vegetables already julienned into matchsticks I prefer to do it myself using a julienne peeler.  My preferred peeler is this wide handled, soft grip version by Oxo. If you’re making a lot of these pickles (something I’ve been known to do once summer arrives) a mandoline slicer is going to be faster and easier. 

One nice thing about this recipe is that the pickles continue to get more flavorful the longer they’re in the brine.  Once you’re done with the pickles the leftover brine is so wonderful that it’s nice for making a vinaigrette.

refrigerator pickle

Quick Refrigerator Shredded Pickle Recipe


  • ½ cup apple cider vinegar
  • ½ cup white wine vinegar
  • ½ cup water
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • Seasonings: see note below
  • 2 cups julienned veggies - carrots, red onion, vidalia onion, golden beets, zucchini, English cucumber, radish, kohlrabi, jicama


  • Wash and dry a wide mouth quart canning jar (or other large jar)
  • Bring vinegars and water to a gentle boil
  • Add garlic, salt, and seasonings, continue to boil until salt has dissolved
  • Remove from heat and let cool 10 minutes
  • Add the veggies to your jar
  • Pour the still hot brine over the veggies
  • Let the jar cool to room temperature before adding a lid and placing in the fridge
  • Lasts 2-3 weeks in the fridge


Seasoning note:
Depending on what flavor you want you can use different herbs or spices.  For this amount of liquid I like to use 1-2 of the following:
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 2-3 sprigs of fresh herbs - thyme, tarragon, oregano, or dill
  • If you don’t have fresh herbs you can use ⅓  teaspoon of dried 


Quick Pickle Vinaigrette


  • Drain/strain your quick pickle jar to remove any floaty bits
  • ¼ cup quick pickle brine
  • Generous pinch of sea salt (taste it first to see if it needs it)
  • 1 ½ teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • ½ cup good quality *olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon dried onions (I like to use my dehydrated vidalias here)
  • ½ teaspoon minced fresh parsley


  • Whisk together brine, salt (if using) and mustard
  • Slowly whisk in olive oil until mixture is emulsified
  • Whisk in onion and parsley
    This recipe can be used immediately or stored in the fridge up to 2 weeks!


*olive oil
This recipe can be used immediately or stored in the fridge up to 2 weeks