Energy bars are a great snack to have in your pantry. They are handy and healthy for after school, wonderful if you need a little something in the afternoon to tide you over until dinner, great for after a workout, and easily portable for on the road. Unfortunately many of the commercial bars are loaded with chemicals and preservatives (which should be avoided as much as possible).
You can bypass the chemicals and preservatives in commercial energy bars if you make them yourself. My favorite way to do this is to start with a batch of my own Great Granola. It's easy to make in your slow cooker, delicious, healthy, and very reasonably priced. The overall cost of these homemade energy bars is typically less than purchasing them in the store.
To boost the nutrition of my energy bars I add sesame seeds, which are high in copper, manganese, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. They also add fiber and a great nutty flavor. Another addition is almond butter. Almonds are an alkalizing nut with heart healthy monounsaturated fat. Studies have shown they can limit the rise in blood sugar which normally happens after you eat; they also provide antioxidants. Almond butter can be purchased in a number of grocery stores from the grind-your-own machine, you can make it very easily in a food processor, or you can purchase commercial varieties. If you purchase commercial almond butter look for one with no added oil, sugar, or preservatives.
After making the bars I wrap them individually in wax paper and store them in an airtight container. They keep well although given their popularity I have yet to figure out exactly how long they will last.
Great Granola Energy Bars
makes 16
3 C. granola
3/4 C. sesame seeds
1 C. almond butter
1/2 C. raw honey
Toast sesame seeds lightly in a pan until golden
In a double boiler combine almond butter and honey
Stir together as it begins to soften and melt
When very warm and liquid add in sesame seeds
In a large bowl thoroughly combine granola and honey, almond butter, sesame seeds
Oil a baking pan (I use either grapeseed or walnut oil)
Pour mixture onto pan
Lightly oil your hands and press mixture onto the pan
Allow mixture to cool completely before cutting into bars
Monthly Archives: October 2010

Green Tomato Chutney
I was amused by a conversation with QuantumVegan’s about harvesting fifty pounds of tomatoes. That's a LOT of tomatoes! When we lived in Vermont that kind of a harvest was sure to mean we were getting green tomatoes. The growing season is so short there tomatoes don't always have time to ripen. So you come up with lots of good ways to use green tomatoes. There's green tomato pie, green tomato salsa, the ubiquitous fried green tomatoes, and more. Luckily green tomatoes have lots of nutrition, including lycopene.
Nutritional Profile
Green tomatoes are versatile and can be made into pie (it's delicious, trust me), pasta sauce, and all manner of preserved goods.
Green Tomato Chutney
- 4 pounds green tomatoes, cored and cut into chunks
- 4 pounds green apples, peeled, cored and cut into chunks
- 2 C. yellow onions, minced
- 2 C. raisins
- 3 cloves garlic minced
- 3 C. evaporated cane juice crystals
- 1 1/2 C. raw apple cider vinegar
- 3 T. minced fresh ginger
- 2 T. mustard seed
- 1 t. ground cinnamon
- 1/2 t. ground cloves
- 1/2 t. red pepper flakes
- In a large stock pot mix together tomatoes, apples, onions, raisins, garlic, cane juice crystals, salt, and vinegar.
- Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring frequently.
- Continue to boil for approximately 30 minutes continuing to stir frequently. The fruits will begin to soften and meld together.
- Add the spices.
- Boil for another 10-15 minutes until you reach the consistency you want.
- Ladle into hot sterile jars and seal according to directions.
- Bath for 10 minutes remove and let cool.

Baking With Kids
Baking is wonderful and something I love to do. Even more fun is to bake with kids. They're so excited and fascinated by the process. Learning their way around the ingredients, how to measure, the wet and dry combining process; it's a fun edible science and math experiment in the kitchen.
This is one of my baking buddies, Miss A. She came over the other day with her brother, Mr. C. I had promised them that the next time they came over we would make cookies so that was our plan.
As it turns out Mr. C's idea of making cookies was to allow his sister and I to do all the baking while he played the part of Official Cookie Tester. And, might I add, he was rather impatient for those cookies to be done.
Miss A and I got down to business, put on our aprons and got out my "Famous Chocolate Chip Oaties" recipe. Mr. C. wanted to know why they were famous, had they been on t.v.? Did someone famous invent them? I told him that it was a recipe I had created and I simply call them Famous because everyone who eats them really likes them and wants more.
Needless to say he was less than impressed and informed me that unless they've been on t.v. they can't be famous. Maybe I should send a box to Ellen?
One of the things I love about baking with kids is how curious they are. Miss A wanted to taste everything. Of course we decided that the chocolate chips were pretty tasty. Surprisingly she liked the oatmeal, even raw, and requested a large spoonful of her own to nibble on. We had two kinds of sugar and she tasted both of them. Then we got to the baking soda.
Miss A asked if she could taste it. I was a little surprised and said, "I'm not sure you want to do that."
"Why?" she asked.
"Well," I replied "it's a little bitter tasting and I'm not sure you're going to like it."
"But I want to taste everything." she said.
So I let her taste it.
Her face scrunched up a little and she said, "It's not really bitter but I don't like it."
"Want some chocolate chips to wash that down?" I asked.
Of course the answer was yes.
We wound up making two batches of cookies the regular variety and the peanut butter variety. The recipe is below and we're sure you're going to enjoy it, just like we did.

Famous Chocolate Chip Oaties
- 1/2 C butter
- 1 C evaporated cane juice crystals
- 1 egg
- 1/2 t. vanilla
- 1 C + 2 T white whole wheat flour
- 1/2 t. salt
- 1/2 t. baking soda
- 1 C chocolate chips
- 1 C rolled oats
- Preheat oven to 375
- Blend together butter and sugar until creamy
- Add egg and blend well
- Add vanilla and blend well
- Mix together flour, salt and baking soda and sift into butter mixture
- Blend in chocolate chips
- Blend in oats
- Drop by spoonfuls onto a greased baking sheet
- Bake 10 minutes
- Let sit on baking sheet 2 minutes
- Move to rack to finish cooling
- For the Peanut Butter variety:Substitute sucanat for the evaporated cane juice crystalsAdd 1/2 C chunky peanut butter

Foods To Lower Blood Pressure
Hypertension is a growing concern in this country. Especially when coupled with the unfortunate reality of restaurants that over-salt their food. But our over exposure to salt is not only from eating at restaurants, even at home, we are consuming far more than we need. Many people tend to over-salt their food, probably due to the influence of high salt when eating out. You can then become addicted to that level of salt flavor and it can take some time and effort to readjust your palate.
Causes of high blood pressure
Blood pressure is measured in milimeters of mercury (mm HG). A moderate adult blood pressure is usually considered to be 120/80. The upper number is called the systolic pressure and indicates the force of your heart beat on the walls of your arteries. The lower number is called the diastolic and this number shows the force of your heart between beats.
Factors that can cause that number to go up may include a diet high in fat, sugar and sodium. A high stress lifestyle can also contribute to high blood pressure. It is very important to note that if you have blood pressure problems you need to let both your doctor and any nutrition professional you are working with know if you are making any changes to try to address blood pressure issues. Herbal remedies, lifestyle changes, and medication implemented together may cause a significant drop in blood pressure. Hypotension, blood pressure that is too low, can be just as bad for you as hypertension.
Fake Salt
If you have high blood pressure you may be advised to go on a low sodium diet. For many people that means switching to "fake" salt which is usually made from potassium chloride. Because it's not sodium it's deemed to be better for you by some medical practitioners.
If you need to avoid excess sodium, I think it's better to also avoid the potassium chlorides and look for other taste alternatives. Adding herbal blends like no salt-seasoning mix is a great way to add flavor without the salt. Or you can use lemon juice on things like black beans or sweet potatoes where you might normally use salt. The added tangy flavor really adds a boost without the need for salt.
The difference between salts
Table salt
This is typically a highly processed form of salt. It is often stripped of minerals, has chemicals added to prevent clumping, and then a low bioavailable form of iodine is added.
Sea salt
I confess I prefer to use sea salt. It has no additives and all the minerals are still in there. Sea salt does tend to have less iodine than table salt and iodine is important for our health so you’ll want to make sure you’re checking your levels and consuming iodine as needed. Adding sea vegetables to your diet is one way to help you get enough iodine. There are a wide variety of sea salts depending on where they’re harvested from.
Kosher salt
is a coarse salt named for the process by which it is created. To my knowledge, there are no additives, and it is not stripped of minerals. But the larger crystals limit some of the uses for it depending on the flavor profile of the dish you are making.
Foods that support lowering blood pressure
Alfalfa is an herb with a reputation for lowering blood pressure. Other herbs believed to be beneficial for lower blood pressure include parsley, ginger root, nettle, and sage. Often taken as an infusion or a tea, these should be avoided if you are on any sort of blood thinners.
Celery is an easily available food that has been recognized in Chinese medicine as being effective for lowering blood pressure. Studies done in Western medicine appear to confirm this benefit. Containing both potassium and sodium, celery is not only a vasorelaxant it is also a diuretic helping to relieve the body of excess fluid.
Garlic is also known to be very beneficial for reducing not only blood pressure but also cholesterol. Fresh garlic is better as the beneficial allicin is fully available when chopped or minced. Letting the garlic sit for 5-10 minutes after cutting allows the allicin to fully develop. Cook garlic lightly for 10-15 minutes (in other words closer to the end of the cooking time) to get full benefit.
Hibiscus tea is known to be very effective for lower blood pressure. The dried flowers can be purchased either through health food stores or even some larger chain grocery stores. A double-blind study published in 2009 in the Journal of Human Hypertension concluded that non-medicated hypertensive diabetic patients had a positive outcome from drinking two cups of infused tea every day for one month. The report further stated, "This study supports the results of similar studies in which antihypertensive effects have been shown for [Hibiscus sabdariffa]."
Nitric oxide is a supplement that can be supportive for lowering blood pressure. This is because it helps your blood vessels to dilate, which can help regulate blood flow, inflammation, and also blood pressure. There are several studies using inorganic nitrate and beet juice supplementation, that found nitric oxide can support a reduction in blood pressure levels. Studies with beet root and beet juice have shown such promise that they have been considered as complementary treatment for hypertension. Beets are rich in dietary nitrates. By consuming beets or beet juice, your body has the components to convert it to nitric oxide and keep your blood vessels more open.
Another way to increase nitric oxide is through meditation. One study found that “meditation groups showed a significant higher level of serum nitrate & nitrite concentration…” Several different types of meditation have been observed to help reduce blood pressure levels. These can include zen-meditation, trans-meditation, and breathing awareness meditation.
In conclusion
- The average person should get from 1,500 to 2,300 mg of salt per day.
- 1 teaspoon of salt has about 2,000 mg
- Restaurant foods tend to be heavily salted, if you eat out a lot this may overbalance your palate to a high sodium preference
- It is possible to restructure your palate and learn to use less salt
- Changing your diet, adding nitric oxide, and including meditation may all be helpful strategies to lower blood pressure
With hypertension becoming a growing challenge, making changes can be an important strategy for controlling blood pressure levels and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Shitake Pinto Bean Burgers
My friend Alexandra shared this fabulous recipe with me and is letting me share it with all of you.
I love bean burgers but confess that sometimes I get tired of the same recipe over and over again. I also usually make lentil or black bean burgers. This recipe sparked my interest because it was a different kind of bean and the addition of shitake mushrooms.
Mushrooms can be a very wonderful food to add to your diet. Asian cultures promote the use of mushrooms for the medicinal values, they do have healthy properties, and they are very tasty. Shitake mushrooms in particular have something called lentian in them, a substance that helps to boost the immune system, and studies indicate that it has anti-cancer properties. Shitake mushrooms are also a good source of iron, vitamin C, and fiber as well as providing some protein.
Here's Alexandra's recipe, let us know what you paired it with.

Shitake Pinto Bean Burgers
- 3 1/2 cups or 1 can of pinto beans
- 1 cup rough chop shitake mushrooms
- 1 small red onion diced
- 1/2 cup green onions diced
- 3-4 cloves of crushed garlic
- 1/2 tsp each of cumin and corriander
- Sprinkle of chipotle chili powder
- Saute garlic and onions for 2-3 minutes
- Add mushrooms, green onions, cumin and corriander
- Cook for 2-3 minutes
- While veggies are cooking, mash beans
- Add veggies, chipotle chili powder, salt & pepper to beans, mix well
- Shape into patties
- Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper
- Spread a bit of coconut oil on paper (helps with browning)
- Place patties on cookie sheet and bake in 400 degree oven for about 30 minutes, flipping after 15 minutes
- These are great topped with avocado and a side of greens. Enjoy