Category Archives: immune system

Do You Have Oral Allergy Syndrome?

You wake up in the morning and you brush your teeth then wash your face with your all natural face wash.  You’re in a hurry to get out the door for work but know you need to at least try to eat something, so you grab a ripe peach, or my favorite a crisp apple, to eat on the way to work.  You take a few bites and then it starts, your mouth gets itchy and your tongue starts to burn.  You start to think, “Was there something in my toothpaste?  Maybe I got some of the facewash in my mouth?  I think I would have known that.”

While there are real concerns with the products we use for our oral hygiene, there is another concern that may not have crossed your mind, pollen food syndrome, also known as PFS. 

What is PFS?

PFS is an allergic response marked by severe itching of the skin of the lips and mouth that can come with swelling or tenderness in and around the mouth or lips. 

PFS, also known as oral allergy syndrome, OAS, is distinct from another condition affecting the lips and mouth, burning mouth syndrome, or BMS. 

The difference between the two conditions is the cause of the itching and burning.  In BMS, the symptoms can be caused by a variety of things such as a systemic issue like diabetic nerve damage, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal changes, psychological disorders or from other causes like chemotherapy, neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, simple mouth infections like cold sores, or a candida infection.

When the condition is BMS the issue can sometimes be resolved by removal of the causative factor, such as changing to a different brand of toothpaste if the is caused by a specific chemical in it, such as sodium lauryl sulfate. In the case of systemic causes, dietary changes and treating any nutritional deficiencies can help to solve the overarching issue. In PFS the cause is from an antibody cross-reaction with proteins in the problem food. 

For our immune system to work properly, a protein on a bacteria needs to be recognized by our immune system.  Once recognized, our immune system can then identify and go to work attacking the problem organism.  The issue in PFS, like all allergies, comes when your body starts to recognize proteins as problematic when it shouldn’t.

Fortunately, unlike other food allergies, PFS is rarely life-threatening, though this fact won’t comfort someone who suffers from PFS.  A diagnosis of PFS is typically done on a case by case basis and those with PFS often have a history of hay fever with skin tests to the pollens or foods in question.

Due to the need to rule out other causative factors, people typically don’t get diagnosed until they have a medical history documenting issue. This explains why children are often undiagnosed. Some doctors will look at total or specific IgE antibodies to try and confirm an immune response and to rule out other factors.

How is PFS different?

While the itching, pain, and discomfort from PFS may seem like BMS, there are important differences.  One of these differences is that those who suffer from PFS often have an allergy to something else such as a classic food allergy, or an allergy to pollen. 

Another factor is that in people with PFS, the trigger foods typically come when raw food is consumed, and sufferers don’t have the same reaction when the food is cooked.  If you reacted to a raw apple or peach, you typically don’t get the same reaction to a cooked fruit dessert such as an apple or peach pie. This is because the proteins that cause the reaction in the food are not heat tolerant.  When these foods are cooked, the proteins will start to break down and thus won’t result in an immune response because our body is no longer able to recognize these proteins it thinks are harmful. 

PFS is often seen in people who have cross-reactions to birch, grass, or ragweed pollens.  People who are sensitized to birch pollen often cross-react with apple, pears, carrots, or celery and those sensitized with grass pollen will often cross-react with celery and carrots. There is concern that pesticides applied to plants may increase the expression of cross-reactive proteins in plants.  This means that eating clean foods and minimizing the chemicals in our environment can go a long way in terms of prevention PFS prevention.   

The Cross Reactors

Tree Pollen (typically birch and alder)

Fruits: Apple, apricot, cherry, fig, kiwi, lychee, nectarine, pear, plum, peach, prune, persimmon, strawberry

Vegetables: Beans, carrot, celery, green pepper, potato, parsnip, peas

Nuts: Almond, hazelnut, walnut

Spices: Anise, basil, dill, caraway, chicory, coriander, cumin, fennel, marjoram, oregano, parsley, paprika, pepper, tarragon, thyme

Other foods: Lentils, peanut, soybean, sunflower seeds


Fruits: Date, fig, kiwi, melons, orange, tomato, watermelon

Vegetables: Peas, potato

Other foods: Peanut

Mugwort (More common in Europe and Asia)

Fruits: Apple, melons, orange, peach, tomato, watermelon

Vegetables: Carrot, celery, green pepper, onion, parsnip

Other foods: Chamomile, sunflower seeds

Ragweed (pollinates in autumn)

Fruits: Banana, melons (e.g. cantaloupe, honeydew), watermelons

Vegetables: Cucumbers, zuchhini

At a glance

What to do if you have PFS?

If you suspect you have, or have been diagnosed with, PFS one of the first things you may be told is that there is no treatment available and to simply avoid the food that is causing the reaction. 

As mentioned above, cooked foods don’t result in the same reaction most of the time. When the food is from a fruit like an apple, you can also remove the skin as a way to weaken or remove the reaction.  The reason removing the skin works for some foods is because the skin often contains more protein than the rest of the food. 

When you remove the skin, you also take the problem causing proteins with it.  This should be done with caution though because fruits and vegetables can contain different amounts of the problematic protein depending on the conditions the food was grown in or how ripe it is. This means that removing the skin of one type of apple might not work while it may for another. 

It’s been estimated that 47-70% of people who suffer from allergic rhinitis also have PFS.  So if you have seasonal allergies it may be worth finding out if you have minor PFS symptoms that have gone unnoticed.

[expand title="Sources"] 

Allergic Living. (2010). Oral Allergy: Plants, Foods That Cross-React.  Retrieved from:

Coculescu, E. C., Ţovaru, Ş., & Coculescu, B. I. (2014). Epidemiological and etiological aspects of burning mouth syndrome. Journal of Medicine & Life, 7(3), 305-309Hofmann, A., & Burks, A. W. (2008). Pollen food syndrome: update on the allergens. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports, 8(5), 413-417.

Ludman, S., et al. (2016). Pollen food syndrome amongst children with seasonal allergic rhinitis attending allergy clinic. Pediatric Allergy & Immunology, 27(2), 134-140. doi:10.1111/pai.12504

Ivković-Jureković, I. (2015). Oral allergy syndrome in children. International Dental Journal, 65(3), 164-168. doi:10.1111/idj.12164

Portnoy, J. (2015). IgE in clinical allergy and allergy diagnosis. World Allergy Organization. Retrieved from:

Rivinius, C. (2009). Burning mouth syndrome: Identification, diagnosis, and treatment. Journal of The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 21(8), 423-429. doi:10.1111/j.1745-7599.2009.00424.x

Seto, C. (2010) OAS- When raw food is forbidden.  Allergic Living. Retrieved from:


What Is Leaky Gut?

You may never see the term “leaky gut” on a hospital chart.  That's not because it isn't real or acknowledged by the functional medicine community. Leaky Gut Syndrome, sometimes referred to as Intestinal Permeability, is a term used to describe a set of symptoms that have an undiagnosed cause. It can be challenging to get your doctor on board when you have the symptoms. This is due to the fact that there are no specific diagnostic criteria for leaky gut. Plus identifying the cause is not always easy. That can leave you struggling to find answers, much less a solution. The good news is that there are ways to combat leaky gut syndrome.

Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome can have a lot of symptoms, though all of them are a result of the digestive organs. The most common symptoms include:

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Cramps
  • Aches and pains
  • Food sensitivities

The first four symptoms often point toward a food sensitivity that may be triggering the other symptoms. Many doctors fail to find the reason why. Why do you have these symptoms after eating gluten, large amounts of fat, red meat, or whatever your triggering food or ingredient happens to be? Research hasn't caught up to the symptoms, but many doctors acknowledge that there must be some underlying cause for food sensitivities. Until mainstream medical care catches up, you can still mitigate your symptoms by avoiding foods that trigger a negative response.

Identify Your Food Sensitivities

If you want to say goodbye to the worst of your leaky gut symptoms, you need to know what is causing the reaction. One common starting point is to implement an Elimination Diet. Eliminations diets usually remove the seven most common food allergens–corn, eggs, soy, wheat/gluten, nuts, fish, and dairy. You'll also avoid added sugars and processed foods where possible. You want to follow this dietary plan for approximately 6-8 weeks.  One issue with an elimination diet, however, is that you might not find everything. As you start adding foods back in on a weekly basis, you could be missing delayed reactions or attributing them to the wrong foods. An elimination diet also does not easily identify additives or environmental exposures that can be contributing to the issue.

A simpler way to identify food sensitivities is to use testing such as a Delayed Allergy Test (LRA) by Elisa ACT. Through blood draw and analysis, the LRA test identifies all three of the different reactions to food sensitivities on as many as 505 distinct items. It includes foods, food additives, toxic metals, molds, and environmental chemicals. That means that even if you don't notice a reaction, the test will. That's really good news when you have delayed reactions that can be easily overlooked or attributed to a different cause.

Control Your Symptoms Through Diet

Once you know which foods trigger your sensitivities, you can just avoid them, right? Unfortunately, it's not really that easy. Simply knocking food items off of your grocery list can leave you with an increased risk of developing new sensitivities. This is because you often wind up substituting something you're sensitive to for a new food and then eating large amounts of that food.  A common example is people who choose a gluten-free diet and then start to consume large amounts of corn or rice starch.  They then find out six months down the road, when they retest, that they have now developed a sensitivity to corn or rice.

Rotation diets can help you handle this issue. Following a four-day plan, you eat foods on a strictly controlled schedule. By limiting exposure to proteins so you only consume them once every four days, you reduce the likelihood of developing new sensitivities or intolerances. This is one of the biggest benefits to the rotation diet. The last thing you want is to develop an endless cycle of additional allergies.

Additionally adding in functional foods, where allowable, such as bone broth and lacto-ferments can help support good gut health. Lacto-ferments can include kombucha, kefir, and lacto-fermented vegetables such as kimchi.  Increasing collagen peptides in the diet is also supportive as this is very healing for the gut.

Get On Board With Treatment

There is no cure for leaky gut syndrome, primarily because there is no single cause. Those with celiac, Crohn's, IBS, or several other autoimmune disorders can have many of the same symptoms. Your gut is the heart of your immune system. When it isn't working properly, you are more vulnerable to disease and other illnesses. A leaky gut can leave you feeling generally worn down, and causes can range from poor stress management to diagnosable diseases. When you can't find the cause, you should still work toward mitigating your symptoms. Run the tests and come up with a nutrition plan and rotation diet that works for you.

Our suggestion is to run an LRA test and come up with a nutrition plan and rotation diet that works for you. It's important to remember that the more compliant you are with your new nutrition plan, the more effective these changes are going to be when it comes to improving your gut health. Strict elimination, combined with good nutrition and gut support, can often be very helpful in reducing or removing the uncomfortable symptoms that lead you to test in the first place.


Could You Have Scurvy (Even Though You’re Not An 18th-Century Pirate)?

Scurvy is a disease caused by a vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency.

Without vitamin C, the body is unable to synthesize collagen necessary for wound healing and healthy skin, bones, teeth, joints, and blood vessels.

Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that effectively fights free radicals and prevents oxidative stress throughout the body.

In addition, it plays a critical role in adrenal and thyroid function.

Scurvy Symptoms

If you're not eating fresh fruits and vegetables regularly, then you're likely at risk of developing scurvy. This should be your first clue.

Other early warning signs and symptoms include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Muscle spasms, cramping or pain
  • Brain fog
  • Diarrhea
  • Weakness
  • Fever
  • Bruising
  • Wounds that won't heal
  • Bleeding or swollen gums
  • Tooth decay or tooth loss
  • Weight loss
  • Coiled hair
  • Skin rashes or red spots
  • High blood pressure
  • Depression

Resurgence of Scurvy

In the 18th century, scurvy caused the teeth of sailors to fall out due to a lack of vitamin C in their diet aboard ship. However, it appears scurvy isn't just a disease of the past.

Based on data collected between 2003 and 2004, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found 6 to 8% of the general population had a vitamin C deficiency severe enough to qualify as a scurvy diagnosis.

Between 2009 and 2014, almost 25% of patients admitted to a hospital in Springfield, Massachusetts with unexplained symptoms were diagnosed with a vitamin C deficiency.

In the United Kingdom, the rate of scurvy-related hospital admissions increased by 27% between 2009 and 2014.

And a researcher at a Diabetes Center in Australia documented more than a dozen cases in recent years as well.

Why is Scurvy Making a Comeback?

This resurgence is surprising to doctors and health officials because the amount of vitamin C needed to prevent scurvy is relatively low. For example, one large orange or one bowl of strawberries a day provides enough vitamin C to do the trick.

But the sad truth is that more and more people don't regularly eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Or, if they eat these foods at all, they are either from a package or overcooked, which almost entirely diminishes the vitamin C content.

Other modern day factors may also deplete the body of vitamin C, which includes:

  • Chronic stress
  • Environmental toxins
  • Illness
  • Injury
  • Synthetic hormones and birth control pills
  • Steroid medications
  • Diuretics
  • Aspirin

It's also worth noting that a well-functioning digestive system is necessary to properly digest and absorb vitamin C (and all other nutrients) from food. Thus, with the rise of gastrointestinal diseases and dysfunction, this could also be a contributing factor.

Best Sources of Vitamin C

Uncooked, fresh fruits and veggies are the best sources of vitamin C. Those you can enjoy raw with the highest vitamin C content include:

And in the case of a vitamin C deficiency, it may be necessary to supplement with collagen until optimal levels are reached. 

In Conclusion

Scurvy, a condition caused by a severe vitamin C deficiency, is making a comeback around the world mostly in part to our modern way of life. This means your risk may be real even though you're not an 18th-century pirate.

Therefore, it's important to consume fresh vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables every day to prevent a vitamin C deficiency and the development of scurvy.

[expand title="References"] 

National Institutes of Health - Vitamin C Fact Sheet for Professionals
Pelton, R. (2001). Drug-induced nutrient depletion handbook. Hudson, OH: Lexi-Comp.
Scurvy makes surprise return in Australia. (2016, November 29).
Scurvy Is a Serious Public Health Problem. (2015, November 20).
The World's Healthiest Foods - Vitamin C


The Healing Powers Of Bone Broth (plus Recipe)

Have you ever been told to eat a bowl of chicken soup when you're sick?

I bet you have. But do you know why?

It's truly an ancient tradition. But the truth is, not all chicken soups will do the trick. Especially those found in a can.

Traditionally chicken soup was made by simmering vegetables, meat and bones to create a nutrient rich broth (a.k.a. bone broth). However, most commercial soups today simply use broth made from water and chicken "flavor."

Bone broth has been used throughout humankind for its rich flavor and healing powers. Many cultures use it to cure illnesses, such as colds and flu. In fact, bone broth is sometimes referred to as Jewish penicillin. It's also been prized for its ability to treat conditions related to the digestive tract, skin, joints, lungs, muscles, and blood.

And fortunately, bone broth is making a comeback.

Bone Broth Nutrition

Bone broth contains a soup (pun intended) of health promoting nutrients in highly absorbable forms. Thus, it's much more potent (and enjoyable) than taking a variety of synthetic supplements.

Below are several key nutrients in bone broth along with their health benefits:


Minerals are essential to life. They play many important roles in our bodies, such as nerve signaling and the initiation of most enzymatic processes in our bodies. They also impact the health of our digestive system, heart, cells, and bones.

Bone broth is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicone, sulfur, and a variety of trace minerals.

Amino Acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and have numerous responsibilities when it comes to our health. Bone broth specifically contains high concentrations of glycine and proline.

Glycine acts as an antioxidant, which protects our cells from free radical damage. It also aids in detoxification as well as wound healing, digestion, sleep, memory, and performance. It keeps our muscles strong and is used to make glutathione (another powerful antioxidant).

Proline is essential for healthy skin and joints. It also helps to repair the lining of the digestive system.

Collagen and Gelatin

Collagen is a protein found in bones as well as other connective tissues. Its name comes from the word "kolla," which means glue. Essentially, its main role is to hold the body together.

When collagen dissolves in water, it forms gelatin. Gelatin has been studied extensively and is often used to heal and soothe the digestive tract, support bone health, overcome food allergies and sensitivities, improve digestion and detoxification, and boost the body’s natural production of collagen.


Glucosamine lubricates our joints and provides a cushion within them. Expensive supplements are often used to treat conditions involving bone and joint pain, but bone broth is an all natural (and effective) alternative.

Chondroitin Sulfate

Along with glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate supports healthy bones and joints. But it's also essential for heart and skin health as well as maintaining optimal cholesterol levels.

Chicken Bone Broth Recipe

Bone broth can be made using beef, poultry, lamb, pork or fish bones. There are many recipes available online. Below is an easy to make chicken bone broth recipe:


  • 1 whole organic chicken
    or 2 to 3 pounds of bony chicken parts, such as carcass, necks, and wings plus gizzards
  • 2-4 chicken feet
  • 4 quarts cold filtered water
  • 2 T raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1 large onion, coarsely chopped
  • 2 carrots, coarsely chopped
  • 3 celery stalks, coarsely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 shitake mushrooms
  • 1-2 pieces kombu seaweed
  • 1” piece of turmeric root, sliced (or 1/2 tsp turmeric powder)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 12 peppercorns
  • 1 bunch parsley


If using a whole chicken, cut off the wings and remove the neck, fat glands and the gizzards from the cavity. Cut chicken parts into several pieces.

Place other ingredients into a cheesecloth or jelly bag for easy removal later. Otherwise place carcass and parts in a large stainless steel pot with water, vinegar and all ingredients except parsley.

Let stand 30 minutes to 1 hour. Bring to a boil, and remove scum that rises to the top. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 12-18 hours. The longer the stock cooks the richer and more flavorful it will be. About 10 minutes before finishing the stock, add parsley. This will impart additional mineral ions to the broth.

If using a whole chicken, let cool and remove chicken meat from the carcass. Reserve for other uses, such as chicken salads, enchiladas, sandwiches or curries. Strain the stock into a large bowl and reserve in the refrigerator until the fat rises to the top and congeals. Skim off this fat and reserve the stock in covered containers in the refrigerator or freezer.

Delicious Ways to Add Bone Broth to Your Diet

Once you have a batch of bone broth, here are several ways to enjoy it:

  • Sip it plain (or seasoned with sea salt and minced spring onions)
  • Use it in soup, stew, sauce and gravy recipes
  • Use it instead of water or other liquids to cook grains, steam vegetables, make mashed potatoes and bake casseroles

To make a "miso-style" soup, follow this recipe:


  • 1 C broth
  • 1 fresh mushroom, diced
  • 1 spring onion, diced
  • 1/4 cup shredded carrot
  • sea salt to taste


  1. Heat broth on stovetop
  2. When broth is fully heated add remaining ingredients
  3. Heat on medium 2-3 minutes until all ingredients are warmed
  4. Enjoy!

I also encourage people to pour cooled bone broth into ice cube trays and freeze. Bone broth ice cubes are a great nutrition boosting addition to smoothies. They also give smoothies a thicker consistency.

To sum it up:

Consuming bone broth on a regular basis is probably one of the most beneficial things you can do to support your health.

  • It contains a variety of easily absorbable nutrients;
  • It warms your heart and your soul;
  • It's easy to make; and
  • It's absolutely delicious!

[expand title="Sources"] 

Bergner, P. (1997). The healing power of minerals, special nutrients, and trace elements. Rocklin, CA: Prima Pub.
Daniel, K. (2003, June 18). Why Broth is Beautiful: Essential Roles for Proline, Glycine and Gelatin [Web log post]. Retrieved January 10, 2017, from
Fallon, S. (2000, January 1). Broth in Beautiful [Web log post]. Retrieved January 10, 2017, from
Fallon, S., Enig, M. G., Murray, K., & Dearth, M. (2001). Nourishing traditions: the cookbook that challenges politically correct nutrition and the diet dictocrats. Brandywine, MD: NewTrends Pub.
Vital Proteins, Why Collagen, Retrieved March 27, 2017


Avoid Sugar If You Have A Cold


I just spoke with a friend, Sarah, who is feeling a little under the weather.  She's got a bad cold and is generally not feeling well.  She wanted to know if there was anything she could take in addition to orange juice and tea to help her feel better.

Where to get your vitamin C

Most people reach for orange juice when they've got a cold.  They're thinking they need vitamin C and this is their best source.  It's been shown that vitamin C can prove beneficial in lessening the duration of a cold.  One particular study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that cold and flu symptoms could be reduced by as much as 85% with the administration of megadoses of vitamin C.
But orange juice is actually not your best choice.  Yes, vitamin C boosts the immune system, but sugar suppresses it and there's a lot of sugar in orange juice (approximately 22g per 8 ounces). Even eating fruit is not necessarily recommended as the fruit sugars will still work to suppress your immune system.  If taking vitamin C in supplemental form you'll need to take several doses through out the day as our bodies don't tend to absorb more than 1,000 mg at a time.
Good non-fruit food sources of vitamin C (not in order of nutrient density) include Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, swiss chard, collard greens, spinach, winter squash and green peas.  There are others but these tend to be the highest.

Cold remedies

Other good choices for supporting the system are zinc lozenges and elderberry syrup.  Long considered to be folk remedies, these are being studied for their effectiveness in supporting cold symptoms.
According to one study published in the journal BioMed Central:
Zinc acetate lozenges shortened the duration of nasal discharge by 34% (95% CI: 17% to 51%), nasal congestion by 37% (15% to 58%), sneezing by 22% (−1% to 45%), scratchy throat by 33% (8% to 59%), sore throat by 18% (−10% to 46%), hoarseness by 43% (3% to 83%), and cough by 46% (28% to 64%). Zinc lozenges shortened the duration of muscle ache by 54% (18% to 89%), but there was no difference in the duration of headache and fever.
Another study published in Nutrients which looked at air travelers and cold symptoms, cold duration, and symptoms found:
Placebo group participants had a significantly longer duration of cold episode days (117 vs. 57, p = 0.02) and the average symptom score over these days was also significantly higher (583 vs. 247, p = 0.05). These data suggest a significant reduction of cold duration and severity in air travelers.

Traditional hygiene and wellness strategies

These still apply.  We know them but sometimes we get a little lazy.  During cold and flu season be sure to protect your health by incorporating the following:

  • Wash hands, especially after shaking hands or touching door knobs, elevator buttons or stair rails. 
  • Get enough sleep.  Lack of sleep can contribute significantly to reduced immune function
  • Go outdoors.  Fresh air and sunshine are an important part of wellness.  Although we do not get as much vitamin D from the sun in the winter, we’re still making serotonin which can help with Seasonal Affective Disorder.
  • Drink up.  Include soups, fresh juices, and herbal teas to stay hydrated and keep your system functioning well.
  • Eating a colorful diet.  In the winter we have a need for certain nutrients found in the seasonal vegetables.  These would include dark leafy greens and winter squashes.  

Ingesting Essential Oils

Benefits of essential oils

As we grow and learn we come across new information.  Sometimes this information contradicts what we learned before. I want to take a moment and share my research and revised thinking around the practice of ingesting essential oils.  I'll start by sharing that I am neither an herbalist or an aromatherapist. My knowledge of the use of essential oils came from classes and self-study with some great books (see the resource list below). But I am not certified in either of those fields and this post is only meant to share my thinking about ingesting essential oils.
This post is also not a discussion of which brand of essential oils is better (and believe me there are a lot of them out there).  It's not a sales post, I'm not asking you to buy oils from me or from any supplier.  I'm also not endorsing any particular brand, seller, or distribution method.  I do, however, want to share what I believe to be very important information with you.  

What are essential oils

Essential oils are amazing.  These volatile aromatic plant elements, distilled from seeds, stems, bark, root, leaves, or flowers, are a form of aromatherapy.  Growing in usage and popularity it's becoming more common to hear of people using the oils for a wide variety of applications.  I use them personally and have enjoyed the benefits of their supportive properties.  

How to use essential oils

We have incorporated essential oils into our home, take small travel kits with us when we are on the road and feel that we have personally benefitted from their use.  I'm far from alone in that. Essential oils are enjoying a resurgence in use and many people not only enjoy using them (because they do smell great) but they also find them to be helpful.  Here are a few simple ways that essential oils can be added to a wellness routine:

  1. For calming and stress relieving benefits
  2. To soothe and warm muscles after a workout
  3. For an aromatic and invigorating lift
  4. To maintain clear airways and support breathing
  5. To soothe occasional skin irritations
  6. To use for a restful night's sleep
  7. To reduce the appearance of blemishes
  8. To reduce bloating or occasional indigestion

My story

I started, like many people, to use essential oils because I was looking for a more plant-based, non-chemical, low additive solution to a number of different things like artificial fragrances for home cleaning. The more I learned, the more oils we seemed to accumulate.  In the beginning, when I first began to use essential oils I learned that it was okay to use them internally.  So I did.  However the more I learned about essential oils the more I began to understand how potent they really are.  In response I limited which ones I was open to taking internally, severely reducing the number of oils that I was comfortable with using in this manner.  I was vocal with my family and others about not indiscriminately taking a wide range of oils internally.

As my studies continued I learned more information.  So that brings us to now…the reason I've written this post. I have changed my mind completely and no longer suggest or support taking any oils internally.  I have come to this viewpoint from several different sources:

Conversations about essential oils

Conversations with two friends and colleagues, Heather Kaminsky and Sarah Bearden, both of whom are licensed aromatherapists and who have cautioned against taking oils internally.  Essential oils are extremely potent extracts.  For example, it takes one pound of peppermint plant matter to make one-half ounce (15 ml) of essential oil.  Taking one drop internally is equivalent to drinking 28 cups of peppermint tea.  That can be very overwhelming for your system.

Both Heather and Sarah referenced the works of Robert Tisserand (recognized as one of the leading authorities on aromatherapy and essential oils). This prompted me to learn more about him and his work. I bought a number of his books and began reading them.   The more I read the more I realized that internal consumption of essential oils is not a good thing.  Many essential oils are highly antibacterial.  Taking them internally can impact your intestinal eco-system which is never a good idea.  The oils are potent enough that aromatic use and/or diluted external use (applied to the affected area or the bottoms of the feet for systemic absorption) are still highly effective.  Taking essential oils neat or undiluted should be done with caution because they are so potent.  Neat application can potentially eventually lead to overexposure and may cause you to develop a sensitivity.

Science and essential oils

Plain science.  Oil and water do not mix.  I know this.  I'm going to confess that I'm embarrassed that this never occurred to me.  I was following the advice and support of those I considered to be far more knowledgeable than I was and did not ever stop to think about or consider this for myself.  Oil and water do not mix.  Therefore adding essential oil to water and tossing it down doesn't dilute it in any way.  It's just a delivery system.  However essential oils by their very nature adhere to mucosal membranes.  This is part of why they are not good for your gut.  They're also not good for your mouth or any other sensitive mucosal membranes. 

In going back through many of the scientific studies I frequently refer to regarding using essential oils (and there are quite a few of them) the most common use, by far, is aromatically, topically is next.  I find very few that suggest oral usage.  Here are just a couple of studies, two for aromatic use and one for topical:

  1. Ambient odors of orange and lavender reduce anxiety and improve mood in a dental office 
  2. The effects of lavender and rosemary essential oils on test-taking anxiety among graduate nursing students
  3. Application of orange essential oil as an antistaphylococcal agent in a dressing model

In doing my research I also looked at a couple of different aromatherapy organizations and their recommendations:

  • International Federation of Aromatherapists, “No Aromatherapist shall use essential oils for internal ingestion or internal application, nor shall any Aromatherapist advocate or promote such use of essential oils.
  • Alliance of International Aromatherapists, “AIA does not endorse internal therapeutic use (oral, vaginal or rectal) of essential oils unless recommended by a health care practitioner trained at an appropriate clinical level. An appropriate level of training must include chemistry, anatomy, diagnostics, physiology, formulation guidelines and safety issues regarding each specific internal route (oral, vaginal or rectal). Please refer to the AIA Safety Guidelines for essential oil use.”  

Furthermore, it turns out that some oils are hepatotoxic, toxic for the liver; even external application is not suggested for their use.  Those oils have been banned and are not common nor easy to find.  Other oils can be significantly dangerous when ingested.  The following essential oils should never be taken internally: Aniseed, Basil, Bay, Cassia, Cinnamon, Clove, Fennel, and Tarragon.  

In one case there is a report of “A near-fatal case of high dose peppermint oil ingestion.”  


Although peppermint can be a supportive essential oil, when taken to excess (especially internally) it can be harmful.  It's important to note that too much of anything can be bad for you.  If a little bit is helpful it doesn't mean that a lot is better.  In some cases, as shown by the study listed above, too much can indeed be very harmful.  

Because I don't want you to be concerned about the idea that peppermint oil may kill you I'd like to share the following beneficial uses:

– easing stomach aches
– easing headaches
– soothing respiratory tract function
– soothing sore muscles
– stimulating the scalp
– boosting energy and wakefulness
– cooling and supportive for reducing fever

Drink this not that

If you want the benefit of herbs and plants and want to be able to take them internally the best possible way to do this is through the use of herbal teas.  These provide far less potency than essential oils but they are no less effective.  For example, while mint essential oil may help relieve some of the pressure and discomfort related to a headache, that's when it's applied externally to the temples or the base of the neck.  

For internal support, mint tea can also be effective as noted in this article:  Spearmint: A New Natural Antimigraine Remedy – A Personal Anecdote with Spearmint (Mentha spicata) as Migraine Prophylaxis.

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Other herbal teas that can be highly supportive of a variety of health needs including:

  • ginger tea – helpful to prevent or reduce the discomfort of nausea, also supportive for bloating or digestive distress
  • rooibos tea – highly antioxidant, drinking this tea may be helpful for those with eczema
  • dandelion tea – natural support for the liver, dandelion tea is also believed to help support bile production and digestion
  • chamomile tea – well known as a calmative, this tea can be supportive for reducing stress and many people find it helpful for sleep
  • raspberry leaf tea – considered beneficial for oral health including soothing canker sores and gingivitis, it's also believed to be supportive for anemia and leg cramps

I want to offer a caution as well.  In all cases, you need to realize that just because these are plants does not mean that they are harmless.  Herbs (and other plants) and their distillations can be highly potent and may have a significant impact on the body.  They cannot be taken indiscriminately.  

Having said that I don't believe that having multiple cups of herbal tea is bad for you (unless you are sensitive to any of the ingredients).  I also know that I have benefitted, from using both herbal concoctions and essential oils.  They can be used effectively but it must be done with caution.

In conclusion, I like essential oils, I have personally found them to be useful.  However, I strongly advise against taking them internally. If you want to make use of the beneficial support of plants on an internal basis I would suggest you consider drinking herbal teas instead. 


These are some of my favorite herbal and aromatherapy books.  I have learned a lot from them but again this is all self-study and does not indicate certification.

Please note that the books listed are Amazon links and, at no extra cost to you, if you purchase through these links I may receive a small commission.

Understanding Food Intolerance Testing

Food sensitivities, or food intolerance, can cause a number of different health-related issues.  Some people refer to food sensitivities as food allergies.  It's important to note that a sensitivity is different than an allergy, sometimes referred to as a True Food Allergy.  A true food allergy, such as a life-threatening response to peanuts, can be dangerous and may require the use of medication or, in extreme circumstances, an epi-pen.  Food sensitivities can cause significant discomfort but, to the best of my knowledge, are not life-threatening.

Symptoms of food sensitivities

One of the issues when it comes to diagnosing food sensitivities is that there may be a delayed hypersensitivity response, meaning it can take several days for symptoms to appear. 

Symptoms are varied and often can be misdiagnosed as being something else. These include:

  • Bloating
  • Coughing or continual throat clearing
  • General Malaise (feeling “under the weather”)
  • Hives
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Irritable bowel symptoms
  • Sinus issues
  • Stomach ache
  • Repeated sneezing for “no reason”
  • Runny nose

My story

I noticed several significant changes in my health that lead me to believe I might be developing some food sensitivities.  I realized that I was getting frequent rashes or flushes on my neck, my sleep was more interrupted (I kept waking repeatedly for no particular reason), I also noticed occasional low level aches in my small joints, and I realized I had developed a craving for cheese.  Sadly when we “crave” foods it often turns out that this is because we have developed a sensitivity and become intolerant of them.

Because it had been a while since I've had food sensitivity testing I decided it was time to go ahead and retest myself.  Here is my thought process after I received my results and read the report:

  • Strong reaction – honey – “Darn!  My favorite sweetener to deal with seasonal allergies.  I often take a spoonful of raw, local honey in tea to help me through the winter allergy season.  Oh well, I guess I'll have to give that up for now.”
  • Strong reaction – fusarium vasinfectum (an agricultural fungus) – “Rats!  Hard to deal with.  I'll really have to be extra vigilant about washing produce and drying it carefully before use.  Time to get out the humidity monitor and make sure the house isn't too damp.”
  • Strong reaction – sodium benzoate (a preservative) – “Say what?!?!  I'm guessing my exposure is coming from eating on the road because I KNOW I am not eating it at home.”
  • Moderate reaction – Blueberry – “Darn!  My favorite berry.  Luckily there are lots of other berries, I'll just have to switch for a while.”
  • Moderate reaction – Canteloupe/Honeydew – “Huh?  Another fruit?  I don't even eat that much fruit to begin with.”
  • Moderate reaction – Cottonseed oil – “Again probably from eating out, I certainly don't have this at home.”
  • Moderate reaction – Cheese (cow) – “Dagnabit [and yes, I do say this, it's my favorite “swear” word followed closely by dagnabitall] I was afraid of that.  NO CHEESE!  Seriously!”  [That's when I realized the craving part was worse than I had thought]
  • Moderate reaction – Raspberry – “Excuse me??  What???  No berries????” [note: a food sensitivity to more than one thing in a food group often means that there is a reaction to the group as a whole.  For me the berry sensitivity means no acai, blueberry, blackberry, boysenberry, cranberry, elderberry, goji berry, gooseberry, raspberry, and strawberry for six months.]
  • Moderate reaction – FD&C Yellow #10 – “Oh man I seriously need to look at how much I am eating out or away from home.”
  • Moderate – Dibutyl Phthlate – “hmmmm, time to look more closely at my personal care products.”
  • Moderate – Ethylene Dibromide (a chemical solvent) – “no earthly idea where I could be getting exposed to this but I'll have to be more aware of my surroundings.”

These reactions are very similar to the sort of mental gyrations that many of my clients go through when we review their results.  Although a significant reaction requires a six month avoidance of the substance and a moderate one only three months.  I often just ask that they avoid everything for six months.  We also embark on a healing gut protocol.

In my case I'm already doing most of what the healing gut protocol involves, however there are some gaps, especially when I travel.  I'll be working hard to address those.

However, I'm going to confess that none of this will take place until after Thanksgiving.  The results came after I had planned my menu, purchased food, and started cooking.  I'll admit that I'm human and not able/willing to completely revamp my holiday menu with just a couple of days notice.  I'm also not thrilled about mashed potatoes with no butter or cream, no homemade cranberry orange relish (made this year with kumquats picked fresh off the tree instead of oranges), no whipped cream on the pumpkin pie/custard.  But believe me, I know how much better I will feel once I start on my new eating plan and clean up my food intolerances.  I also know that the more compliant I am the better I will feel and that in six months it is highly likely that most if not all of these food sensitivities will have gone away.

Testing for food sensitivities

If you suspect you have food sensitivities you can talk with your doctor or order a test online.  The test I used looks at 212 different potential allergens.  You can see them listed below. 

EAB pg 1


EAB pg2



One of the reasons I like this particular company is because their test comes with a dietary rotation plan (you can get more information about what a dietary rotation plan is and how it works here).  The report also comes with a laminated wallet card. The wallet card is so you can take it with you to the grocery store or when you are on the road to help you remember what exactly you are supposed to avoid.

How To Make Kombucha And Water Kefir At Home

Fermented foods have become extremely popular for good reason. They're good for your gut and a very healthy way to add probiotics to your system. The wonderful thing about fermented foods is you can make many at home. Some I make at home while others I buy. The challenge is finding the time to make everything while still finding time for family, work, and real life. 

One of my favorite foods to make however is kombucha. This is in part because the price for kombucha has risen to an incredible $4.19 at my local grocery store.  That seems rather steep for a 16-ounce bottle of fermented tea.  Especially when you consider that all you need to make your own is a one-gallon glass jar, a SCOBY, 1 cup of starter kombucha, 8 tea bags, 1 cup of sugar, and filtered water.  All of that will make a gallon of kombucha.  That's eight pints which is more than $32.00 at grocery store prices. The at home price (not including the cost of the jar) is less than $1.00. It's definitely worth it to make your own.

The picture above is called a SCOBY. That's an acronym for Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast.  It is the "mother" that consumes all the sugar while fermenting the tea all the while adding beneficial colonies to it. To get started, you will need to have a SCOBY.  Amazingly enough each time you brew a batch it makes a new "baby."  Eventually you have so many that you wind up giving them away.  It's a great way to make friends and share the healthy benefits of this wonderful drink. 

Secondary fermentation

After my initial batch of kombucha is done brewing, I do a secondary brew by adding fruit, sealing the jar, and letting it sit at room temperature for 24 hours. This extracts the sugars (and flavor) from the fruit and makes a fizzy drink at the same time. The longest I've ever let it sit is 36 hours because it generates so much fizz, I'm afraid to let it go longer, I don't want to shatter the jar. One of these days I'll get around to buying a fermentation lock and then I won't have to worry about exploding jars.

After it's done, I decant the flavored kombucha into recycled kombucha bottles. This time I used strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries.  The blackberries, unlike most fruits, were still firm, pretty tangy, and delicious, rather than bland, sour, and soggy. If you mash them first, you get a better flavor in the kombucha, but I wanted to try eating the fruit afterwards to see what it was like. Not every fruit will produce a tasty drink but try those fruits you enjoy to see how you like each one. Some fruits will be edible after the fermentation process while others will have given up all their flavor to the drink.

A testimonial

The best thing about kombucha is how healthy it is for you. I recently had a friend visiting who has been having a lot of gut issues. We talked about fermented foods. I happened to need to brew a new batch of kombucha, so I showed her the process. She got to eat some fermented foods while she was at my house. I sent her home with a baby SCOBY, and she's been adding fermented foods to her diet. She says that her stomach has not bothered her once since she started adding fermented foods. Yay for live food!! If you'd like to know more about kombucha, including specific brewing instructions and recipes using kombucha be sure to get your copy of my ebook.

Water Kefir

Another highly beneficial fermented beverage is water kefir.  Like kombucha, it’s a great source of probiotics and can be great for your digestion.  Studies also show that probiotics can help when you are depressed or anxious.  So, it makes sense to support good probiotic status in your gut.  And just like kombucha you can make this delicious drink easily at home. Check out additional health benefits of water kefir!

Health benefits of kefir:

  • Due to the beneficial bacteria, kefir is helpful for the immune system and supports a good bacterial balance in the gut
  • Water kefir is high in antioxidant activity which can protect against cell damage caused by free radicals
  • May be helpful for those with diabetes mellitus to control glucose and lipid levels
  • High in probiotics, kefir may be a beneficial beverage for supporting mental wellbeing
  • L. kefiri (one of the active beneficial bacteria in kefir) is antimicrobial and has good probiotic benefits, inhibiting pathogens
  • Appears to be anti-carcinogenic and may have therapeutic benefit for both healthy and ill adults
  • Those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy can drink and enjoy this probiotic drink which is comparable to milk kefir without the adverse effects of a dairy allergy or intolerance.

How to make water kefir

I have to say water kefir is my favorite when it comes to home-made because it’s so quick and simple.

  1. Dissolve 1/3 cup sugar with filtered warm water in a clean one-quart glass jar. I like to use turbinado or rapadura sugars because they are not stripped of all their nutrients.
  2. Add water kefir grains (about 1 to 2 tablespoons).
  3. Cover jar with a plastic lid, fermentation cap, or clean dish towel.
  4. Place jar out of direct sunlight.
  5. Let sit for 24 to 30 hours or to your taste. (If you aren’t sure how it should taste, try some from someone else’s batch)
  6. Strain the water kefir grains from liquid.
  7. Do a secondary fermentation by adding something to provide some flavor – I like ginger so I add 5-10 slices of freshly peeled ginger. Another option is a few mint leaves. Cap and let sit on the counter for 24 hours.
  8. Strain out flavorings, transfer the liquid to another one-quart glass jar and save in the fridge to start drinking
  9. Start the process all over with your strained grains.


A few more notes:


  • Don’t worry about the sugar as it’s mostly used up during the fermentation process
  • Your kefir grains will actually start to grow so you can share them with friends – getting grains from a friend is a good way to get started
  • The grains sort of look like very baby cauliflower florets and should be kept cool when not being used

For those of you who would like to try making kombucha or water kefir at home Kombucha Kampis a great resource.  You can get kombucha mother cultures, grains for both milk or dairy kefir plus an assortment of equipment that makes your beverage making better.  

[expand title="Sources"] 

  • Alsayadi, M., Al jawfi, Y., Belarbi, M., and Sabri, F. (Jun/Jul 2013) Antioxidant potency of water kefir. Journal of Microbiology, biotechnology and Food Sciences. Vol. 2, Iss 6.
  • Cai, Y., Sounderrajan, A., and Serventi, L. (May 27, 2020). Water kefir: a review of its microbiological profile, antioxidant potential and sensory quality. ACTA Scientific Nutritional Health, Vol 4, Issue 6 June.
  • Moretti, A., Moure, M., Quinoy, F., Esposito, F., Simonelli, N. Medrano, M., and Leon-Pelaez, A. Water kefir, a fermented beverage containing probiotic microorganisms: from ancient and artisanal manufacture to industrialized and regulated commercialization. Future Foods, Vol 5.
  • Pendon, M., Bengoa, A., Iraporda, C., Medrano, M., Garrote, G, and Abraham, A. (25 Nov 2021). Water kefir: factors affecting gran. Growth and health-promoting properties of the fermented beverage.  Journal of Applied Microbiology. 


Trudy Scott, CN, Food Mood Expert and the author of The Antianxiety Food Solution contributed to this article. Trudy educates women about the amazing healing powers of food and nutrients and helps them find natural solutions for anxiety and other mood problems. Her goal for all her clients (and all women): “You can be your healthiest, look your best and feel on-top-of-the-world emotionally!"

Endometriosis Explained

March is National Endometriosis Month.  I'm delighted to share an article by my friend and colleague Dr. Amy Day who provides expert answers to your common questions, giving us  important information about this condition which affects millions of women in the United States.  Dr. Amy is also offering a free call to readers of the blog, check out the details at the end of this post.

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Endometriosis, also known as “endo”, is a common condition that far too often goes undiagnosed. Women suffering from pelvic pain, infertility and immune dysfunction are told that the pain is in their heads or that it is normal for a woman to suffer.

Because March is Endo Awareness Month, let’s all get familiar with this condition so we can be on the lookout to help our girlfriends and sisters find doctors who care, diagnoses that are helpful and treatments that work!

Q: What exactly IS endometriosis?
A: This condition is named after the endometrium or inner lining of the uterus. Similar tissue can sometimes grow in the wrong places, outside of the uterus. However, this name is misleading since we now know that endo is a whole-body disease involving the immune and endocrine (hormone) systems, not just the pelvis.

The immune system is unable to control these implants and they release inflammatory chemicals that allow the tissue to grow and cause pain. The tissue is also affected by cycling hormones so every month it builds up and then bleeds. Unlike the menstrual flow, this blood has no way to exit the body, resulting in internal bleeding and pain.

Q: What causes endo?
A: The short answer is that we don't know. There are theories about retrograde (backwards flowing) menstruation bringing endometrial cells into the pelvis. Another theory is that the tissue moves through the lymph or blood to distant sites. There is a genetic link since the condition tends to run in families. And there is an embryonic theory that it happens when a baby girl is developing in utero.

We also know that there are links with environmental toxins. In fact, researchers use the chemical dioxin to create endometriosis in lab animals, in order to then do testing and learn about the disease. Dioxin is a byproduct of pesticide manufacturing, paper bleaching and waste incineration, so environmental exposure is a factor.

Q: How do I know if I have it?
At least 6.3 million women and girls in the U.S. have endo. The most common symptom is pelvic pain either with menses, during sex, with bowel movements and urination or at any time of the month. About a third of women with endo have difficulties with fertility. Fatigue is very common and many women have other related conditions such as yeast infections, irritable bowel syndrome, allergies and chemical sensitivities.

At this time, the definitive diagnosis is made by laparoscopic (camera inserted through belly button) surgery. In practice, many women don’t want to have surgery and, fortunately, new diagnostic tests are being developed.

Q: If I or someone I know may have endo, what treatment options are available?
A: In conventional medicine, there are strong drugs with many side effects, and there is surgery. Additionally, there is a whole world of natural treatment approaches available to patients.

Dr. Amy’s treatment plans aim to ease inflammation, normalize immune response, reduce pain, balance hormones, optimize gut function, promote detoxification and support effective stress management. This can be achieved through a healthy lifestyle, appropriate diet and exercise, nutritional supplements, herbal medicines and, when needed, bioidentical hormones. This natural treatment approach is safe and appropriate even if the patient “just” has painful periods and hasn’t had surgery to diagnose endo.

Q: How can I learn more?
A: Always be willing to speak up about your symptoms and seek doctors who will listen to you. You can also check out the Endometriosis Association, consider becoming a member to stay informed.

As a personal gift to you check out the free recording “Dr. Amy's 3 Essential Secrets to a Naturally Pain-free Period.”  You'll get valuable information and you will also learn more about Dr. Amy and her personal journey.

Dr. Amy is a woman with endo as well as a doctor who treats endo. Her journey has empowered her to learn the most effective natural treatment options for women with this complex condition. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for The Endometriosis Association, has a private medical practice in Berkeley, CA and offers telephone coaching and wellness support to women everywhere via her website

Green Tea And Inflammation

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  I'm delighted to share an article with you written by Dr. Helayne Waldman, co-author of The Whole Food Guide for Breast Cancer Survivors. Dr. Waldman is a holistic nutrition educator in private practice and a consultant to breast cancer clinics and doctors in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Green Tea For Inflammation

Inflammation is your immune system’s natural response to an injury, such as a pulled muscle, or to germs, allergens, chemical irritants, and other threats. Your immune system reacts by releasing white blood cells and chemicals into the bloodstream, which infiltrate your tissues, creating the indicators of inflammation that most of us are familiar with: redness, heat, swelling, and pain.

This is a normal and appropriate response; our bodies need to stay vigilant in order to fend off an invasion or injury with aggressive pro-inflammatory mechanisms, such as clotting, fever, and swelling. But too often, inflammation becomes a chronic condition, and in this state, we leave ourselves more vulnerable to breast cancer occurrence and recurrence.

An important characteristic of chronic inflammation is its relationship to angiogenesis, the development of new blood vessels that serve to feed a tumor. While this too is a natural and normal process, it is also one that tumors can hijack to build a blood supply to accommodate their growing needs. Inflammatory cells stimulate the formation of new blood vessels which then transport critical nutrients to the tumor.

This is a recipe for chronic inflammation, and clearly, inflammation and the resulting angiogenesis need to be kept under control. What can you do to control and reduce the cancer-promoting effects of chronic inflammation? Here’s one idea: Drink green tea.

Health Benefits

Green tea is widely recognized for its anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic properties. It supplies catechins, a class of antioxidants with therapeutic value for reducing your risk of breast cancer.

The most abundant in green tea is epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG, a catechin that has demonstrated inflammation-reduction and cancer-interruption both in the lab and in animals.

In May 2013, researchers concluded:

Findings support the hypothesis that EGCG... directly targets both tumor cells and tumor vasculature, thereby inhibiting tumor growth, proliferation, migration, and angiogenesis of breast cancer.

The finding that EGCG acts on cancerous cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed reinforces past results --- that the catechins in green tea induced apoptosis, or cell death, in cancer cells but not in their normal cell counterparts.

Another recent study from the journal PLoS (Sept., 2013) once again put EGCG to the test, this time against a highly aggressive form of breast cancer known as inflammatory breast cancer. The authors summarized:

EGCG decreased expression of genes that promote [cancer cell] proliferation, migration, invasion, and survival. Consistently, growth, invasive properties, and survival of [inflammatory breast cancer] cells were reduced by EGCG treatment.

Well done!

To enjoy all of the anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits green tea has to offer, it is best to get caffeinated green tea and add lemon juice when drinking --- caffeine helps to enhance green tea’s tumor-suppressive properties while the vitamin C in lemon juice amplifies the effects of EGCG.