Category Archives: health

split pea soup

The Health Benefits Of Soup

Soup is a wonderful comfort food. There is just something special about a nice warm bowl of soup that can make us feel better.  Plus it turns out that soup is a great health food and has been nourishing the people of the world for literally thousands of years.

Soups have been around as long as man had the ability to cook in a pot - about 16,000 years. Combining various ingredients into a large pot to create nutritious, filling, easy to digest, and simple to serve meals has worked well for many different cultures and continues to do so.

Benefits of Soup

There are a number of health benefits when it comes to eating soup. Breaking them down by category we discover the following:

1. Quality of Diet

One study showed that those that eat more soup had an improved overall diet quality. Depending on the ingredients, soup can be a way to increase your intake of vitamins, minerals, and fiber intake – all of which are great for your health. This is also correlated to the potential for better weight management.

2. Hydration

Soup offers additional hydration due to the water, stock, or broth that is its base. For some people soup may be another option for improving your hydration.

3. Veggies

Eating the daily recommended amount of vegetables can sometimes be a challenge. Soup can be a good way to help support this need as it often contains veggies. It’s a great place to use those vegetables that might not be crisp enough to be eaten raw but will work great in a soup. Adding slightly past prime but still edible veggies to your soup is also a way to avoid food waste.

4. Satiety

Keeping your body satisfied with a “full” feeling can go a long way toward reducing mindless, bored snacking.  You can improve that feeling of fullness, called satiety, when you add soup to your menu. Studies have that consuming soups can lead to a reduction of hunger pangs and an increase of a feeling of fullness. Soups were found to be helpful because for many soups the ingredients in them often require chewing which helps with satiety. This may account for lower body weight among people who consume soup. It is often served early in a meal because it can stimulate your gastrointestinal response – it gets your system ready to digest your food.

5. Nourishing Bump

Soup is wonderful in an of itself, however it also presents an opportunity to get more nutritional density in your diet. By using bone broth instead of water you add even more nutrients to the soup. This is because bone broth can add additional amino acids which are used to make proteins. The amino acids have a wide range of  benefits, they can:

  • help break down your food
  • grow and repair tissue
  • make hormones
  • support brain chemicals
  • build muscle
  • boost your immune system
  • and maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails.

When using bone broth instead of water it provides collagen, the primary substance which makes up connective tissue in your body. Collagen provides structure, strength, and support, and also used to repair tissues such as bone, tendons, ligaments, and skin.

What about chicken soup?

Chicken soup is what you typically think about when you’re feeling under the weather. Some people even refer to chicken soup as Nana’s Penicillin. As it turns out there’s a good reason for that.

Studies have shown that chicken soup may help clear nasal congestion and alleviate other cold symptoms. Plus it’s mostly liquid so it’s helping with hydration which is important when you’re under the weather. 

Chicken soup is also high in tryptophan may help support that feeling of “comfort”. The veggies can add vitamins along with other antioxidants and minerals all of which help to build your immune system and reduce inflammation.

Now you can see why many cultures have used soups to nourish themselves and their families for so long. There are soups for every season served hot, cold, thick or thin – the possibilities are endless. Soup recipes are also extremely flexible allowing for a tremendous amount of creativity. Enjoy a wonderful bowl of soup knowing you are investing in your health.

[expand title="Sources"]

  • Deshmukh SN, Dive AM, Moharil R, Munde P. Enigmatic insight into collagen. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2016 May-Aug;20(2):276-83. doi: 10.4103/0973-029X.185932. PMID: 27601823; PMCID: PMC4989561.
  • Mattes R. Soup and satiety. Physiol Behav. 2005 Jan 17;83(5):739-47. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2004.09.021. Epub 2004 Nov 11. PMID: 15639159.
  • Rennard BO, Ertl RF, Gossman GL, Robbins RA, Rennard SI. Chicken soup inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis in vitro. Chest. 2000 Oct;118(4):1150-7. doi: 10.1378/chest.118.4.1150. PMID: 11035691.
  • Zhu Y, Hollis JH. Soup consumption is associated with a lower dietary energy density and a better diet quality in US adults. Br J Nutr. 2014 Apr 28;111(8):1474-80. doi: 10.1017/S0007114513003954. Epub 2014 Jan 2. PMID: 24382211.


Healthy & Hearty Soup Recipes

Learn the health benefits of soup plus get 15 delicious recipes to help you celebrate this wonderful food anytime.

magnesium health benefits

8 Magnesium Health Benefits

Magnesium is a mineral that is found in the earth, in whole foods, and in our bodies.  Although it is essential for maintaining optimal health, many Americans may not be getting enough magnesium in their diets.  

The popularity of processed foods and refined grains in the grocery stores plus consuming a diet lacking in whole foods, like a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, can lead to insufficient amounts of magnesium in your diet.  When foods are processed and grains are refined, this results in the loss of important nutrients and minerals such as magnesium.  Another contributing factor for a lack of magnesium in our diets is how modern agriculture and farming practices have degraded the soil. This has resulted in decreasing amounts of minerals and other nutrients found in fruits and vegetables.  Studies have shown that the magnesium content in fruits and vegetables has decreased by 20-30% over the last 60 years. 

Magnesium Health Benefitsmagnesium

Magnesium plays a fundamental part in our health including its crucial role in hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the body, the benefits for brain and cardiovascular health, blood sugar balance, and bone health.  Additionally, magnesium may decrease depression, help reduce migraines, and promote better sleep. It’s also highly anti-inflammatory.

1. Magnesium’s Role in Enzymatic Reactions

The human body is sustained by the reactions of enzymes.  Enzymes are biological molecules that require a cofactor or “helper molecule” to perform accelerated chemical reactions.  Magnesium is an organic and metallic ion that plays a big role as a cofactor to enzymes and enzymatic reactions.  These enzymatic reactions, that are essential for the human body to function, include

  • energy production
  • respiration
  • digestion
  • detoxification
  • hormone production
  • protein synthesis
  • and cell growth to name just a few

An enzymatic reaction can even create movement to make your muscles contract.  Enzymes rely on cofactors which can be from vitamins or essential minerals such as magnesium.  Therefore, it is crucial to have a sufficient amount of such cofactors in order to allow these enzymes to perform their crucial functions.

2. Brain Health:  Improving Cognition in Alzheimer’s Disease

When we hear about Alzheimer’s disease, the first thing that comes to mind is memory loss.  Memory loss and behavioral changes are symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease due to the atrophy or shrinking of the hippocampus structure within the brain.  

The hippocampus consists of two hippocampi located within inner portion of the temporal lobes of the brain.  It is the portion of the brain responsible for forming new memories, emotions, and memory consolidation, which is taking new memories and sending them off to the cortex of brain for long-term memory storage. 

Other causes of atrophy of the hippocampus include age or injury.  Nutrients such as vitamins and minerals provide support for brain function.  Magnesium is one of the essential minerals that provide this support.  Studies have found that magnesium, when paired with the amino acid threonine, is delivered to the brain which resulted in the improvement of cognition.  In his book, The End of Alzheimer’s Program, by Dr. Dale Bredesen, supplementing with magnesium L-threonate is recommended since it is a more neural bioavailable form. 

3. More Brain Health:  May Decrease Depression

Another area of interest in clinical trials involving magnesium is its effects on people dealing with mental disorders, particularly depression.  Some studies have revealed lower levels of magnesium concentration in the blood serum of people with depression.  It is known that the role magnesium plays in the brain includes its optimization for nerve transmission, it induces synaptic neuroplasticity, and it enhances the proliferation of stem cells and neurite growth. 

Oral magnesium supplements are currently being used as non-pharmacologic treatment as well as with pharmacology in the treatment of depression and other psychologic disorders and have shown some promise in clinical settings.  Moreover, a combination of increased dietary magnesium along with supplemental magnesium is encouraging for the improvement of depression.  

4. Magnesium for Good Sleep

The quality of sleep may be affected by many factors such as stress, which raises cortisol levels, physiological issues such as restless legs syndrome, over-stimulation from electronic devices, and the environment in which you sleep.  Having a good bedtime routine can help improve the quality of sleep. 

Some good bedtime habits include turning of electronic devices off 30 or more minutes before bed and using blue light filters on electronic devices.  You can minimize EMF exposure in your bedroom by turning off electronic devices and keeping them away from your bed, keeping your bedroom dark, and having a good routine to wind down before bedtime.  

In addition to proper sleep hygiene, taking magnesium can help promote good sleep.  Studies have shown that magnesium supplementation taken before bed could help with restless legs syndrome and provide a more restful sleep.  Magnesium’s role in improving sleep quality has also been demonstrated by its ability to increase melatonin and decrease circulating cortisol. 

5. Magnesium’s Role in Cardiovascular Health and Anti-Inflammatory Effects

A healthy working heart and vascular system relies on many working parts to supply the organs, and tissues of your body with blood containing nutrients and oxygen.  In return, blood containing carbon dioxide is pumped to the lungs to be exhaled.  Magnesium is essential for the functions of the heart and vasculature, helping to regulate the electrical activity of the heart which is responsible for controlling the rate and rhythm of the heartbeat. 

It also influences the heart’s ability to contract and has anti-inflammatory properties to promote vasodilation.  Magnesium deficiency can contribute to oxidative stress which can lead to a serious condition of inflammation of the endothelium, the single-celled layer lining of the blood vessels and arteries.  This level of inflammation can lead to irregular heart rhythm, cardiac shock or heart failure.  Magnesium also has been shown to be beneficial for blood pressure maintenance by inducing vasodilation. 

6. Magnesium May Prevent Migraines

Debilitating and painful, migraine headaches are caused by an instability of blood vessels in the head.  This can be described as excessive constriction of blood vessels in the head and followed by increased blood flow. 

Migraines can have many factors leading to their onset including

  • food allergies
  • food additives
  • stress
  • hormonal changes
  • lack of sleep
  • eye strain
  • and barometric pressure changes in the weather.

Low levels of magnesium in cerebral spinal fluid can result in neuronal excitability for some migraine sufferers.  During a migraine episode a person can suffer low blood pressure and be lacking in nitric oxide which the body produces to support vasodilation which modulates blood flow to the brain. 

Clinical application of magnesium used intravenously in the form of magnesium sulfate has been used to treat migraine patients.  Increasing dietary magnesium and supplementing with magnesium may help with the prevention of migraines. 

7. Role in Bone Health

The human skeletal system of bone structure is continuously changing by a process called bone remodeling.  During this process, bone tissue is removed by osteoclasts and new bone tissue is formed by osteoblasts.  Sufficient magnesium supports the process of new bone tissue whereas a deficiency of magnesium is associated with increased osteoclastic bone resorption. 

This means that more bone is taken away than new bone mineralization, or new bone formation.  Osteoporosis can happen when this imbalance occurs, resulting in weakness and fragility to the bone structure.  Studies have shown a low magnesium status in women with osteoporosis.  Low magnesium in men also shows a correlation of increased fracture risk.

8. Role in Blood Glucose (Sugar) Balance

Glucose is the body’s main source of energy, it comes from the breakdown of the food we eat, primarily carbohydrates.  The presence of glucose in the bloodstream signals the pancreas to secrete insulin, a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels and helps deliver glucose to the cells in your muscles, fat, and liver where it is used or stored as glycogen. 

When blood glucose gets low, stored glycogen can be converted into glucose for energy.  When blood glucose levels remain high, insulin signaling can get disrupted and the uptake of blood glucose from the muscle, fat, and liver cells becomes impaired, resulting in the resistance of insulin’s normal function.  Insulin resistance can lead to metabolic syndrome, prediabetes, or type II diabetes. 

Studies and clinical trials have associated magnesium deficiency with increased risks in these diseases brought on by blood glucose dysregulation.  Magnesium is essential in its role of glucose regulation and homeostasis actions of insulin.

Sources of Magnesiummagnesium

Many health conditions have been associated with low levels of magnesium,

which may be remedied by including more magnesium-rich foods in our diet.  Some of the best food sources of magnesium include leafy greens, nuts and seeds, whole grains, beans, and even dark chocolate. 

The graph below demonstrates some the best food sources and amounts of magnesium from these foods:



Amount of magnesium

Swiss Chard (cooked)

1 cup

172 mg

Boiled spinach

1 cup

157 mg

White beans

½ cup

190 mg

Black beans

½ cup

171 mg

Pumpkin seeds

1 oz (142 seeds)

168 mg

Brazil nuts

6 nuts

107 mg


1 oz (23 nuts)

77 mg

Mackerel fish

3 oz cooked

82 mg


1 fruit

58 mg

Dark Chocolate 70-85% cacao

1 oz (1/3 of a bar)

76 mg

In addition to increasing dietary magnesium, taking magnesium supplements might be needed when dealing with certain health conditions.  

Magnesium supplementation is available in different forms

  • magnesium citrate
  • magnesium glycinate
  • magnesium threonate
  • and magnesium malate

Various magnesium supplement formulations can vary in their absorption in the small intestine.  More research is still needed to learn if the bioavailability of a certain supplement formula is affected. 

It is best to not exceed the recommended dosage of a supplement. It is also good to check with a health care professional about taking a new supplement, especially if you are taking prescribed medications.  Health science has gained great awareness of the effects of magnesium deficiency and how to improve levels of this essential mineral to optimize health.

By Lynette Scalora-Palacios
Lynette Scalora-Palacios, NC, FNLP, certified ReCODE 2.0 practitioner, and owner of Holistic Harmony Nutrition believes in the power of good nutrition and lifestyle habits for healthy aging.  Her practice focuses on the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and the reversal of mild cognitive impairment through Dr. Dale Bredesen’s ReCODE 2.0 program.

[expand title="Sources"]

Botturi, A., Ciappolino, V., Delvecchio, G., Boscutti, A., Viscardi, B., & Brambilla, P. (2020). The Role and the Effect of Magnesium in Mental Disorders: A Systematic Review. Nutrients12(6), 1661.

Bredesen, D (2017). The end of alzheimer’s. New York, NY:  Penguin Random House LLC.

Bredesen, D (2020). The end of alzheimer’s program. New York, NY:  Penguin Random House LLC.

de Baaij, J. H., Hoenderop, J. G., & Bindels, R. J. (2015). Magnesium in man: implications for health and disease. Physiological reviews95(1), 1–46.

Liu, G., Weinger, J. G., Lu, Z. L., Xue, F., & Sadeghpour, S. (2016). Efficacy and Safety of MMFS-01, a Synapse Density Enhancer, for Treating Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Journal of Alzheimer's disease: JAD49(4), 971–990.

Murray, M. Pizzorno, J (2012). The encyclopedia of natural medicine. New York, NY:  Atria

Nakrani MN, Wineland RH, Anjum F. Physiology, Glucose Metabolism. [Updated 2022 Jul 25]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:

Razzaque M. S. (2018). Magnesium: Are We Consuming Enough?. Nutrients, 10(12), 1863.

Tarleton, E. K., & Littenberg, B. (2015). Magnesium intake and depression in adults. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine: JABFM28(2), 249–256. on 1/17/2023 from:  https://lpi.oreg



Oats: Types, Health Benefits, And Easy Recipes

Winter is coming and those colder days seem like the perfect time for a bowl of oatmeal in the morning.  I frequently get questions wanting to know if oats are okay to eat.  The answer? It depends.

Oats have been consumed for more than 2000 years in many places around the world. There is good reason for this; it’s because of the many health benefits of this grain. Some people may not choose to consume oats because of concerns about carbohydrates. But as long as you do not have a sensitivity or a dietary protocol that calls for you to avoid them, oats are a wonderful food and are can be good for us. 

The health benefits of oats

Scientific studies of the health-beneficial properties of oats show the benefits of them can include:

  • the ability to reduce cholesterol
  • may help reduce cardiovascular disease
  • can help stabilize blood sugar
  • supportive for improved gut microbiota colonies
  • may help reduce obesity
  • possibly support reducing inflammation

Nutritionally oats provide manganese, selenium, tryptophan, phosphorus, magnesium, and several B vitamins. They even provide a modest amount of protein (6 g per cup). And they’re high in both soluble and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber is easily digested and helps the body by slowing down how quickly it can process simple starches and sugars. Soluble fiber also breaks down within the digestive tract, binding with cholesterol and thereby escorting it out of the body.

Insoluble fiber cannot be digested and helps to create bulkier stools which move through the system more quickly. They also help mitigate certain bile acids.

Do oats have gluten?

When it comes to oats there are two questions I get asked a lot

  1. Do oats have gluten
  2. What’s the difference between oats and barley

Oats and barley are not the same, they are two completely different grains.  Barley has gluten so if you have gluten intolerance issues or Celiac Disease (CD) you cannot eat it, ever. If you think you have CD, I encourage you to get genetically. If you do not test positive for Celiac Disease but feel that there is a gluten intolerance,  you’ll want to work with someone as you go through an elimination diet.

When it comes to oats all of the research I have found indicates that oats do not have gluten in them. However, they are frequently grown near wheat or processed in the same facility as wheat or transported with wheat. This means that cross-contamination is an issue.  For those with CD there are concerns that the proteins in oats may still present a problem.  It is recommended that they be added to the diet with caution and only after all CD symptoms are resolved and there has been adherence to a strict gluten free diet for at least six months

There are some companies that advertise gluten-free oats.  They keep separate gluten-free facilities if they happen to produce gluten-containing foods as well. If gluten is an issue for you it’s important to get certified gluten-free oats to be sure there’s no cross contamination.

Different kinds of oatstypes of oats

There are different forms of oats available, this is important to keep in mind when choosing which ones to eat.

Quick or instant oatmeal – this is not a good choice because the oats are rolled into flakes and then cut up broken down. This form of oatmeal goes through your body too quickly and can affect blood sugar levels. It's also highly processed which typically means less nutritious. This tends to be the type of oats present in those quick fix oatmeal packets.

Old fashioned or rolled oats – these are a good option. Some of the bran is removed during the rolling, or flaking process, but this is still a lower process version. It tends to be the one recommended for cereals, and for use in other recipes. Rolled oats may

 Oat groats – the groats are the whole grain, meaning they have all of the fiber and the beneficial germ. These take a long time to cook and are very chewy and dense.  Due to the high level of fiber these take a long time to cook.  The groats are also what is ground up and used to make oat flour.

Steel cut oats – these are sometimes also called Irish Oats. For steel-cut oats the groat has been cut apart into smaller pieces. Because it’s still very dense and not rolled, steel cut oats can take a while to cook, but not as long as groats.

Oat bran – the bran is the outer coating of the groat and has the most fiber. This is sometimes removed from the groat and packaged for use either as a cereal or to put into other recipes to increase the fiber content.


One cup of oats per day is beneficial, especially if you have high cholesterol or are looking for foods to help stabilize blood sugar. Below are a few of my favorite recipes using oats.

Steel Cut Oats

Freydis' Fabulous Pudding


  • 1 C. steel cut oatmeal
  • 4 C. water
  • 1 C. milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 C. sucanat
  • 2 T. butter
  • 1/2 t. ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 C. raisins


  • Toast the oatmeal in a pan until lightly browned
  • Bring the water to a boil, add the oatmeal, reduce heat and cook 20 minutes until done
  • Preheat oven to 350 deg F
  • Oil the inside of a 1.5 quart baking dish
  • In a large bowl mix together milk, eggs, sucanat, butter and cinnamon
  • Add in raisins and oatmeal
  • Pour into baking dish
  • Bake 30-35 minutes until done
    Can be served warm, room temperature or cold. 
    Option:  Sometimes I vary this by substituting apple pie spice for the cinnamon and chopped dried apple for the raisins.
    Delicious! Enjoy!

If you’re looking for a quick and easy breakfast that’s ready when you wake up the solution is overnight oats.  This recipe goes together very easily and adds a little Greek yogurt for an extra protein boost.  The recipe can easily be doubled or tripled if there are multiple family members to feed or if you’re looking to get a head start on the next three days.

Oats Can Be A Healthy Choice

Blueberry Overnight Oats


  • ⅓ cup old-fashioned oats
  • ⅓ cup plain organic, whole milk Greek yogurt
  • ⅓ cup plain almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • ½ tablespoon or honey
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ¼ cup organic blueberries


  • In a medium mixing bowl combine oats, almond milk, chia seeds, yogurt, honey, and vanilla until fully combined
  • Cover the bowl and place in the refrigerator overnight
  • In the morning serve oatmeal into two containers
  • Top with cinnamon and blueberries

Cinnamon is a favorite way to flavor oatmeal.  This is a warm and simple way to start your day.  And as I know from when I had kids in the house, this recipe quadruples easily.  If you’re looking for a slightly more flavorful punch you can substitute pumpkin pie spice for the cinnamon. 

Simple Cinnamon Oatmeal


  • ½ cup of water
  • ¾ cups old-fashioned rolled oats
  • ⅛ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • ¼ teaspoon real vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon organic butter
  • Toppings: cinnamon, maple syrup, and chopped almonds


  • Put the water in a small pan and bring it to a boil
  • Add the oats, salt, and ¾ cup of milk
  • Reduce heat to a simmer for 4 - 5 minutes
  • Stir in the butter and remaining milk
  • Remove pan from heat and let the mixture cool slightly
  • Stir in vanilla, add toppings and serve


[expand title=”Sources”] 

Dioum, El Hadji M. et al. “Oats Lower Age-Related Systemic Chronic Inflammation (Iage) In Adults At Risk For Cardiovascular Disease”. Nutrients, vol 14, no. 21, 2022, p. 4471. MDPI AG, doi:10.3390/nu14214471.


Martinez-Villaluenga, C. and Penas, E. Health Benefits of Oat: Current Evidence and Molecular Mechanisms. Institute of Food Science. Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN-CSIC), Juan de la Cierva 3, 28006 Madrid, Spain. 23 January 2017.


Paudel, D.; Dhungana, B.; Caffe, M.; Krishnan, P. A Review of Health-Beneficial Properties of Oats. Foods 202110, 2591.


Spector Cohen, Inna et al. “To Be Oats Or Not To Be? An Update On The Ongoing Debate On Oats For Patients With Celiac Disease”. Frontiers In Pediatrics, vol 7, 2019. Frontiers Media SA, doi:10.3389/fped.2019.00384.


health benefits of pumpkin

5 Health Benefits Of Eating Pumpkin

Who doesn’t love pumpkin? Its hearty flavor is wonderful when combined with warming spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger, making it a wonderful food for Fall recipes. 

Fun fact, pumpkins grow on every continent except for Antarctica. Another interesting fact about pumpkins is that they are not just large orange orbs.  Pumpkins come in many different colors, sizes, and shapes. Depending on where you live and what’s available, you can find red, yellow, white, or multicolored pumpkins. Some are long and some are short. Some are smooth, some are covered in wart-like bumps. There are mini pumpkins of all sizes and large pumpkins in between. Some pumpkins are best for carving while others are good for eating or making pies. And some are best used for unique Fall decorations.

Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Although you probably know about using pumpkin in delicious recipes you may not know how healthy it is. Pumpkin can rightfully be considered a superfood.  Not only is it low in carbohydrates and high in fiber, it also provides a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and phosphorus.

Although it’s technically a fruit, we tend to treat pumpkin like a vegetable. But whatever it is, it’s very versatile vegetable. Pumpkins are useful for cooking, baking, making soup, and even to replace either eggs or oil in baking


Many people lack enough fiber in their diet. Due to it’s high levels pumpkin may help with bowel health, improving digestive wellness, regulating blood sugar, and reducing cholesterol.

Cardiovascular Health

Dietary fiber has been shown in studies to reduce cardiovascular disease risk in men and lower the mortality risk from stroke in women.

Eye Health

In addition to high beta-carotene content, pumpkin is also an excellent source of lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of these carotenoids have been shown to be supportive against cataracts and may help against age related macular degeneration.

Reduced Cancer Risk

Studies have shown a link between a diet deficient in beta-carotenes and cancer. Particularly cancers of the stomach, throat, and pancreas. Increasing beta-carotenes appears to reduce this risk.

Improved Skin Health

Because of its high beta-carotene levels pumpkin is a nutrient dense, high fiber food that happens to also be good for your skin. A diet high in beta-carotenes has been shown to help protect against UV-rays and may reduce photoaging from sun exposure. And when it comes to skin health, eating more vegetables, including beta-carotene-rich foods, may improve your appearance. A study found perceptible changes that were identified as being more attractive.

Pumpkin Recipe Tips

Now that you know about the wonderful health benefits that pumpkin has to offer it’s time to add more pumpkin to your diet. Here are some quick tips to add pumpkin to a wide variety of dishes:

Pumpkin Bites

Using ½ C. pumpkin puree, either homemade or from a can (not canned pumpkin pie mix, that’s a different thing altogether), add 2/3 C. almond butter, 2 ½ C. old-fashioned oats, ¼ C. ground flax seeds, and a little honey or maple syrup for sweetness. If desired also add pumpkin spice to taste. Roll into a ball and store in the fridge for a convenient snack.

Pumpkin Pancakeshealth benefits of pumpkin

Add a scoop of pumpkin puree and a dash of pumpkin spice to your favorite pancake batter. You may need a tiny bit more flour or nut meal to make up for the wetness of the pumpkin but the results will be delicious!

Pumpkin Overnight Oatshealth benefits of pumpkin

Instead of yogurt combine your old-fashioned oats with almond milk and pumpkin puree and let it sit overnight. If you’d like you can add a little maple syrup and top with chopped pecans for a fabulous Fall anytime treat.  

Pumpkin Boosthealth benefits of pumpkin

When making a basic soup (onions, celery, and broth) add a healthy dollop of pumpkin puree and a little cashew milk to make a wonderful Fall soup. Garnish with pumpkin seeds for a little crunch and a nutritional boost

But those aren’t the only ways you can add pumpkin to your diet.  Here are some of my favorite pumpkin recipes on the blog:


[expand title="Sources"] 

Jahan, Kausar et al. "Dietary Fiber As A Functional Food". Functional Food Products And Sustainable Health, 2020, pp. 155-167. Springer Singapore, doi:10.1007/978-981-15-4716-4_10. 


Katagiri, Ryoko et al. "Dietary Fiber Intake And Total And Cause-Specific Mortality: The Japan Public Health Center-Based Prospective Study". The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, vol 111, no. 5, 2020, pp. 1027-1035. Oxford University Press (OUP), doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqaa002.


Miyazawa, Itsuko et al. "Relationship Between Carbohydrate And Dietary Fibre Intake And The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease Mortality In Japanese: 24-Year Follow-Up Of NIPPON DATA80". European Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, vol 74, no. 1, 2019, pp. 67-76. Springer Science And Business Media LLC, doi:10.1038/s41430-019-0424-y. 


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Eisenhauer, Bronwyn et al. "Lutein And Zeaxanthin—Food Sources, Bioavailability And Dietary Variety In Age‐Related Macular Degeneration Protection". Nutrients, vol 9, no. 2, 2017, p. 120. MDPI AG, doi:10.3390/nu9020120.


Jia, Yu-Ping et al. "The Pharmacological Effects Of Lutein And Zeaxanthin On Visual Disorders And Cognition Diseases". Molecules, vol 22, no. 4, 2017, p. 610. MDPI AG, doi:10.3390/molecules22040610. 


Zhou, Yunping et al. "Association Of Carotenoids With Risk Of Gastric Cancer: A Meta-Analysis". Clinical Nutrition, vol 35, no. 1, 2016, pp. 109-116. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2015.02.003. 


Ge, Xiao-Xiao et al. "Carotenoid Intake And Esophageal Cancer Risk: A Meta-Analysis". Asian Pacific Journal Of Cancer Prevention, vol 14, no. 3, 2013, pp. 1911-1918. Asian Pacific Organization For Cancer Prevention, doi:10.7314/apjcp.2013.14.3.1911. 


Huang, Xiaoyi et al. "Association Between Vitamin A, Retinol And Carotenoid Intake And Pancreatic Cancer Risk: Evidence From Epidemiologic Studies". Scientific Reports, vol 6, no. 1, 2016. Springer Science And Business Media LLC, doi:10.1038/srep38936. 


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Stahl, Wilhelm, and Helmut Sies. "Β-Carotene And Other Carotenoids In Protection From Sunlight". The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, vol 96, no. 5, 2012, pp. 1179S-1184S. Oxford University Press (OUP), doi:10.3945/ajcn.112.034819.


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antibiotics food

Antibiotics In The Food Supply

In 2011, the FDA denied petitions from consumers and other groups to restrict the use of several antibiotics in the food supply. Instead, the FDA  issued legislation limiting the use of one type of antibiotic, cephalosporins.

This class of antibiotics is not given to animals directly in their feed but instead issued, usually, prior to slaughter.  The FDA is concerned that this type of antibiotic is so important for use in humans (especially in life-threatening cases such as meningitis) that overuse in animals can potentially cause bacterial resistance, thereby limiting its usefulness in humans.

Since cephalosporins are a “last resort” type of drug it's important that their effectiveness not be compromised by over-usage in the animal industry. However, the FDA does not completely ban the use of this class of antibiotics, they merely limit it instead.

This is unfortunate since more than 70% of the antibiotic use in this country is used by the agriculture industry for food animals.  Not because the animals are already sick, but to keep them from getting sick due to how they are raised; in unhealthy, high intensity settings. Unfortunately, this means that when you consume conventionally raised animal products, meat, dairy, and eggs, you are getting a dose of antibiotics.  Just a dose, not a full course.

I was unable to find numbers indicating how much the cephalosporin limit reduces the total antibiotic usage in the animal production industry.  Given the excessive antibiotic use in animal husbandry, I have to believe it provides only a modest reduction.  It still means that the vast majority of antibiotics used in this country are used to allow producers to raise animals in inhumane, unhealthy, confined, and condensed operations. Where is our compassion as living, sentient beings for those beings whose purpose is to be raised for food?

I also question the logic behind an agency that is presumably supposed to monitor and protect the food supply which instead kowtows to major corporations and their bottom line.  

I find myself skeptical that this “limited use” will actually be limited.  I am now uneasily awaiting headlines proclaiming a new class of bacterial infection that has successfully overcome cephalosporins and is wreaking havoc in hospitals and medical settings across the country.  

The best way to protect yourself and your family from antibiotic exposure in your meat is to purchase organic (since it's not allowed in organic production) and to source the best quality, most humane meat option you can find.

[expand title="Sources"] 

Gut check: Just say no to antibacterial burgers. Published online September 16, 2009. Accessed September 12, 2022.

“Herd Health: Agriculture’S Role In The Global AMR Crisis”. Pharmaceutical Technology, 2019,

Laskawy T. Scrooged: FDA gives up on antibiotic restrictions in livestock. Grist. Published December 29, 2011.

Jayaweera, Jayaweera Arachchige Asela Sampath, and Wikum Widuranga Kumbukgolla. “Antibiotic Resistance Patterns Of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Isolated From Livestock And Associated Farmers In Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka”. Germs, vol 7, no. 3, 2017, pp. 132-139. Asociatia Pentru Cresterea Vizibilitatii Cercetarii Stiintifice (ACVCS), doi:10.18683/germs.2017.1118.



After reading the article “Dr. Google is a Liar”, I can only say that this is its own brand of misinformation.  I believe people should not get their medical information from Dr. Google, and this article is just infuriating. Written by a cardiologist, it is designed to get everyone on statins.

Why are they targeting women?

Women have now become the target for taking statins, and it pisses me off!  Every single woman in this country should not be a target for statins simply because of biology. Unfortunately, we are not taught how our bodies work as we age and that leaves us under-educated and potentially placed on statins even if we don’t really need them. Here’s how your female body works when it comes to cholesterol.  After you go through menopause, your body stops needing so much estrogen. Because the body uses cholesterol to create hormones (in this case, estrogen) you can wind up with higher cholesterol. It’s not harmful unless it’s super high and your triglycerides, ratios, and inflammatory markers are elevated. It’s the way your body is designed to work. In fact, some studies show that older people with higher cholesterol live longer. This is part of why I feel it important to look at each person as an individual and not suggest across-the-board medication simply because of age or sex.

Statins and your health

The use of statin drugs can deplete Coenzyme-Q 10 from the body yet nowhere in the above-referenced article does it talk about this depletion.  Found in every cell in the body, the antioxidant Co-Q 10 is used for energy to support cell growth and maintenance. Depleted CoQ10 can cause other health issues as well, including:
  • physical or mental fatigue
  • chronic pain
  • a weakened immune system
  • increased risk of obesity and/or heart disease
  • the possibility for neurological disorders
  • statin use can also impair gut function.
The connection with gut function would be why so many statin users eventually wind up on that little purple pill. Statins may increase the risk of developing diabetes. Yet nowhere in this article is that discussed. I won’t give you the litany of other health issues related to statin use. But if there are concerns about cardiovascular health, why are we not discussing nutritional support, exercise, and meditation? All of which have been shown to be beneficial for cardiovascular health. It turns out the author, Dr. Warraich, is a medical researcher and a medical instructor. It has been my experience that those two things can come with corporate sponsorships. However even if he truly deeply believes this, he’s only telling half the story and ignoring the holistic/functional side of the equation. 

Are we ignoring the science? 

And it really pissed me off to no end that he has glommed onto the fake news label and created the category of fake medical news. Are we simply going to scream fake news at each other and whoever screams loudest wins while completely ignoring the science? I admit to a bias against statins. However, I admit I can envision a possibility where they might be helpful. But only after all other functional interventions had been tried, didn't help to correct the situation, and more support was needed. And only with a properly supportive nutritional plan to go along with it. Again, this is why healthcare needs to be individualized, looking at each person’s current health status and needs. Another cardiologist suggests that many adults over age 50 need statins, even if they’re “healthy.” What??? Again, this cardiologist has both private and federal sponsorship. So yes, while there are many good studies out there doing research, it is always important to also look at who is paying for the research and backing these researchers. The above article is not just one-sided, it’s shallow. Each of us needs to invest in our own health and do our own research and ask questions of our healthcare team. [expand title="Sources"]  "Higher Cholesterol Is Associated With Longer Life". Medium, 2016,  "Coq10 And Statins: What You Need To Know". Healthline, 2022, "Do Statins Increase The Risk Of Esophageal Conditions? Findings From Four Propensity Score-Matched Analyses.". Greenmedinfo.Com, 2022, "Meditation Offers Significant Heart Benefits - Harvard Health". Harvard Health, 2013, Accessed 5 Aug 2022. [/expand]

What Is Hummus?

One of the easiest and healthiest snacks you can make is hummus. High in protein, fiber, vitamin 6, and manganese, it tends to be served either with pita bread, crackers, or with vegetables. Not only is hummus delicious and high in protein, it has a huge fan following.

There are songs/music videos (this is just one of them),  movies, and even culinary competitions, all devoted to this humble condiment.

Originating in the Middle East with the earliest known recipes appearing in the 13th century, hummus has become popular worldwide. Traditionally it’s made from cooked chickpeas which are ground up and then mixed with lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and garlic. Purists also call for the addition of tahini, a sesame seed paste, when making traditional style hummus. It tends to be served as an appetizer or a dip. Sometimes it can also be served as a side dish with things like falafel, grilled chicken or fish, or as part of a meze plate

Where to get hummus

Want to know where my favorite place to buy hummus is? The best place on the planet to get it (in my humble opinion)? It’s a tiny little out-of-the-way, hole-in-the-wall place in the Old City in Jerusalem called Abu Shukri. I’ve been fortunate enough to eat there twice, both times with my wonderful Aunt Carol. 

The first time she took me there, in the mid 1990’s, it was a revelation of how amazing hummus, and the falafel and pitot that accompanied it, could taste. Quite frankly it spoiled me for falafel, hummus, and pita for years. You think I’m kidding, but I’m not.  It took a very long time for the memory of that dish to fade to the point that I could eat that again anywhere and not mourn that it wasn’t from Abu Shukri.

The second time was fifteen years later when I went back to Jerusalem. Aunt Carol asked me what was on my list of places to visit. I told her I needed to go back to, “that amazing hummus and falafel place.” I had forgotten the name by then but not the taste. She laughed and said, “Do you mean Abu Shukri?” I said I thought that was it.

So one fine day we made our way to the Old City. After getting lost a couple of times (there’s lots of twisty turns and not well marked alleyways all over the Old City) we eventually found it. To my delight it still looked just as hole-in-the-wall-ish. The intervening years had done nothing for the décor. And their reputation, although still solid, had not encouraged the owners to “fluff it up” and try to make it more appealing to tourists. They have a good thing going and they obviously know it. 

The place even smelled just like I remembered (although I didn’t remember that until I smelled it again). I was salivating before we even got to the counter to place our order. We had a lovely lovely meal together, enjoying the food, each other’s company, and delightful conversation.

Sadly Abu Shukri is pretty far from where I live. I plan to get back there again eventually, but for now I remember it fondly and content myself with making my own hummus at home.  I’ve actually gotten better at making it over the years. I do wonder if part of the flavor at Abu Shukri has to do with the setting and the company (I’m pretty sure it does).

Buying Hummus

Hummus has become so popular that it’s easily available at the grocery store. There are a number of different companies that make it. It even comes in a wide variety of flavors. On a recent trip to the grocery store I was astounded to see the following varieties of hummus in the refrigerated case. Seriously, they had a whole lined up selection:

  • Traditional
  • Mediterranean
  • Greek Inspired
  • Roasted Red Pepper
  • Roasted Pine Nut
  • Jalapeno
  • Siracha
  • Sun Dried Tomato
  • Caramelized Onion
  • Roasted Garlic
  • Chocolate
  • Sea Salt Caramel
  • Cake Batter
  • Chickpea Nutty
  • Lemon Meringue

I confess I was a little puzzled by the Mediterranean style as I was pretty convinced hummus already was a Mediterranean food, but I guess it’s the spices that make the difference.  And I’m really not a fan of the dessert varieties. I confess I did try a chocolate one once (after all…chocolate) but it didn’t really impress me. I have no interest whatsoever in trying the other sweet varieties, probably because I love plain hummus so much that it just doesn’t appeal to me to have it as a dessert.

One of the problems with many commercial varieties is the ingredients. Things like the use of soybean oil instead of olive oil are not a great choice. The olive oil is a healthy monounsaturated fat which is a great source of vitamin E and highly anti-inflammatory. 

Soybean oil, on the other hand, is highly genetically modified.  Even if the variety used in the hummus you are buying is non-GMO, it’s still probably highly contaminated with glyphosate (sprayed to keep down the weeds), is high in omega-6 fatty acids, and consuming it may, over time, contribute to inflammation.

Another issue with commercially made hummus is the added preservatives. The ones that are most commonly used are citric acid, which may be genetically modified, and potassium sorbate. These are not good choices to have in your foods and I do recommend avoiding them.

Making it at home

Hummus is actually very easy to make at home. There are two strategies for making your own. The first is to seriously start from scratch and begin with dry chickpeas, sometimes called garbanzo beans. Rehydrating chickpeas is not difficult, it just takes a little time. One of the benefits of rehydrating chickpeas is that there are no added preservatives, it’s just the chickpeas. Another benefit is that you can make extra and freeze them. If you’re not into the idea of rehydrating chickpeas you can always use the canned variety.


Rehydrating Chickpeas


  • 2 cups dried chickpeas
  • 6 cups water
  • 1 teaspoon salt


  • Pick out stones or foreign matter from chickpeas
  • Rinse well and drain
  • Put into crock-pot with water and salt
  • Cook on high 3 hours
  • Remove crock from cooking element and pour chickpeas into a colander to drain
  • Rinse well
  • Chickpeas are now ready to use


Note: The rehydrated chickpeas will keep in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. If you’d like you can let them dry more and then freeze them.  Frozen chickpeas will keep for up to 6 months

Homemade Hummus


  • 2 cups cooked, or canned, chickpeas
  • 1/4 cup water or whey
  • 2-3 tablespoons lemon juice (depending on your preference)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons tahini
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons olive 
  • garnish: extra olive oil, paprika, and fresh chopped parsley


  • Combine chickpeas, water/whey, and lemon juice in a food processor
  • Blend together, slowing adding olive oil to the mixture until it starts to stick together
  • Add remaining ingredients
  • If needed add a little more olive oil to make it smooth
  • Spoon hummus into a serving bowl or dish
  • Drizzle with olive oil, garnish with a dusting of paprika and a sprinkle of fresh chopped parsley

Other ways to eat hummus

Whether you choose to buy your hummus pre-made (being sure to read the label and avoid negative ingredients) or make it at home, it’s a quick and easy way to add this delicious dish to your diet. 

Don’t forget that it can be more than just a snack with pita bread or veggies. Here are a few suggestions for other ways to eat this wonderful dish:

  • Use it as a salad dressing - it may need to be thinned just a little with olive oil 
  • It’s a fabulous marinade - perfect on chicken, let it marinate for 2 hours before grilling
  • Instead of mayonnaise - it’s a great way to add flavor to any sandwich or lettuce wrap
  • Eggplant roll ups - made with hummus instead of ricotta is a fabulous dairy-free option
  • Raw-fredo - instead of using a cream sauce try hummus on your pasta or noodles
  • On apples - instead of nut butter and apples, try hummus, you’ll be surprised how good it is
  • Condiment - adding a dollop of hummus on top of scrambled eggs is very tasty
hydrate this summer

Stay Well-Hydrated For Summer

With summer just around the corner and temperatures rising it's important to stay well-hydrated during the summer months. Most of us don't drink enough water in the first place, add in the higher temperatures and more outdoor activity, it all adds up to sweating more, leading to more fluid loss and potential dehydration. Dehydration can cause a large number of physical problems from headaches and migraines, to constipation to deep fatigue or loss of energy.

What to drink

Before you reach for that cheap 54-oz Big Gulp think about what your body needs in terms of hydration. It certainly doesn't need all that sugar. An 8-oz can of Sprite claims that it has 26 g of sugar, multiplied by 6.75 to equal a 54-oz drink, that comes to 175.5 g of sugar, not to mention all those chemicals. If you're drinking sugar-free, you are taking in even more chemicals. And let's not forget that caffeinated sodas would deliver a jolting 155 mg of caffeine.
Other popular summer drinks include the thought of a refreshing cold beer on a hot day, or perhaps a wine spritzer or an alcopop.  But it's important to remember that alcohol is a diuretic; this means you lose more body fluids when you drink it. So even though after spending the day in the hot summer sun that beer, wine cooler, or mixed drink seems cool and refreshing, it won't help you stay healthy and hydrated.

The hydration factor

To figure out how much hydration you need, calculate your body weight. Divide that in half for the number of ounces needed to be properly hydrated. Divide that number by 8 to get the number of cups of fluid.

For example:

     150 pounds
     divided by 2 = 75
     divided by 8 = 9.4 cups

Take that number, divide it by four and then set a “hydration alarm” approximately every two hours. When the alarm goes off put your beverage in front of you with the goal to drink it before the alarm goes off again.

Remember that this does not mean plain water. Too much water is not healthy either as it can dilute your electrolyte balance. Soups, herbal teas, food with lots of liquid (like watermelon), plus water all count towards a daily hydration goal. 

May 1-7 is National  Drinking Water Week!

Join the 7-Day Hydration Challenge by downloading your FREE handout below! 

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Rehydrate and refresh

Choose drink choices that are actually good for you. Here are a few suggestions:
  • Water – always good, water is exactly what your body needs. For a refreshing change to plain water add a slice of citrus to your water. For a cool and cleansing taste try slices of peeled cucumber or even a sprig of mint.
  • Iced tea – although tea does have caffeine if you make your iced teas with green tea you'll be getting less caffeine overall. Or you can use herbal teas which have no caffeine and are delicious and enjoyable.
  • Spritzers – adding your favorite juice to cool seltzer water with some ice and perhaps a slice of fresh fruit can be a great way to stay hydrated. The usual proportions are 30% juice 70% seltzer. Just be sure to choose juices that are 100% juice, no additives, no preservatives, no colors.  If you are using concentrated juice you will need to adjust the proportions to your preference.
  • Agua fresca – these cool and tasty drinks, originally from Mexico, are made by taking blended fresh fruit, usually melons, and combining them with water, sugar, and a splash of lime juice. Because there is sugar, with both the fresh fruit and the added sugar, these should be consumed in moderation.  There is a delicious recipe posted below.
  • Lemonade or limeade – made with citrus juice, water and sugar this can be very satisfying and cooling. If you make it yourself you control how much sugar is in it.  There are a wide number of tasty recipes available online.

Agua Fresca


  • 3 cups of melon (cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew, etc), seeded, peeled and diced
  • 1 1/2 cups cold water
  • 2 tablespoons evaporated cane juice crystals
  • juice of 1-2 limes


  • Blend melon to a pulp in the blender
  • Strain pulp to remove fibers
  • In a pitcher mix together water and sugar until sugar crystals dissolve
  • Add melon juice
  • Add lime juice to taste
  • Serve over ice


Instead of relying on the availability of drinks on the road, one of the best things you can do to stay hydrated is taking your container with you. Don't drink from plastic containers if you can at all avoid it due to issues with BPA. To learn more watch my interview with Lara Adler, The Environmental Toxins Nerd.

Glass or stainless steel containers are your best bet. My personal favorite is Glasstic, a shatterproof plastic cylinder around a glass center cylinder. Easy to take apart and wash in the dishwasher, the company claims these are the last water bottle you'll ever need. I bought three over two years ago and they're still going strong. Get 10% off with this link!

Lara is also teaching about the issues with water contamination & filtration since 2012. Learn more from Lara and check out her brand-new e-course, PURE: Finding The Best Filter, For The Purest Water. She created it to educate and empower you, so you can find the very best water filter for your situation. 

Learn More on my Ebook: Hydration For A Healthy Life

Discover the secrets to staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy lifestyle with "Hydration For A Healthy Life". Learn about the importance of water, electrolytes, and alkaline beverages, as well as tips for staying hydrated year-round. Plus, enjoy delicious recipes for infused waters that make hitting your hydration goals easy and enjoyable.

Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or simply looking to improve your overall health, this eBook has everything you need to keep your body running smoothly. Grab your copy now and drink up to a healthier you!

Best Detoxifying Foods

Detox Your Body The Food Way

It is no secret that we are surrounded by toxins. They're in the air we breathe and can be on food on our plates. Chemicals and heavy metals fill the environment around us in sometimes harmful quantities. But do you really need an expensive detox diet or cleanse?

Just about every media source from TV to the internet to magazine covers is telling us we need to detoxify. But cleansing your body isn't just about getting rid of the bad stuff. It's also an opportunity for you to take care of yourself, nurturing your body so you can look and feel your best.  It starts with a real food diet.  

Long-time readers will know that I encourage cleaning up the chemicals in your diet, eating whole foods, and the use of alkalizing beverages and foods. I am not a fan of painful detox methods, extreme caloric reduction, or detox methods that cause you to feel ill.  I believe you should not feel bad, physically or mentally, while trying to support your body during a cleanse.

It is possible to eat well and support your body and good health while adding detoxifying foods.  

This top ten list gives you my suggestions for foods and nutrients to add to your diet, plus links to delicious recipes:

Cilantro - an excellent and tasty way to cleanse the body, ridding it of heavy metal accumulation.

Cruciferous vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, bok choy, cabbage, rutabaga, turnip, and radishes all support the liver which is important for detoxification.

Fiber - supports a healthy digestive system which in turn helps with elimination when transporting toxins out of the body.  Good fiber choices include beans, fresh ground flax seeds, and whole grains.

Folate - found in dark leafy greens, calves liver, lentils, beans, and asparagus, has been shown to help counter the effects of BPA in the system.

Garlic - high in sulfur garlic helps to dilate the blood vessels so they don't get blocked, it's also anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial.

Green tea - high in anti-oxidants it supports the liver and helps with hydration.

Lemons - have an alkalizing effect on the system, also add the juice to foods rich in iron to increase bio-availability.

Wheatgrass - an excellent detoxifier that is also high in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

Selenium - helps to rid the body of mercury while protecting against free radicals, found in codfish, tuna, egg yolks, beef, shiitake mushrooms, lamb, and Brazil nuts.

Water - pure, clean water helps to flush the body of toxins.

health benefits of carob

The Health Benefits Of Carob

What is Carob?


Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) is a flowering evergreen tree in the legume family. It is also sometimes referred to as St. John's Bread. There’s a biblical story story which shares that St. John the Baptist subsisted on carob beans mixed with honey while he crossed the desert.

Carob was traditionally eaten in the Middle East as a source of sugar before sugar cane and beets were used for that purpose. The seeds are also referred to as “locust beans.” Locust bean gum, a thickening agent found in alternative dairy and other products, comes from these seeds.


Benefits of Carob


Naturally sweeter than cacao (the base ingredient for chocolate), carob is more than a sweetener.  There are a wide range of health benefits from it and many of the studies being done indicate positive outcomes from the use of carob:


  • Many people prefer carob to chocolate because, unlike chocolate, it does not contain the stimulants caffeine or theobromine. It also does not have any oxalic acid which can cause calcium oxalate kidney stones in some individuals.
  • It is rich in tannins creating a binding effect which can be helpful when given to someone with diarrhea. Tip: I have found documentation suggesting 15 g. of carob in applesauce (for flavor and ease of ingestion) is an acceptable dose for children.
  • Carob is currently being examined as a protein source.  Research indicates that the flour made from the germ of carob has a high protein content, as much as 46%.  according to studies currently being done at the Universidad de Sevilla, Instituta de la Grassia, by isolating the germ further, protein content percentages, in a laboratory setting, have reached as high as 95%.  This isolate is of interest because it would offer an alternative to soy or dairy proteins for protein shake formulas created for athletes and for diabetics.  
  • The germ flour of carob also yields higher levels of arginine, an essential amino acid that is important for healing wounds, for immune function, and for hormone release among other physiological functions.  
  • For people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance carob flour and carob bean gum can be a good choice as carob contains no gluten.
  • There appears to be a cholesterol lowering effect of carob fiber which is taken from the pulp of the fruit. According to a study published in the European Journal of Nutrition “Daily consumption of food products enriched with carob fibre shows beneficial effects on human blood lipid profile and may be effective in prevention and treatment of hypercholesterolemia.”  
  • Carob fiber is also high in phenolic antioxidant substances, and there are studies underway looking into the chemo preventive qualities of carob.
  • Carob is rich in polyphenols which can reduce oxidative stress scavenging free radicals. These phenols have been shown to reduce the risk of some chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
  • The tannins and polyphenols found in carob fiber may have the potential to be helpful with those who suffer from type 2 diabetes. These compounds can reduce the blood glucose response by inhibiting enzyme activity; therefore, slowing the rate of starch digestion.

Carob usually comes in a powder form although it is possible to also buy it in blocks. It is not currently available in gum or liquid form, these tend to be only used for commercial applications.


Is it like chocolate?

Carob does not have the same taste/flavor as chocolate, but many people like it. Especially because, as mentioned above, it’s naturally sweet.  As well as being sweeter, carob provides good nutrient density when compared to cocoa.  The comparison below is for one cup:         

Carob can be substituted for cocoa in a recipe by replacing each part of cocoa powder with 2-1/2 parts carob powder by weight.

To substitute for baking chocolate, use 3 Tablespoons carob powder plus 2 Tablespoons water for one square baking chocolate.

You can also purchase carob chips, a healthier option is to choose the unsweetened ones.

If you are monitoring calories and/or carbohydrates, here is a comparison of unsweetened carob and unsweetened cocoa powder:

1 Tbsp unsweetened carob = 25 calories and 6 grams of carbohydrates

1 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder = 12 calories and 3 grams of carbohydrates

In conclusion, carob is great as a sweetener substitute, it is high in protein and will probably be coming soon to a protein supplement near you.  Useful for people who cannot ingest gluten, it is also showing promise as a functional food that may help lower cholesterol and help prevent oxidative cell damage. It may also be effective in the prevention of colon cancer and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. 

Consider adding carob to your diet but please remember to read the labels.  If you start seeing wonderful health claims on the front of a package that's fine but always check what other ingredients are in your food before you unthinkingly purchase something because of the marketing language.

I like carob, and we do use it sometimes in baking. I don't consider it to be a “substitute” for chocolate, but instead another ingredient with its own unique flavor. Give it a try, you may discover a new flavor to use plus some health benefits too.

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