After reading the article “Dr. Google is a Liar”, I can only say that this is its own brand of misinformation. I believe people should not get their medical information from Dr. Google, and this article is just infuriating. Written by a cardiologist, it is designed to get everyone on statins.
Why are they targeting women?
Women have now become the target for taking statins, and it pisses me off! Every single woman in this country should not be a target for statins simply because of biology. Unfortunately, we are not taught how our bodies work as we age and that leaves us under-educated and potentially placed on statins even if we don’t really need them.
Here’s how your female body works when it comes to cholesterol. After you go through menopause, your body stops needing so much estrogen. Because the body uses cholesterol to create hormones (in this case, estrogen) you can wind up with higher cholesterol. It’s not harmful unless it’s super high and your triglycerides, ratios, and inflammatory markers are elevated. It’s the way your body is designed to work. In fact, some studies show that older people with higher cholesterol live longer. This is part of why I feel it important to look at each person as an individual and not suggest across-the-board medication simply because of age or sex.
The use of statin drugs can deplete Coenzyme-Q 10 from the body yet nowhere in the above-referenced article does it talk about this depletion. Found in every cell in the body, the antioxidant Co-Q 10 is used for energy to support cell growth and maintenance. Depleted CoQ10 can cause other health issues as well, including:
Why are they targeting women?
Women have now become the target for taking statins, and it pisses me off! Every single woman in this country should not be a target for statins simply because of biology. Unfortunately, we are not taught how our bodies work as we age and that leaves us under-educated and potentially placed on statins even if we don’t really need them.
Here’s how your female body works when it comes to cholesterol. After you go through menopause, your body stops needing so much estrogen. Because the body uses cholesterol to create hormones (in this case, estrogen) you can wind up with higher cholesterol. It’s not harmful unless it’s super high and your triglycerides, ratios, and inflammatory markers are elevated. It’s the way your body is designed to work. In fact, some studies show that older people with higher cholesterol live longer. This is part of why I feel it important to look at each person as an individual and not suggest across-the-board medication simply because of age or sex.
Statins and your health
- physical or mental fatigue
- chronic pain
- a weakened immune system
- increased risk of obesity and/or heart disease
- the possibility for neurological disorders
- statin use can also impair gut function.