Category Archives: gratitude

The Gratitude Issue

“To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good, which is directed at you. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude.” -Albert Schweitzer

Gratitude is what's on my mind right now.  We're at that annual cusp from old year to new.  That time when so many people make resolutions, often unrealistic and undefined.  And by doing so set themselves up to feel bad about themselves later.  There are a number of studies that show how beneficial a gratitude practice can be, mentally, emotionally, and physically, to support our overall health and wellness.  

The gratitude jar

I believe anytime is a perfect time to think about gratitude.  But I especially love this ritual that I've built up over time around creating an abundance of gratitude in my life.

For the past few years I've had a jar sitting next to my desk in my office.  When I have a moment of gratitude (and it can be for anything, not specifically for work, personal, others in my life) I write it down on a little scrap of paper and throw it in the jar.  I confess that I try to find colorful scraps of paper because it's more fun that way.  I don't go back through the jar throughout the year, I just keep filling it up.

Come New Year's Eve while I'm waiting for the countdown, I open the jar and empty it out.  I unfold all those pieces of paper and savor reading them one by one.  I do this by myself, but you may choose to do it with friends or family members too.  It can be fun if it's a group jar or if several people bring their jars and go through them together.

I find I do remember many of them, but what always strikes me is the number of things that I forgot about.  Every. Single. Year.  These are moments I was grateful for when they happened, but in the hustle and bustle of everyday life they slipped into the back of my memory and got buried there.   In opening this jar and going through them, I am grateful for those moments again.  

Some people write all of their gratitudes down in a book that they keep from year to year.  I have another friend who glues down all her little scraps into a composition book of gratitude.  I don't do any of those things, mine go into the compost bin.  But I truly love this ritual look back over the year.  This ability in spite of any challenges or low moments we may have faced to see so many wonderful things.  So many reasons to be grateful.  

Once the jar is empty it almost seems to sparkle as I set it next to my desk to begin again.  And it brings hope and a cheerful spirit as I anticipate the year ahead.  

Cultivating a habit of gratitude

Being grateful doesn't always come easy.  For some reason we are surrounded by a culture (and a news media) that brings out the worst in us.  Often we get so overwhelmed that we allow the negative things to strongly influence how we percieve what is happening around us.  Amidst the explosions of stress, worry, and overwhelming circumstance, the little sparks of gratitude can sometimes get lost.  Just as we learn to read and write and do any of the other things we've learned to do in life, so too we need to learn to cultivate the habit of gratitude.  

Below are some of my favorite resources and  articles on the topic.  I am not going to lie and tell you that I live in that blissed out place that is continual gratitude.  I don't.  I sometimes struggle to get there, to get anywhere close to being grateful.  And yet I know I have to very much to be grateful for.

Yes we can get overwhelmed, sometimes we get lost.  But I have come to believe that by remembering that concept of gratitude and by trying to pay attention to it I am happier overall.  And so I've collected these resources and I have my ritual of the gratitude jar.  I'm excited and looking forward to what this new year will bring.

As we transition to another year I hope that whatever the year ahead holds for you it also brings happiness, health, contentment, and peace.

Gratitude resources

How To Be Grateful To People We Don't Like – Learning to look at negative situations and focus on the good things we have can help us achieve a transformational shift. Admittedly this is not always easy to do, but sometimes having a resource we can turn to the guide us toward this can be helpful. – A wonderful website offering videos, audios, articles, a virtual labyrinth, and virtual candles you can light. This is one of my favorite resources.

How Gratitude Can Change Your Life – A good article about gratitude with some information about how studies showing how it can improve your life.

Why Living a Life of Gratitude Can Make You Happy – A few suggestions for ways to add a gratitude practice to your life.

Stumbling Toward Gratitude – The end of this article sums it up well, ” There are no miracles. … There are no long-term quick fixes for happiness, so if you become a more grateful person and you add [these] exercises to your repertoire, you’ll be different six months or a year from now.”

9 Ways To Cultivate Gratitude – Nine suggestions for ways to cultivate gratitude (and avoid focusing on criticism or complaints)

A Serving of Gratitude May Save The Day – This New York Times article has some great suggestions and offers gentle ways to get started

And here's a video on gratitude that I found moving.  Thanks to my Aunt for sharing it just when I needed it.

Gratitude: A Mindful Pause – if you happen to be in the market for a sweet gratitude journal. This one has both unlined and lined pages making it perfect for both writing and drawing, coloring, or art journaling. 


Top Six Health Benefits Of Grounding

What is grounding?

Grounding, also known as earthing, is a simple yet powerful practice of connecting with the Earth's surface, primarily through our bare feet or skin. Our modern lifestyles have led to more of a disconnect from the natural world. We are, surrounded by concrete jungles and walking around in insulated footwear. All of which separates us from the earth. Millions of years ago our ancestors were more connected to the Earth's electromagnetic field because they didn’t have these things.

The science of grounding

Recent research is revealing more information that supports the science behind this ancient practice. 

In simplistic terms, the earth can be viewed as a battery which has a negative electrical charge. When we ground ourselves, by exposure through non-insulated skin, with the earth, this helps to stabilize your system.  You can ground most effectively by having bare skin on dirt or grass, or through the use of grounding or earthing devices.  As you engage in this energy transfer process there are a number of health benefits:

  1. Reduced Stress: Stress is considered a regular part of modern life. But when you have too much stress, or chronic levels, it’s not healthy.  Grounding has been shown to help reduce cortisol levels which can support relaxation. This may, in turn, help with emotional balance.
  2. Reduced Inflammation: Grounding has been shown to neutralize free radicals and lower pro-inflammatory cytokines which can in turn help reduce inflammation.  Often reducing inflammation can also help to decrease chronic pain. 
  3. Better Quality Sleep: Many people share that when they regularly engage in a grounding practice they notice an improvement in sleep. One study found people who slept grounded (using an earthing mat) had more balanced cortisol levels and synchronicity with a 24-hour circadian rhythm.
  4. Improved Immunity: The more balance your immune system is the faster you can heal from trauma or injury.  Studies seem to indicate that after trauma participants who were grounded had a faster recovery time with less pain and inflammation. 
  5. Improved Circulation: How well your blood circulates is an important measure for overall wellness by optimizing nutrient and oxygen delivery to your cells. Studies showed improved circulation after a grounding session and suggested that it might be a helpful health practice for those struggling with cardiovascular disease or diabetes.  
  6. Increased Energy: Grounding is supportive and rejuvenating. It has been reported that people who regularly engage in a grounding practice feel more energetic.  It’s like a therapeutic rejuvenation. 

How to add grounding to your lifegrounding

Thankfully, grounding is an accessible and easy practice that can be incorporated into our daily routines:

  • Go Barefoot: Whenever possible, kick off your shoes. It’s wonderful to take a leisurely walk, or even just stand still and wiggle your toes, while standing on natural surfaces such as grass, sand, or soil. It’s even better if they’re damp. 
  • Earthing Mats: Try using a ground mat or grounding sheets.  These can be placed on a bed or draped over a chair while working at your desk.  This can help you stay grounded while you’re indoors. It’s also a good option to help with grounding for inclement weather. 
  • Gardening: Engaging in gardening activities. This gets your hands in the dirt and provides a perfect way for you to connect with the Earth and its healing energy.  Don’t have a garden?  Houseplants count too!
  • Hug a Tree: Trees are wonderful and a great way to connect with the earth.  They’re so deeply connected through their roots that hugging a tree, or even justs sitting under one and leaning against it can be beneficial. 
  • Beach Time: Spending time at the shore offers both the calming effects of being by a body of water.  And you can walk on the shore or in the water to connect with the earth. 
  • Read: I highly recommend the book Earthing by Clint Ober. This is the book that introduced me to the concept of this practice. 

In summary

As we navigate the modern world with its technological marvels, let’s not forget the how amazing it can be to incorporate the healing power of nature, especially the practice of grounding. When you reconnect with the Earth's energy, you can experience so many benefits including less stress and an improved immune system.  

Take time every day to connect with nature! 

[expand title="Sources"]

Koniver, Laura. "Practical Applications Of Grounding To Support Health". Biomedical Journal, vol 46, no. 1, 2023, pp. 41-47. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/ 

Menigoz, Wendy et al. "Integrative And Lifestyle Medicine Strategies Should Include Earthing (Grounding): Review Of Research Evidence And Clinical Observations". EXPLORE, vol 16, no. 3, 2020, pp. 152-160. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/j.explore.2019.10.005. 

Sinatra, Stephen T., at al. Electric Nutrition: The Surprising Health and Healing Benefits of Biological Grounding (Earthing). ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES, SEP/OCT 2017 VOL. 23 NO. 5. 

Yum, Byeong et al. "Effect Of Earthing Mat On The Quality Of Sleep". 2020,



Healthy At Home Journaling Prompts

Journaling for better health

If you're looking to improve your health and wellbeing there may be a strategy to help that you're overlooking. Journaling. It turns out that there are a lot of ways that using a journal can be good for you. It can be a supportive strategy for stress relief, help you work out problems, boost your memory, and has also been shown to be good for mental health.

Does journaling really help?

There are a lot of studies that have been done around the idea of journaling and its benefits. Here are just a few ways that it can be helpful for you:

  • Health benefits – a study of undergraduate college students found that journaling increased wellbeing, decreased illness, and, over time, even helped to decrease the ill effects of dealing with trauma
  • Improves cognitive function – writing, as opposed to typing, has been shown to improve your ability to acquire, process, and recall information. One article found that writing was useful when it came to learning both math and science. 
  • Better learning skills – according to research published in Psychological Science students who wrote longhand, as opposed to those who typed using laptops, were better able to learn material. Journaling can be a way of recording and deepening your understanding of yourself and/or what you're writing about.
  • Remember significant events – life can be very full and there are lots of distractions. Journaling about moments, events, or people that are noteworthy or important to you can be a way to create an accurate accounting of what you want to remember accurately.
  • Organizing your thoughts – sometimes there's so much going on that it can be difficult to keep all of your plans and goals clearly in mind. Writing it down can be a positive way to stay on track. Plus writing down your goals increases your chances of succeeding at them.
  • Better healing – studies have found that journaling can have a positive impact on how well the body heals. According to the research this includes healing from IBS, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and wound healing.
  • Improves mental health – studies have found a positive shift in mental state among those who journaled, this included those with cancer, Parkinson's, and other health conditions.

Give it a try

With all these benefits from journaling you're probably curious as to whether or not it could work for you. Why not give it a try?  History is filled with people who journaled – Beatrix Potter, Marie Curie, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Lewis Carroll, Leonardo Da Vinci, Mark Twain and so many others. They wouldn't have journaled if they didn't get at some benefit out of it.

Take advantage of the fact that this is a low-cost, easy to do activity that can be good for your health. Spend the next 30 days engaged in a journaling practice and see how you feel at the end. Chances are you'll notice some benefits and want to keep going.  

I don't know what to write

If you're stuck for something to journal about I've got your covered.  Here are 50 topics, pick one at random and spend a few minutes each day journaling about it. 

1. What does it mean to you to be healthy?
2. What have been your biggest health struggles while being at home?
3. How has your mental health been?
4. What has been giving you anxiety?
5. What are your biggest fears during quarantine?
6. How has your physical health changed?
7. What weight trends have you noticed recently?
8. How has your diet changed since spending more time at home?
9. What is causing you the most worries?
10. How has your exercise routine changed?
11. Are there any home workouts you have tried?
12. Pick at least 3 new at-home workouts you can try in the next week.
13. Pick an exercise you can do with others you live with.
14. What do you think is the most important aspect of nutrition?
15. What are some healthier food items you can add while at home?
16. To improve your nutrition, try adding some structure to your day, then journal about your experience.
17. How have your cravings changed since you have been home?
18. Do you feel you are a boredom eater?
19. Have you noticed any emotional eating tendencies?
20. Go outside to walk and get fresh air, then journal how you feel afterwards.
21. What is a way you can embrace and take advantage of being at home?
22. What are the main sources of your stress lately?
23. What are some stress-relieving activities you have tried?
24. What hobbies have been keeping you busy?
25. How are you dealing with your kids’ health and wellness while being at home more often?
26. In what ways are your kids getting exercise?
27. How are you focusing on proper nutrition for your kids?
28. Try creating a new daily routine that encourages healthy habits.
29. What are 5 things you miss from before you were quarantined?
30. What are 5 things you look forward to when things get back to normal?
31. Name 5 people you can’t wait to spend more time with.
32. What are 5 things you can be grateful for right now?
33. Make a list of healthy snacks you can add to your diet.
34. How have you been socializing lately?
35. List some ways you can reach out to people more.
36. What is something you have always wanted to try?
37. If your productivity is suffering, what are some reasons you think that is?
38. Give yourself a break – what are some things you believe you have done right?
39. List self-care activities you have participated in it while being at home.
40. List some NEW self-care activities for your shelter-in-place time?
41. What is a creative activity you can try while being at home?
42. List the main things that have been on your mind lately.
43. When you think of how you spend your time when you are bored, what comes to mind first?
44. When the shelter in place orders are lifted, what is a way you can get out more?
45. How has quarantine changed your mindset?
46. What do you think you took for granted before quarantine?
47. Have you read any books while in isolation?
48. How do you think life will be different moving forward.
49. What are some changes you have made that have improved your health so far?
50. List 10 ways you can be physically and mentally healthier while at home.

Feel free to share this post, and list of ideas, with the people you love and enjoy journaling! 

[expand title=”Sources”] 

King, L. A. (2001). The Health Benefits of Writing about Life Goals. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin27(7), 798–807.

Mueller, P. A., & Oppenheimer, D. M. (2014). The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking. Psychological Science25(6), 1159–1168.

Murphy, M. Neuroscience Explains Why You Need To Write Down Your Goals If  You Actually Want To Achieve Them. Forbes. April 15, 2018.

Willis, J. The Brain-Based Benefits of Writing for Math and Science Learning. July 11.2011. Accessed June 5, 2020.


Unplugging For Mental Health

by Mira Dessy, The Ingredient Guru

Keeping yourself entertained and keeping your mind active is important to overall wellness and mental health. In fact, I would argue that it’s more important now than ever before.

Most people are home by themselves or with a limited number of people. During this challenging time it’s easy to get sucked into the temptation to spend the entire day on the phone checking Facebook and Instagram every 10 minutes in case some posted something new. Or to veg out completely and binge watch Netflix for 12 hours a day.

As fun as that might sound for a little while, a steady diet of this is not good for your mental healthy, not to mention our eyeballs. Anne Lamott has a great saying, “Almost everything will work better if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” So here are some great activities to help you disconnect from the electronic tether. Take a break from the television, your phone, your iPad, your computer, whatever electronic devices you’ve got and just unplug for a little bit. You’ll probably feel better after you do.

Connection and Conversation

How fortunate are we to have uninterrupted time where we can actually talk with the people we are sheltering in place with (that’s assuming you’re not alone and it’s not just you and the dog or cat). Instead of everyone running in different directions taking care of their own busy lives, sit down and connect. Talk about how you’re feeling, plan a vacation, share your dreams of what’s next. There are lots of wonderful conversations you can have. If you’re stuck getting started try one of these.


Reading is fun!


I love books. There are so many wonderful books out there. Fiction or non-fiction, it’s your choice. But there’s an endless supply of wonderful things to read. If you’re an e-reader person I’d encourage you to try paper, just so you can unplug for a while. And who knows, if you look around at home you may find books you bought that you meant to read but hadn’t got around to yet. Use this as an opportunity to cut down on your tsundoku pile. Looking for a good book recommendation on health and wellness? Consider joining The Healthy Readers Book Club. 

Art Projects

This is a great time to reconnect with your artistic side. We are ALL artists (here’s an article that describes my feelings on this topic exactly. One of my favorite ways to create is to doodle. Whether it’s painting, drawing, coloring books, collage, knitting, sewing, anything, let your creative spirit soar. And the best part is that this doesn’t have to be a solitary practice. If you’re sheltering in place with other people, why not take time to be creative together?

Creative Writing or Journaling

We’ve gotten away from the art of journaling. Many of us think we’re too busy to take the time to set pen to paper. But now? Well, why not take advantage of the time. You can share your thoughts about this time in history, write a story, write poems, or even share stories about your life. You may discover a reconnection to your inner thoughts when you take the time to slow down and actually write. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it doesn’t have to be a Pulitzer prize winning essay. Just write from the heart and express yourself.

Board Games

When was the last time you took the time to play a game. To get caught up in the fun and laughter of a board game, or card game, or some sort of game? Why not haul out those boxes, dust them off, and make it a new family habit. Who knows, you may have so much fun that this becomes a regular weekly practice that you take forward into your new normal when this shelter-in-place situation is lifted.

Whatever your choose for your unplugging time, one of the best benefits is the healthy distraction from the cacophony of media overwhelm. At this point we’re all on the verge of burnout from the ever-increasing noise of the media. Not to say that you shouldn’t be informed, but let’s take a break, some emotional down-time, and unplug, just for a little bit.

lotus flower - meditation tips

Ten Tips For Meditation Newbies

Why meditate?

Meditation, especially mindfulness meditation, is getting a lot of attention these days.  As people begin to really understand and accept the idea of a mind-body-wellness connection, this practice is becoming more popular. And studies show that meditation has a wide range of health benefits:

  • reduces stress
  • reduces anxiety
  • increases focus
  • improves self-awareness
  • may help with memory
  • may help reduce addiction and addictive behaviors
  • improves sleep
  • has been shown to help reduce pain

Getting started

Many people can be hesitant or nervous about starting a practice. That’s because most people equate meditation with sitting still for hours, possibly in lotus position (if your knees bend that far), hands in a mudra position, all while chanting Om and clearing your mind of all thought. While that can, as does, work for some people, for many other’s that simply isn’t going to cut it.

We tend to forget that we are all bio-individual human beings.  Mind and body. So just as one particular diet is not going to work for every single human on the face of the planet, there is no one single meditation practice that works for everyone either. It’s important to find a practice that works for you, that means one that you are comfortable with and are willing to continue to practice.

Meditation is not meant to be overwhelming. It can be simple and enjoyable. It can even be something simple like a gratitude practice one to two times per day. If you want to start or improve your meditation practice without stress, however, there are a number of things you need to know. Getting a good start will help you enjoy the process of learning, support you while you find what works for you, and increases your ability to maintain a balanced meditation practice.

Tips for meditating

  1. Start slow Most people seem to think that they need to jump into an extensive practice, meditation for 30 minutes or an hour at a time. It’s better to begin and develop a practice, even a short one, that you can stick with. Starting with even as little as two to three minutes can be a good start. And you’ll feel so good about it that you’ll want to continue.
  2. Stretch first Especially if you’re new to a meditative practice, sitting or lying still, even just for a few minutes, can get, well, a bit fidgety. If you move your body first, stretching, bending, even just jumping in place if that’s what you need to do, you’ll be much more likely to clear your energy enough to be able to be calm for your practice.
  3. Remember to breathe Sometimes the easiest way to get started is to simply focus on your breath. Breathing helps you maintain awareness and connects you to the present. It also allows you to focus on breathing deep into the belly for full relaxation and oxygenation.
  4. Counting helps If you’re having a hard time focusing on your breath you can add a simple counting practice which has the added benefit of creating just a little more awareness.  One popular method is called box breathing. This is where you breathe in for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four, breath out for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four.  Repeat.
  5. You’ll still have thoughts Clearing your mind of all thought is extremely difficult. Instead of trying to not think, simply let your mind float. When you have thoughts come up, and they will, acknowledge them. Don’t focus on them thought, simply recognize that they are there and then return your focus to your breath..
  6. Get comfortable You are not required to bend yourself into a pretzel shape in order to achieve some sort of meditative nirvana. If you’re doing a still meditation (which is what most people start with), simply sit or lie comfortably.  Adjust your body to make sure you don’t feel cramped or crooked. Rest your hands comfortable, at your sides, on your belly, on your lap, whatever works for you. Making yourself comfortable first means you won’t get distracted from your practice by discomfort in your body.
  7. Use a timer Especially in the beginning, the temptation is to keep cracking open your eyeballs to peek and see how much time has passed.  Yes, even if you’re just meditation for two minutes.  If you’re not used to it, two minutes can be a long time.  A timer allows you to let go of that concern because once your time it up it lets you know.  You may find yourself surprised at how quickly the time passes when you don’t have to worry about it.
  8. Try meditating multiple times per day By trying different times of the day you’ll find the time that works best for you.  You’ll probably also discover that, especially in the beginning, it’s easier to do 3-4 mini sessions while you work your way up to a longer one. s
  9. Be patient Like anything new, in theory, it would seem that it should be really easy to meditate.  Especially if you’re only doing it for a few minutes. But we’ve become conditioned to always being busy, especially with technology and our always-on social life. It takes time and effort to break this habit. Be kind to yourself, be patient and know that you will get there.
  10. Keep it up Make it a habit to set aside time every day for meditation.  The more you do this the more you’ll come to appreciate the restful break from our overscheduled and busy lives that meditation provides. Don’t push yourself to move too quickly. Simply acknowledge that you are building a new skill, and that takes time.

Bonus tip

Unless you’re using one of the meditation apps listed below, be sure to turn off your cellphone so that you are not interrupted while you’re trying to meditate. Even if you are using an app, set it to do not disturb so that you won’t be in the middle of a session when your phone goes off.

Meditation resources

There are a number of resources out there that can help you as you learn to build your practice. These include meditation apps and books. Don’t forget to invest in a comfy pair of yoga pants, and maybe even a yoga mat or a zafu meditation pillow, if you’re going to do a more traditional style of meditation.

Beyond Meditation: Making Mindfulness Accessible for Everyone

This book is an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the effect mindfulness has in one’s life journey. It is filled with practical techniques, guided meditations, stories, and other nuggets of wisdom that can help ease your journey through the world. 

The beauty of meditation is how many different ways there are to practice it and how easy it can be. By incorporating a meditation practice into your life you'll achieve both physical and mental benefits. Using the tips and resources listed above you’ll become skillful at this wonderful practice, developing a healthful habit that you can enjoy for the rest of your life.

Going Walden

I spent the weekend in the woods.  Maybe not really “going walden” but certainly headed in that direction.  It was a holiday of sorts, a get-away from my often hectic and over-scheduled life.  It was amazing, restorative, thought-provoking, and, most importantly, fun.  I disconnected from technology leaving behind my laptop, connectivity tools, news feed, and all social media.  While I did bring my cell phone that was for practicality reasons and I chose not to take or make any calls all weekend.  What did I do?

I laughed more in those 48 hours than I believe I have laughed in the last three months.  We're not talking polite chuckles or giggling either.  We are talking deep belly laughs, huge guffaws with a group of women all similarly roaring with laughter.  We were the noisiest campsite there and we were not constrained.

I reconnected.  Many of the women on this trip are friends who I adore.  They are fascinating, interesting, vibrant, intelligent, amazing people.  But we are all so busy with the demands of our modern lives that we promise ourselves in passing we will get together for that lunch or tea or whatever.  And yet somehow we don't manage to find the time.  This weekend we had nothing but time.

I ate very well.  Hats off to Colleen, our organizer and her sous chef, Natalie.  With four gluten-intolerant campers and one vegetarian out of nine women they pulled off a tasty, delicious, satisfying menu for everyone.  They did it without going overboard either.  It was simple, delicious, and unfussy.  While we all know food tastes much better around a campfire, I am a firm believer that it also tastes much better when it comes from whole foods.  Our menu was dinner: taco bar, breakfast: scrambled eggs and fruit, lunch: veggies and dips with fruit and gluten free cookies, dinner: cuban beans and cornbread with gluten free smores (gotta have those), breakfast: leftovers and fruit.  Yes, there were M&M's and chips and other foods there as well, but the menu was predominately simple, whole foods.

I reconnected with nature.  I had forgotten how restorative this is for the soul.  Yes, I go out in my garden, yes I take my dogs for walks through the woods, yes I look for opportunities to put my feet in the dirt.  But this was in the middle of a gorgeous state park with no distractions, hardly any traffic, and a quietude that just does not exist in my backyard.  There was wildlife all around us (we were fortunate to have Helen with us who is a birder and quite knowledgeable) and we saw deer, turtles, alligators, birds, bunnies, interesting bugs and more.  There was a lot of tree hugging (literally and figuratively) going on; I even had the opportunity for a most delicious, restful nap under a sprawling tree with a light breeze.

I remembered my appreciation for the basics.  Sleeping on a mat on the floor reminded me that I am fortunate enough to have a bed at home (and a quite comfy, large, well decorated one at that).  Having a public restroom available I was appreciative for the running water in the toilets, the sinks and the showers.  I was appreciative for all of the tax dollars and use-contributions that pay to maintain the state park system.  I also appreciated the quiet, the lack of distractions and the ability to slow down, even if just for that moment.

This is part of holistic living.  We need to find that balance; to find those moments in our lives that speak to us.  To be more than a particular aspect of our being — wife, mother, daughter, committee-member, professional, caregiver, insert-your-hat-here.  To let go of some of that, even if just for a short while, and plainly be ourselves.

And how was your weekend?

Garden Update

I woke up this morning to a deliciously cool morning, breezy, sunny, birds singing, perfect garden weather.    So I took myself out into the garden for a little early morning weeding and puttering around in the dirt.  

This has been a horrible year for vegetable gardening for me.  I confess I'm a wimp.  If it's raining or over 90 degrees I don't like to be out there.  We didn't get rain but we certainly had more than our fair share of extraordinarily hot days.  And we had a drought.  The end result of which is that we got peas, beans, tomatoes and hot peppers.  But the zucchini didn't grow (I had always thought it was impossible to NOT grow zucchini — shows what an expert I am), the broccoli and sweet peppers were stunted and bitter, and many of my herbs grew so poorly that I was unable to harvest anything.  I'm afraid to try to dig the potatoes, I don't think anything is there.

This morning however I was thrilled to see some things survived and are actually doing well.  Here in East Texas our Fall weather is mild enough that many folks refer to it as a second spring.  We are fortunate enough to have an extended mild season that allows us to grow another set of crops.  Given the hope that follows the soaking rain we had a week ago I'm recharged and ready to get back into the garden.

the cabbage is starting to recover
a baseball sized lemon – the only one on the tree

our eggplants are starting to fruit
the harrdier herbs survived: oregano, sage, chives, pepper basil, a curry plant and yarrow
our fig tree is producing a bumper second crop

Being outside made me realize how much I have been shut inside during the heat of our summer.  Yes, I went for walks and bike rides, but to just spend extended amounts of time outdoors enjoying the yard and my surroundings — didn't happen.  I'm grateful for the cooler weather, the opportunity to be back outside and the resiliency of mother nature.



I've just gotten back from a vacation to Laramie, Wyoming.  I was looking forward to the trip as I've never been to Wyoming and we were going to visit one of my husband's friends.  In truth I got far more than I bargained for.  It was a wonderful trip, the effects of which are still resonating in my spirit.

The scenery was absolutely amazing.  Broad swaths of prairie land over what once was the bottom of a prehistoric ocean, bordered on all sides by majestic looking mountains.  The scenery had a wild sort of beauty, desolate and yet attractive at the same time.

The altitude took a little getting used to; we live at 64 feet above sea-level and here we were walking around at a base of 7,200 climbing up at times over 12,000.  It literally took our breath away.

While we were adjusting to the altitude and spaciousness of Wyoming we quickly came to realize that we had virtually no cell service and the internet was very spotty.  After one abortive attempt to check email I gave up.

In retrospect that was one of the biggest gifts of the trip.  Completely disconnecting from personal technology allowed me to focus more on the beauty surrounding me.  Hiking through varied terrain, enjoying the glorious color of the aspen groves, and spotting unusual-to-me animals was a treat beyond words.

The night-time was just as much of a treat as the day.  With virtually no light pollution I had the best view of the night-time skies since we went camping years ago in the California desert.  I could see the Milky Way in all of it's glory, brilliant diamond-light stars that are invisible from my home in Texas, and the vastness of a sharp, clear, dark sky.

The nights were deliciously cold and we slept with the porch door open to allow the breezes in.  One evening I woke up in the middle of the night to the chorus of coyotes calling across the valley. It was a shivery-delightful moment.

On our next to last day on vacation as we were hiking I realized I felt more relaxed than I had for a long time.  I also realized that for the first time in a long time I was simply doing one thing, enjoying the moment.  I've come to realize that I need to work a little harder to hold on to that moment and to seek similar opportunities within my day-to-day life.  Often we become so overwhelmed by the requirements of our modern lives that we forget to slow down, disconnect from technology, and reconnect with our surroundings.  To stop multi-tasking and recharge by finding that quiet spark within each of us that simply is.

I plan to make it a regular part of my day to spend some time sitting quietly and letting go.  Getting rid of the stress and tension that builds up all to quickly when we push ourselves to be uber-productive.  Remembering that feeling of calm that came with disconnecting has gotten me to recommit to at least one day a week when I can repeat the experience.  I think I'll feel better for it and I'm guessing I'll be happier too.

'Tis The Season

Here in Texas, 'tis the season...for wildflowers. Driving around town, seeing the beautiful flowers that were sown last fall, bluebonnets (the Texas state flower), Indian paintbrush, squaw weed, anemones, wine cups, and more, their pretty delicate flowers and bright colors along the roadside bring a smile to my face. They are a symbol that winter is pretty much over and that the heat and humidity of summer is almost upon us.

Enjoying the Present Moment

I'm enjoying this season, trying to stay in the now. To focus on the beauty that is blooming to life around us, the soft gentle breezes that will disappear too quickly, the joy of being able to throw open the windows and enjoy the fresh air.

I often find that we are rushed from one season to another without the ability to enjoy what is right in front of us. Usually, this is focused on merchandising for the holidays (did anyone but me notice that St. Patrick's Day stuff was out before Valentine's Day was over?) and exhorting us to buy things instead of enjoying the moment. I have come to find that I have all of the "things" and "decorations" that I need or want. Actually, we gave away most of them when we downsized to our smaller house, and I'm much happier being able to avoid the stores and/or ignore those displays around me.

Creating a Calmer Environment

When I work with a client and we are looking at issues that cause stress, we frequently find that it is from this feeling that we are being hurried along. You can't enjoy one season or one holiday because the next one is hard on its heels, and quick, quick, you have to get ready. By taking the time to fully enjoy what is around us, we create less stress for ourselves, a calmer environment for our families, and a healthier life.

There is a great book called The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle, and he has just come out with a companion book, Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings, Meditations, and Exercises from The Power of Now. When we are caught up in the hurry and flurry of media/marketing-driven life, sometimes we need some guidance and more than a little practice to get back to what truly has meaning for us. I am still working on this for myself; I think it's a lifelong practice.

Taking a Moment for Mindfulness

Take a moment, where you are, to go outside and enjoy the beauty of your surroundings. If there are no flowers where you are today, just gaze out your window and enjoy the season. For more guidance on mindfulness, consider my book Beyond Meditation: Making Mindfulness Accessible for Everyone.

Auld Lang Syne

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?
- Robert Burns


Auld lang syne, times gone by.  As the New Year fast approaches many of us think back on the year that has been and, of course, eagerly await the year to be.

For some reason, the celebration of New Year's is tied to an expectation of promises for the year ahead.  I will....lose weight, start to exercise, get more organized, anything that we think needs to be fixed.
The problem, as I see it, is that many people try to do this in an absolute fashion. It's all or nothing for the diet, the gym, the insert-your-choice-here. My trainer at the gym laughingly tells me that although the gym is starting to get very crowded these days I should be patient because in another 30 days it will empty out again.
People will start the New Year with good intentions and lots of motivation. But it is hard work and, if they've done no mental preparation other than making a vague promise to themselves, overwhelming.  It doesn't last long.
When I work with clients I encourage them to not work in absolutes.  If you slowly and mindfully make changes, just one or two at a time, they are more likely to stick. 
As an example, I have one client who is trying to break a fast food habit.  Instead of never ever ever going to a fast-food restaurant again, we started by having her give up the soda (that was her choice).  Then we began to cut down on the number of times she went out for fast food.  Next, it was to downsize the meal (get a Jr. burger and a small fries).  Eventually, it will not even be a temptation.
In the past, because she would say, "that's it, I'm never eating fast food again" she would not have much success and usually within 30 days found herself standing in line to order and feeling really bad about it. Feeling bad about it may be modestly motivating in the short term, but I believe it just helps build up that "I don't care" callus and gets in the way of making positive changes.
I don't make grand sweeping resolutions anymore.  I personally see no need to tie all my motivations and changes to one day. Instead, I try to live mindfully; to make thoughtful, achievable choices.  Don't make a huge, possibly overwhelming, promise to yourself later tonight. Consider a modest goal that, when you reach it, will make you feel good about yourself and encourage you to keep going.  
Some suggestions might be:
  • Adding a gratitude practice to your day - writing down five things a day that you are grateful for
  • Choosing to leave five minutes early for appointments to reduce stress
  • Planning to turn off or not answer the phone the first 15 minutes after you arrive home from work to give yourself some decompression time
  • Deciding that at least one day a week you will set a beautiful table for yourself and your family to eat dinner at
  • Choosing to eat one more piece of fruit or vegetable a day than you normally do
  • Drinking one (or one more) glass of water every day if you, like most people, don't drink enough
Think about what you want to achieve, why you want to accomplish that goal, and a small step as part of the process to get you there.  With this kind of mental preparation and reasonable expectations, you will achieve your goals.
Have a happy, healthy New Year, and be well.