power of kindness

Unlocking The Power Of Kindness: Embracing Compassion For A Brighter World

Have you ever stumbled across a message or a symbol that struck a chord in your heart, perhaps during a time of need? Imagine a world where kindness isn't just a fleeting moment but a deliberate act—a tangible reminder that someone, somewhere, cares deeply about you. The beauty, solidity, and permanence of a rock can embody this message, especially when shaped like a heart and given with pure intent.
Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Tom Ballard. Known as The Heart Rock Guy, Tom has an amazing message and a huge mission related to the power of kindness and compassion, you can watch the video at the bottom of this post.
But first, let's look at how you can embrace your ability to be a beacon of kindness in a world that can often feel overwhelming and cold.

Embracing the Beauty of Heart Rocks

Tom got his start after the loss of of a family member. In his own words he shares, "So it definitely wasn't my intention to become known as Tom the heart rock guy. I live with mental illness. I have bipolar disorder, and some days are really difficult. What I've done to help myself cope is I take rocks and I cut them, and then I started carving them into hearts.
Then I was like, well, what should I do with these? I started hiding them in public places or giving them to people. And I started to notice that, obviously, I'm not the only one that's having dark days and off days and bad days. I found that if I kept heart rocks in my pocket or the cup holder in my car, in my backpack, if I had the hearts on hand, it would remind me to look out for others. And I'd find opportunities every single day to pass it on and just let someone know that you're loved and you're not alone and you matter. And I'd invite them to either keep the heart rock or pass it on to someone else.
Now for the last four and a half years, almost five years, I've made and distributed over 260,000 heart rocks. This has become my life's work. I make heart rocks. I do community events and school assemblies, teaching about the power of creating kindness and using it to help others and how that's a great way to bring joy into your own life, even when you're in a dark place."

What are heart rocks?

They're not your everyday stones. Each rock is carved meticulously, they're all unique, just like the individuals who receive them. They're beautiful and there's a true sense of joy in both giving and receiving a heart rock. These small tokens can bridge the gap between feeling invisible and being seen. It's about focusing on creating kindness through physical reminders that echo through time—small signs that tell people, "You matter, you're loved, and you're not alone."
It's as simple as keeping some heart-shaped stones within reach. Place them in your car's cup holder, on your desk, or in your pocket. The mere presence of these stones can nudge you to look out for others, offering opportunities for connection daily. And when the moment arises—in a drive-through, at the park, or while meeting a friend in despair—you're ready to extend a hand holding a small yet powerful symbol of love and recognition.
It's about taking the time to make your expression of kindness intentional. Pause and look around. Who in your environment could use a boost? Observe and take an interest in those around you. Don't overthink it, often the simplest moments of human connection are the ones that make the biggest impact. Start a conversation, give a smile, or better yet, offer a heart rock. It's a gesture that says, "I see you, and I appreciate your presence in this world." Kind service comes in all shapes and forms, and it starts with you.

Small steps, big impact

There's never been a more important time for us to all learn to lead with our hearts and spread kindness. With every news cycle bombarding us with heartache and strife, a simple, loving gesture can stand as a force, pushing back the tides of overwhelm, sadness, or despair. Even the smallest acts can be transformative for someone on the edge, often in ways you may never fully realize.
You don't have to give out carved stones to express compassion; the idea is simply to express kindness in your unique way and to express kindness in a consistent and supportive fashion. The beauty of this practice lies in its simplicity and the ripple effect it can have in your community and beyond. Here are a few ideas for ways that you can share kindness with others:
  • Send a handwritten note of appreciation to someone who has made a positive impact in your life.
  • Donate gently used clothing or household items to a local shelter or charity.
  • Volunteer at a soup kitchen, food bank, or homeless shelter in your community.
  • Leave encouraging notes or uplifting messages in public places for strangers to find.
  • Offer to help an elderly neighbor with yard work, grocery shopping, or household chores.
  • Bake cookies or treats and share them with friends, family, or coworkers.
  • Pay for the coffee or meal of the person behind you in line at a café or drive-thru.
  • Listen actively and without judgment when someone needs to talk.
  • Hold the door open for someone or let them go ahead of you in line.
  • Smile and say hello to strangers you pass by on the street.
  • Organize a neighborhood cleanup or beautification project.
  • Donate blood to a local blood bank or participate in a blood drive.
  • Write positive reviews for businesses or services you appreciate.
  • Offer to babysit for a friend or family member who needs a break.
  • Create care packages for soldiers overseas or for individuals experiencing homelessness.
  • Send a care package or letter to a friend or family member who is going through a tough time.
  • Give genuine compliments to those around you.
  • Offer to tutor or mentor a student who may be struggling academically.
  • Organize a fundraiser or donation drive for a cause you care about.
These are just a few examples of ways to spread kindness in your everyday life. The possibilities are endless, and even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's day. However you choose to express kindness the goal remains the same: to spread kindness and let others know they are seen and valued.

About Mira

Mira Dessy is The Ingredient Guru. A holistic nutrition professional, author, and a popular public speaker, she knows that it's not just what you eat, but what's in what you eat. She is the author of The Pantry Principle: how to read the label and understand what’s really in their food. Dessy is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner whose mission is to educate and empower consumers. She curates the Lean Clean Green Subscription box, the premier, organic, earth-friendly, healthy, sustainable subscription box which can be found online at https://theingredientguru.memberbox.com