Category Archives: gmo


Pacific threadfins in cage | photo: Haplochromis

A recent article on NPR spoke about some of the challenges facing the idea of acquaculture – in other words, farming fish.  As our appetite for fish grows it creates a market for those who want to sell it.  However producers want to sell their product the fastest, most efficient way possible at the highest possible profit.  That means starting to tinker with the food chain.

Leaving aside the issue of the horror of GMO fish here are some objections to what appears to be happening in aquaculture.  It is important to start by pointing out that this is not to oppose sustainable aquaculture;  where fish are grown in an environment that allows them to flourish symbiotically with plants, insects, other fish and aquatic life.  The objection is to the concept of huge aqua-farms; the marine equivalent of confined feedlot operations for meat animals.  The animals are fed the cheapest, most efficient product to make them get fat faster so they can be sold quickly thereby increasing profit.  No real effort is made to raise the animal humanely or sustainably, just profitably.

  1. A direct quote from the article says, “A salmon gets more nutrients from a fish in the wild than it would eating something else.”  Well that certainly makes sense.  So why would we want to feed them anything else?
  2. [Scientists] are looking into new fish feed using renewable sources, such as biofuel co-products, poultry by-products, soybeans and so on.”  Excuse me?  First, go back and read statement one above.  Then stop and think about what this says.  Biofuel co-products?  These are already fed to cattle contributing to their ill health.  And when they try to feed it to pigs the pigs don't like it.  Poultry by-products?  As far as I know poultry is not fish and I do not believe that fish should eat poultry guts, bones, skin, and feathers all mulched up into some sort of gloppy muck and then dried into pellets.  And the concept of feeding animals not fit for human consumption to other animals makes no sense either if the animal you are feeding it to will eventually be consumed. Soybeans?  We eat too many of them as it is in this country and the vast majority of what we eat is contaminated by GMO.  This doesn't even begin to take into consideration those people who are allergic to soy.  They may quite possibly now be allergic to farmed fish which I'm sure is not going to be labeled ‘this fish was fed soy.'  And so on is another statement that bothers me; it is such a blanket, open ended concept that there's no telling what they'll decide to feed the fish.  As long as it's cheap and makes profit I am sure it will somehow be deemed appropriate to feed to the fish.
  3. One of the challenges [they] face is getting a fish to eat something unfamiliar.” Then why do it?  I don't think it's healthy for the fish.  And if it's not healthy for the fish, ultimately it will not be healthy for us.  There is lots of evidence showing that grass fed is healthier both for cows that are raised that way and for those who eat those cows.  But in this country we persist in raising corn-fed beef, creating unhealthy fatty cows that we then slaughter and eat.  Now we want to do this with fish which is touted as a heart-healthy food?  I do not believe it will be as healthy a food after it has been force fed an unnatural diet.
If you eat seafood you want to print out a copy of the Seafood Watch created by the Monterey Bay Aquarium; it lets you know which fish were raised in an environmentally friendly manner.

World Food Day

genetically modified food

Today, October 16, is World Food Day.  There are many issues that can be related to our food and it's relationship to our health.  The biggest one at the moment is that of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO).

For many years a controversy has raged about GMO.  I will admit that I am not impartial on this issue and I stand firmly opposed to the idea of GMO foods.  I do not believe we need them, I do not believe they are harmless to the environment, and I do not believe they are healthy for us.

However, leaving all of that aside, what I want to bring to your attention on World Food Day is that, for those of us living in the United States, we do not know if our food contains GMOs.  The only way to avoid them is to purchase organic products for those items that are most likely to be contaminated.  Currently the most likely contaminated foods are corn, canola, soy, cotton, alfalfa, papaya, sugar (both cane and beet sugars), and zucchini.  Currently coming to market are GMO rice, and sweet peppers.  There is also serious talk about a GMO fish and GMO apples.  Purchasing organic varieties of these foods is currently the only way to avoid GMO products.  But it extends beyond those products.  Any animal that is fed corn or alfalfa, unless it is organically raised, is in all likelihood being feed GMO versions.  That would include beef, chicken, and pork.  Any products that come from GMO-fed animals is contaminated with GMO, such as milk and eggs.  It can get very difficult to stay on top of what is being added to our food chain without our permission.

At the very least I believe we all have a right to know what is in our food.  For companies to be required to disclose the presence of GMO in their products.  At the present time there is no such requirement.  Many other countries around the world prohibit or label GMO foods, and I feel that the US should do the same. There is currently a petition circulating to let the FDA know that people want this label.  It's an important step toward preserving control over our food and our food choices.  I've signed it and I hope you will consider doing the same

Shopping Guides

I just came across this detergent shopping guide from Organic Consumers and it's so important that I knew I had to pass it along.  It has a list of all of the soaps/detergents that use 1,4 dioxane, a known carcinogen that can cause a host of health problems.

This seemed like a good opportunity to pass along a couple of other good resources that are available online.

The Environmental Working Group Shopper's Guide to Pesticides

The Environmental Working Group Safety Guide to Children's Personal Care Products

The Environmental Working Group Shopper's Guide to Safer Sunscreen

The Food and Water Watch rBGH-free Dairy Guide (search by state)

The Non-GMO Shopping Guide

Food, Inc

This movie looks as if it will provide an interesting view of modern food production. Unfortunately it's not showing in my area. Looks like it's playing in Houston, hopefully there are a lot of opportunities for folks all over the country to see it.

Go to the official site to see if it's playing near you.

You can also go to the Whole Foods Blog to read their take on the movie and their food process.

I believe this is an important issue. Our processed food and the way we eat is making most of us sick. It's not healthy for us, our kids or our future. We need to care more about what we eat and make a choice to eat for health.

National Zucchini Bread Day

April 25th is National Zucchini Bread Day. I'm not sure why it is zucchini bread instead of just zucchini, but I'm happy that at least zucchini is getting mentioned.

Here in Texas, as in many other places of the country, zucchini is starting to produce in abundance.  My uncle, who lives in California, claims that in the middle of the summer you need to drive around with your windows rolled up.  Otherwise when you stop at a traffic light grocery bags of zucchini are apt to come flying through the window.
Everyone who grows zucchini seems to fully understand the abundance of nature.  One tiny seed can produce a fruit that ranges in size from baby pickles to dugout canoe. But before we malign this wonderful fruit (and yes, zucchini is indeed a fruit, even though we treat it like a vegetable) let's look at how good it is for us.

Brief History

Zucchini, sometimes also called courgette, is a type of squash from the Cucurbito pepo species; they can be green-skinned or yellow-skinned and are usually shaped like a cucumber, although there are some varieties that have different shapes. The species is believed to be native to the Americas and was brought to Europe during colonization.
Eventually, in Italy, there was a mutation that gave rise to the green-skinned version that we usually refer to as zucchini today.  This variety was brought back to America by the Italian immigrants.

Health Benefits

Zucchinis are great for a lot of different things. They are wonderfully sliced and served straight up in a salad, as crudites or baked, stuffed, grilled, in soup, or shredded and baked into a dessert.  
In addition to tasting great and being such a useful fruit, what nutritional benefits can you find in zucchini?  To start with they are a great source of manganese which is an essential trace mineral.
Zucchinis are also very high in vitamin C. Manganese works with vitamin C to help detoxify the body among other health benefits. They are also a good source of magnesium, Vitamin A, fiber, folate, potassium, and phosphorus.  
Note: Unfortunately, my research turned up the fact that two genetically modified (GM) strains of zucchini are currently approved in the US for cultivation and use as food.  Unless you are getting them from a trusted source or from your own garden you may want to purchase organic zucchini.

Zucchini Recipe

In honor of National Zucchini Bread Day, I am delighted to share this wonderful recipe from Heather.  She’s elevated zucchini bread and given it a delicious twist by adding blueberries instead of the traditional chocolate chips or raisins (for those who add stuff to their zucchini bread).  Heather is not only a colleague, she’s a talented and caring holistic nutrition professional. Be sure to check out her other tasty recipes.

Zucchini Blueberry Banana Bread

Servings 1 slice


  • 1 cup zucchini, shredded and moisture squeezed out
  • 4 eggs, organic
  • 2 Tbsp maple syrup, organic
  • 1 banana, ripe and mashed
  • 1 Tbsp coconut oil plus extra for greasing the pan
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour - Bob's Red Mill, Coconut Flour, Organic, 16 oz
  • 3/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1 Tbsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup walnuts, finely chopped (optional)
  • 1/2 cup fresh blueberries


  • Heat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Grease the loaf pan with coconut oil, set aside.
  • Shred the zucchini and then squeeze out all the moisture.
  • Mix the eggs, maple syrup, coconut oil, and banana together in a large bowl.
  • Add in the coconut flour, baking soda, sea salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg, blend well.
  • Add the zucchini, blend; then add the apple cider vinegar and stir till batter is smooth.
  • Fold in the walnuts, if using.
  • Gently fold in the blueberries.
  • Pour the batter in to the greased loaf pan.
  • Bake for 40-50 minutes until a knife or toothpick inserted in to the bread comes out clean.
  • Cool the loaf in the pan for 10 minutes and then remove to a wire rack to continue to cool.


High Oleic Canola Oil

I recently received an email from Wayne who wanted to know about high oleic canola oil, which is marketed as trans fat free. He had eaten some foods that had it as one of the ingredients and did not like it at all. He was wondering if I had any information about it.

Trans fat free oils are those which are either naturally without trans fat or that have not been hydrogenated to increase the saturation factor. Margerine is a prime example of fat that has been transformed to make it have a longer shelf life. Oleic acid provides some stability to the oils and so scientists are breeding high oleic acid strains of things like corn and canola. With the exception of high oleic sunflower oil I have not been able to find clear evidence that these other oils are not genetically modified rather than the result of a direct breeding program. My recommendation is to choose organic oils, which means there will be no GMO and no pesticides.

Be well.

Letter To Obama

As a Nutrition Educator, I, of course, watch food news very carefully.  Along with many others I am waiting to hear who President-elect Obama will select for Secretary of Agriculture.  A position that is critical to the health and nutrition of our country.

While I am certainly not so eloquent nor so well-known as Michael Pollan, I do feel our new President needs to know how all of his citizens feel about this and other important issues.  I have written a letter, sent via the website, and I encourage you to do the same.

My letter was short but states exactly how I feel:

“Dear President-elect Obama,

As a Nutrition Educator, I work very hard to help people make the choice for healthy eating. I am a firm believer that what we eat affects our health. I urge you to very carefully consider whom you choose for Secretary of Agriculture. PLEASE do not allow someone who believes in chemicals such as rBHG or GMO foods to make choices that affect our nation's health. America is currently engaged in the largest food experiment ever promoted. The American public does not have choice, they are not told which foods are modified. Recent research shows that this will lead to even more poor health and possible fertility failure for this country as well as insurmountable health care costs as we try to deal with this situation.

I urge you to choose someone who has the vision to support a healthy American population instead of continuing to line the pockets of corporations who only care about their bottom line profits.


Mira G. Dessy “

If you haven't heard about Michael Pollan's wonderful letter (written before the election) you can see it  here.

Knowing The Numbers

“Consumers have the right to choose whether to eat genetically modified foods or not.”

     Rockefeller Foundation Statement (cited in Kilman, 1999)

I agree with the thinking behind the above statement.  We should have the right to choose.  Unfortunately we do not because we don't know what foods are modified.  Some foods are pretty good guesses.  If it has corn, soy, or canola in it there is a better than average chance that it is genetically modified.  Because our food products are not labeled the only way to avoid genetically modified organisms (GMO) is to buy organic.  While that can get to be a very expensive proposition there is more and more evidence supporting the case for eating non-GMO foods, including these articles:

Latest GMO Research: Decreased Fertility, Immunological Alterations and Allergies

Monsanto tried to block Austrian research

Government Accountability Office finds unauthorized release of GM foods

Even fruits and vegetables are being genetically modified and that is one area where you can see what you are choosing to eat.  The Price Look Up (PLU) stickers have numbers on them which indicate the following:

most product numbers are 4 digits indicating that the produce was conventionally grown
5 digits starting with a 9 means it is organic
5 digits starting with an 8 means it is GMO

According to the International Federation for Product Standards there is a PLU for everything although not everything is labeled, nor it is required to be labeled.  This most likely explains why I have yet to see a 5 digit code starting with an 8.  

Dole has gone so far as to implement a program in which they put a three digit code on their organic bananas which you can look up on the Dole website and see which farm the bananas were grown on and read a little about the farm.

Within the confines of our budget I make the best choices I can for my family and encourage you to do the same.