My friend Helene recently shared a wonderful gluten-free cookie recipe with me. She said it was so fabulous that she was going to have to freeze the cookies, otherwise she was afraid she might eat them all. Frozen cookies have never stopped me, sometimes they are even better that way.
While we were talking Helene also asked if there were any eggs in shortbread. The answer is no.
Shortbread is a particular type of cookie that has a 1-2-3 recipe. One part sweetener (usually sugar), two parts butter (or other shortening), three parts flour (although old-fashioned shortbread was and is made with oats) and then enhanced with flavorings and or spices. The "short" refers to the crumbly dough. Fat retards gluten so even if you used wheat flour, the high amount of fat would prevent the dough from forming long gluten strands.

Helene's Coconut Almond Cookies:
- 1 c. coconut Flour
- 1 1/2 c. Almond Meal
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 c. butter
- 1/4 c. honey
- 1 Tbsp Almond Extract
- Mix the dough together in a cuisinart until a ball forms
- Freeze dough for approximately 30 mins
- Preheat oven to 350 deg F
- Roll dough between two sheets of was paper
- Cut cookies using a cookie or biscuit cutter
- Bake for 7 mins, remove to wire rack to cool