Category Archives: allergies

Understanding Food Intolerance Testing

Food sensitivities, or food intolerance, can cause a number of different health-related issues.  Some people refer to food sensitivities as food allergies.  It's important to note that a sensitivity is different than an allergy, sometimes referred to as a True Food Allergy.  A true food allergy, such as a life-threatening response to peanuts, can be dangerous and may require the use of medication or, in extreme circumstances, an epi-pen.  Food sensitivities can cause significant discomfort but, to the best of my knowledge, are not life-threatening.

Symptoms of food sensitivities

One of the issues when it comes to diagnosing food sensitivities is that there may be a delayed hypersensitivity response, meaning it can take several days for symptoms to appear. 

Symptoms are varied and often can be misdiagnosed as being something else. These include:

  • Bloating
  • Coughing or continual throat clearing
  • General Malaise (feeling “under the weather”)
  • Hives
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Irritable bowel symptoms
  • Sinus issues
  • Stomach ache
  • Repeated sneezing for “no reason”
  • Runny nose

My story

I noticed several significant changes in my health that lead me to believe I might be developing some food sensitivities.  I realized that I was getting frequent rashes or flushes on my neck, my sleep was more interrupted (I kept waking repeatedly for no particular reason), I also noticed occasional low level aches in my small joints, and I realized I had developed a craving for cheese.  Sadly when we “crave” foods it often turns out that this is because we have developed a sensitivity and become intolerant of them.

Because it had been a while since I've had food sensitivity testing I decided it was time to go ahead and retest myself.  Here is my thought process after I received my results and read the report:

  • Strong reaction – honey – “Darn!  My favorite sweetener to deal with seasonal allergies.  I often take a spoonful of raw, local honey in tea to help me through the winter allergy season.  Oh well, I guess I'll have to give that up for now.”
  • Strong reaction – fusarium vasinfectum (an agricultural fungus) – “Rats!  Hard to deal with.  I'll really have to be extra vigilant about washing produce and drying it carefully before use.  Time to get out the humidity monitor and make sure the house isn't too damp.”
  • Strong reaction – sodium benzoate (a preservative) – “Say what?!?!  I'm guessing my exposure is coming from eating on the road because I KNOW I am not eating it at home.”
  • Moderate reaction – Blueberry – “Darn!  My favorite berry.  Luckily there are lots of other berries, I'll just have to switch for a while.”
  • Moderate reaction – Canteloupe/Honeydew – “Huh?  Another fruit?  I don't even eat that much fruit to begin with.”
  • Moderate reaction – Cottonseed oil – “Again probably from eating out, I certainly don't have this at home.”
  • Moderate reaction – Cheese (cow) – “Dagnabit [and yes, I do say this, it's my favorite “swear” word followed closely by dagnabitall] I was afraid of that.  NO CHEESE!  Seriously!”  [That's when I realized the craving part was worse than I had thought]
  • Moderate reaction – Raspberry – “Excuse me??  What???  No berries????” [note: a food sensitivity to more than one thing in a food group often means that there is a reaction to the group as a whole.  For me the berry sensitivity means no acai, blueberry, blackberry, boysenberry, cranberry, elderberry, goji berry, gooseberry, raspberry, and strawberry for six months.]
  • Moderate reaction – FD&C Yellow #10 – “Oh man I seriously need to look at how much I am eating out or away from home.”
  • Moderate – Dibutyl Phthlate – “hmmmm, time to look more closely at my personal care products.”
  • Moderate – Ethylene Dibromide (a chemical solvent) – “no earthly idea where I could be getting exposed to this but I'll have to be more aware of my surroundings.”

These reactions are very similar to the sort of mental gyrations that many of my clients go through when we review their results.  Although a significant reaction requires a six month avoidance of the substance and a moderate one only three months.  I often just ask that they avoid everything for six months.  We also embark on a healing gut protocol.

In my case I'm already doing most of what the healing gut protocol involves, however there are some gaps, especially when I travel.  I'll be working hard to address those.

However, I'm going to confess that none of this will take place until after Thanksgiving.  The results came after I had planned my menu, purchased food, and started cooking.  I'll admit that I'm human and not able/willing to completely revamp my holiday menu with just a couple of days notice.  I'm also not thrilled about mashed potatoes with no butter or cream, no homemade cranberry orange relish (made this year with kumquats picked fresh off the tree instead of oranges), no whipped cream on the pumpkin pie/custard.  But believe me, I know how much better I will feel once I start on my new eating plan and clean up my food intolerances.  I also know that the more compliant I am the better I will feel and that in six months it is highly likely that most if not all of these food sensitivities will have gone away.

Testing for food sensitivities

If you suspect you have food sensitivities you can talk with your doctor or order a test online.  The test I used looks at 212 different potential allergens.  You can see them listed below. 

EAB pg 1


EAB pg2



One of the reasons I like this particular company is because their test comes with a dietary rotation plan (you can get more information about what a dietary rotation plan is and how it works here).  The report also comes with a laminated wallet card. The wallet card is so you can take it with you to the grocery store or when you are on the road to help you remember what exactly you are supposed to avoid.

Holistic Support For Diarrhea And Constipation

Are you a low carber who just can’t seem to get your digestion under control? I know your bloat! I suffered from chronic constipation my entire life. Interestingly enough, so did my father and one of my sisters. Some might chalk it up to genetics, and to some degree this is truth, however, I once heard a saying that made complete sense; “While genetics can load the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger”. You may have genetic predispositions but lifestyle can turn genes on and off much like a light switch.

There are many signs and symptoms of digestive disruption and if you visit your local health food or vitamin store or throw a post on your favorite forum, you will hear a variety of different remedies from increase your fiber to push the magnesium to drink salt water until you have excruciating cramps. Your elimination does not have to be a violent one so I recommend a gentle enema or vitamin C to bowel tolerance rather than the salt flush.

What is right for one person may not be right for another.  It's important to take pause and ask  a few questions before simply running out to purchase a remedy that just cleans you out and leaves you wiped out:

  • Do I consume enough bacteria and fiber containing foods?
  • Do I consume enough foods to support and feed my internal bacteria?
  • Do I have slow emptying of the GI Tract? (Is Peristalsis working properly)
  • Am I properly hydrated?
  • Do I get enough exercise?
  • Do I have an exorbitant amount of stress?
  • Could I have food allergies?
  • Could I have parasites?
  • Have I been on several or even recent rounds of antibiotics?

Everyone has a remedy for the symptom but what is the cause?  Today, it is believed that we consume far less fiber and bacteria than our ancestral past. Processed foods have taken over the table where in the past fresh produce was carefully and lovingly extracted from our own yards. Previously we sterilized our food less and consumed more bacteria in the form of soil organisms. Remember grabbing a fresh tomato off the vine or a carrot out of the ground, wiping it on your pants or hosing it off and consuming immediately? Yes, these are the friendly organisms we are missing in our diets today. We have a friendly ecosystem and you are approximately 90% bacteria. Every process in the human body relies on bacteria.  From vitamin uptake to poop, we need these friendly flora to maintain good health.

One should have a bowel movement 1-3 times daily for optimum health. To this day, I wonder about the person who has a perfect BM 3x daily but I think too much.

Strategies to maintaining bacterial balance for good gut health

Chronic constipation affects almost 63 million people in the United States.  In yesterday's blog post we covered understanding signs and symptoms of constipation.  Today's post will share more information on strategies to support a healthy gut and rebalance your system.

What is poop? Poop is ¾ water, 1/3 dead bacteria, 1/3 indigestible fibers and the remaining, cholesterol, salts, undigested food and mucus from the lining of the intestines. All of this is highly variable of course because we are all individual in our biochemical make up.

The longer poop sits in the colon, the drier it becomes. When our feces sit in the colon, the body automatically draws the water into the bowels to make a firmer poop but if it sits too long, it becomes dry and just continues to grow causing bloat, pain and general discomfort. At this point, you feel like you’re delivering a baby or as my gluten intolerant daughter would say “muffin poop”. This is scary particularly for children.

By tweaking the diet it is possible to build and maintain a nice poop factory. This can lead to permanent change rather than a temporary daily fix which may rely on over the counter or pharmaceutical solutions.  Some suggestions for raising and maintaining a healthy bacterial balance include:

  • Lacto fermented foods such as sauerkraut, carrots, beets and pickles from the refrigerated section or homemade to save a few bucks. Be sure your store bought items are clearly labeled “live cultures”
  • While we don’t need to count fiber grams, consuming several cups of a variety of vegetables and fruits will provide you the fiber you need. Some fibers are easier to digest than others so choose based on your current status. Some may be able to eat broccoli while others can barely look at broccoli without bloat and an avocado is the only fibrous food they can consume.
  • Raw vinegars, Apple Cider and Coconut, are “live” foods and provide beneficial bacteria 
  • Purchase fresh veggies that are not pre-cleaned and treated and try not to use highly chlorinated water to rinse them. A little vinegar can do the trick with filtered water maintaining the integrity of the soil organisms especially if organic.
  • Feed your flora with “prebiotic” resistant starches like jicama, asparagus and jerusalem artichoke to name a few lower carb options. Your bacteria need food too and they consume more sugar than you do but in the form of non-digestible sugars, those you do not digest.
  • Use botanicals such as lavender rather than toxic antibacterial soaps. Your skin harbors a large amount of bacteria and this organ absorbs everything as if you were putting these toxins in your mouth.
  • Perhaps you have sluggish peristalsis or the movement/contractions of the intestines to move food and subsequent elimination. Some loud vocal gargling or opera style singing can stimulate the vagus nerve to begin movement. This is particularly helpful for those who suffer from delayed gastric emptying.
  • Be sure you are not becoming dehydrated. Pushing water isn’t necessary rather monitoring your activity/thirst levels are more important. You obtain water in foods too so don’t forget to chew your water!
  • If you sit all day, try to do some form of movement. It really doesn’t matter whether you’re rebounding or marathon running, the activity is your choice. Just move!
  • You have more neurons in your gut than your brain. If you are suffering from stress, this has a direct impact on the smooth running of your digestive tract (this is referred to as the “gut brain axis”).  Consider trying some stress reducing activities such as deep breathing, meditation, guided imagery, or yoga.
  • Have you been tested for food allergies? Gluten is historically a “muffin poop” builder, consider removing gluten completely from your diet and see if that makes a difference for your system. If that doesn’t help, you might consider an elimination diet with the guidance of a holistic practitioner to determine if any foods are contributing to your digestive distress.
  • Most parasites, other than Giardia, can contribute to constipation. We all have the potential to suffer from these unwanted bugs that use us a “life host.” Consider using a botanical such as wormwood and black walnut every 3 months or so to combat these little parasites. Some are more difficult than others to eliminate but with proper stomach acid and enough anti-parasitic food chemicals, these bacteria might check in but they won’t stay too long.
  • Last, and probably one of the most important issues we face today, is the over-use of antibiotics. Not  the prescription you needed for a bout of strep throat or that horrid sinus infection, but rather the overwhelming amount of antibiotics in the food and water supply. If you are not consuming 100% organically grown pastured animals, you are receiving small doses of antibiotics via meat and dairy. Over time, this can lead to devastating of your internal eco system.

This is a small window into your internal garden. We’ve only touched on one small aspect of digestive distress; check back tomorrow for some more information about a healthy digestive system and a delicious recipe to help repopulate beneficial bacteria in your gut.

Bristol Stool Scale

Now let's talk about a delicious way to support good gut health which in turn promotes healthy bowel movements.

Before I share the recipe I'd like to take a moment to remind you that constipation is a condition where someone has hard, difficult-to-pass bowel movements or produces less than three bowel movements a week.  Chronic constipation affects somewhere between 12-19% of the U.S. population.  

One way to determine what type of BMs you are having is to look at the different levels of the Bristol Stool Scale.  According to the scale there are seven different types of stool:

  • 1: Separate hard lumps, like nuts (hard to pass)
  • 2: Sausage-shaped, but lumpy
  • 3: Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface
  • 4: Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft
  • 5: Soft blobs with clear cut edges (passed easily)
  • 6: Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stool
  • 7: Watery, no solid pieces. Entirely liquid

Types 1–2 indicate constipation, 3 and 4 are ideal stools as they are easy to pass and do not contain excess liquid while the remaining levels tend toward diarrhea.

As mentioned in yesterday's post, adding live, or lacto-fermented, foods is a great way to help support gut health and better elimination.  These can be purchased through a company such as Fab Ferments, or made easily and inexpensively at home.  Below is a delicious lacto fermented recipe.  

Diarrhea is another gastrointestinal health issue that can be challenging to deal with. There are several reasons why you can develop diarrhea:
  • A viral infection - washing your hands and practicing good hygiene can help reduce this possibility.
  • Eating spoiled food - usually your senses can help you identify if food has gone off through sight, smell, or taste. If you have any concerns about the safety of the food do not eat it. When in doubt, throw it out.
  • Traveling to a foreign country - in some countries drinking the water may expose you to other bacteria that your system is not used to. Avoid drinking tap or running water and choose only boiled water. It's also a good idea to bring probiotics with you to help support gut health when traveling.
If you are experiencing chronic diarrhea that lasts for days it is important to call your doctor or seek medical attention to make sure things don't get worse. The following foods should be avoided if you have diarrhea as they can contribute to the issue and make it worse:
  • Alcohol
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Beans and other legumes
  • Coffee
  • Corn
  • Cruciferous vegetables - broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower
  • Dairy products
  • Fried or fatty foods
  • Juices, especially prune juice
  • Soda and other sugary beverages
  • Spicy foods
  • Sugar alcohols - any sweetener ending in an -ol such as sorbitol
When dealing with diarrhea it is helpful to add nourishing foods that can be supportive for the gut which may help firm up your stool. It's also critical to ensure that you are focused on getting enough hydration to replenish your fluids and prevent dehydration.
The B.R.A.T. Diet (bananas, applesauce, rice, toast) is no longer recommended as it is a high sugar, carb heavy diet that is not nourishing. It can also be very difficult to stick to. Nourishing foods to add to the diet for diarrhea include:
  • Cooked vegetables, not raw
  • Foods high in soluble fiber such as oats, carrots, and apples. Apples have pectin and fiber, when choosing applesauce both are significantly reduced.
  • Lean proteins like eggs, fish, and chicken as opposed to more challenging proteins like beef or pork.
  • Probiotic-rich foods to help replenish the gut bacteria. These include kimchi, sauerkraut, and plain yogurt. These should only be taken in moderation as too much can reverse the situation and contribute to diarrhea.


Holistic strategies for managing constipation and diarrhea are about more than just making adjustments to your diet. The goal is to embrace nourishing foods and avoid dietary triggers. It is possible to balance your digestive system and have a normal poop every day through mindful attention to your diet.
If you need support with your gut and elimination health be sure to reach out to a holistic health practitioner for support and guidance based on your bio-individual needs and specific health condition.
If you are dealing with excessive, chronic constipation or diarrhea, be sure to follow up with a doctor or other medical professional, to ensure there is not a more serious medical issue going on.
 Below is a delicious lacto fermented recipe.  



  • 1 Head Organic Green Cabbage
  • 1 Head Organic Purple Cabbage
  • 1 Cup Shredded Organic Carrot
  • 6 Cloves Garlic Minced
  • 8 Large Organic Radishes Sliced Thin
  • 2 Heaping Tbs. Shredded Ginger or More to Taste
  • 2 Tbs. Sea Salt
  • 1 Tsp. Dry Chili Flakes


  • Cut cabbage into bite-sized pieces.
  • In a ceramic bowl or stockpot, combine cabbage, garlic, ginger, salt, and chili flakes.
  • Pound the ingredients with a wooden mallet to "bruise" and break them down.
  • Add remaining ingredients, stir well.
  • Transfer the mixture into quart-sized mason jars.
  • As you add it to the jar, use a wooden spoon or mallet to compress the kimchi until liquid rises to the top.
  • Leave about one inch from the jar's top, cover tightly.
  • Store at room temperature for 3-4 days, then refrigerate.
  • For optimal results, use a wide-mouth canning jar air lock fermenter.
  • Enjoy your homemade, cost-effective fermented vegetables rich in beneficial bacteria!

Misty Humphrey contributed to this article. As a Holistic Nutrition Educator she specializes in metabolic syndrome and digestion.  

child's peanut allergy

Food Allergy Awareness: Raising A Child With Peanut Allergy

This article by Ned Newton shares his experience as a parent who has had to learn to deal with the issues of food allergy, his young child's health and safety, and how it has changed the nutritional plan in their home.

It seems pretty ridiculous now, but I have always remembered the one kid in my elementary school class who was allergic to chocolate. Me? I liked chocolate. A lot. But this one allergic reaction meant that any cupcakes that were brought in for birthday parties were always, to my disappointment, chocolate free.

Peanut Allergies

When my four year old son was diagnosed with peanut allergies, my first thought was about Joey from middle school. I was afraid that my son would be stigmatized, even if it was not in an overt way, for being different. Then I learned about EPI-pens and anaphylactic shock, and I had a new set of almost overwhelming concerns.


peanut butter risks

Peanut Butter Risks And Alternatives

The FDA is out to lunch - with yet another case of food poisoning in the news it's clear that those charged with keeping our food supply safe are not doing their job.  The scariest part of this is that in the face of budgetary cuts there are talks of allowing food producers more leeway to self-monitor.  This is putting the fox in charge of the hen house.  If true sanctions and consequences were put into place there might be more attention paid to the safety of the food products.

Salmonella Contamination

Fortunately that is happening in at least one situation.  Sunland Inc, the company responsible for manufacturing salmonella-laden peanut butter in the recent outbreak has been closed.  Articles that I have seen indicate that the company was surprised by this move and thought they would be able to re-open by the end of the year.  But after reading the conditions there and the continual disregard for food safety it is good to know that they will not be allowed to continue until they can prove (not just say but prove via inspection) that they have cleaned up their act.  I hope this trend of requiring manufacturers to truly be responsible, and not just say they're following the rules, continues.

I was so upset to read this latest article from the Consumer's Union. Apparently PCA, the company responsible for the salmonella-contaminated peanut butter that has killed a number of people and sickened many more has declared bankruptcy. This effectively removes them from any legal due process being brought against them. The worst part is that they knew and ignored the fact that their product was contaminated as reported here.

The best that we can hope for at this point is that there are no further illnesses or deaths and that this will bring about much-needed changes to our food supply system.

Rat Feces

And salmonella isn't the only thing found in peanut butter.  Although this article is two years old it mentions rat feces.  I was not able to find specific mention of rat feces allowed in peanut butter (assuming that is part of what the FDA lists as "objectionable matter contributed by rodents") but did find mention of rodent hairs at 1 or more per 100 grams of product being considered an "aesthetic" (their word not mine) defect and possibly actionable. Also found in peanut butter?  Neurotoxic chemicals.  Peanuts are a highly pesticide residue contaminated crop; this makes choosing organic an important factor for those who choose to eat peanuts and peanut products.

I found it interesting to note that the article also did a side by side taste-test comparison of various peanut butters.  All of them were jarred, most had oil residue floating on the top, and sounded very unappealing from both a taste and visual perspective.  While the article didn't list the ingredients I'm sure that most of them have added fat (thus the extra oil floating at the top), sugar, and salt.  None of which is really needed for peanut butter.

Other Challenges

Over the years peanut butter has increasingly gotten a bad rap, primarily due to allergies. It's a popular legume though and that makes it difficult to tell people that they should avoid peanuts.  That bad rap, however, is not undeserved.  Part of the health challenge is that peanuts are a highly inflammatory legume.  They also tend to be high in carcinogenic aflatoxins and are frequently contaminated by the aspergillis fungus.

Additionally many health issues, from migraines to candida overgrowth to intestinal disorders are negatively impacted by consumption of peanuts and peanut products.  So while we consider them delicious they should be severely reduced or eliminated from the diet.

It turns out peanut butter used to be considered a health food and was actually only sold regionally.  Over time this has changed and we now ship the stuff all over the world. Except for the grind-your-own variety of course.

Healthy Alternatives

At my local grocery store there is a grind-your-own peanut butter machine.  At $3.99 per pound for organic, unsalted peanuts they sell a relatively creamy, good tasting, fresh smelling product.  Of course there is no way to know if anything has gotten into the peanuts in the machine; this means trusting the grocery store to clean it thoroughly on a regular and frequent basis.

For those who can have nuts, a healthier choice might be almonds, and almond butter, which is the most alkaline of nuts and has a much lower allergenic profile.

Want to know what's really in your food? Get a copy of The Pantry Principle to learn more.

hygiene hypothesis

The Hygiene Hypothesis

In the United States there seems to be an increasing number of people affected by asthma and allergies.  These conditions are especially prevalent among children.

One reason put forward is that Americans have become more focused on cleanliness, to the point where we have created problems.

Overuse of antibiotic soaps and cleansers has reduced our exposure to pathogens, or germs, in our environment.  Because our bodies have been designed to fight these germs, to develop a healthy immune system, when we severely reduce our environmental exposures it is theorized that our bodies over-react.  They become sensitive to increasingly more substances, most of them environmental or food exposures.  

As odd as it may sound, the research supports this.  Studies show that children who grow up in rural areas, especially non-Westernized countries, with more exposure to a wider range of microbes, have a vastly reduced rate of allergies.

Western Lifestyle, Diet Tied to  Allergies and Intestinal Disease

Of increasing interest to me is the concept that this hyper-clean state that we've created has affected our intestinal health which in turn leads to more problems.  Gary Huffnagle, co-author of The Probiotics Revolution has gone a step further with the hygiene hypothesis and developed a concept that he calls the microflora hypothesis.  He posits that our Western lifestyle and diet have altered our microflora, our ecosystem, and opened us up to more allergies and, by extension, more digestive disorders.  By not gaining exposure to a wider range of microbes we are unable to build an ecosystem that is fully supportive of our overall health.

Part of the reason that this is so fascinating to me is that in working with clients I am also seeing more and more digestive health issues. And I believe the numbers are rising.  More leaky gut, more IBS, IBD, more dysbiosis.  Dr. Liz Lipski, the author of Digestive Wellness, shows, in her work, that the immune system is very strongly tied to digestive function.

Foods to support your gut

In order to support our health, we need to stop killing off our symbiotic partners, those bacteria that inhabit our gut, through the overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial products.  We also need to feed and support these probiotic colonies.  What do they eat? Prebiotics.  Their food comes from insoluble fibers found in our food.  Berries, onions, legumes, oatmeal, and other whole grains support not only the probiotic bacteria but also help maintain good bowel health.  

We also need to re-inoculate our systems with a steady supply of healthy bacterial colonies. Those are found in fermented foods such as kefir, kombucha, and kimchi.  You do not need to eat an overwhelming amount of these on a regular basis, but they should be a regular part of your diet.

Research does not, as yet, appear to show how much we can reverse the effect on our immune systems, but we certainly can keep it from continuing to decline.  Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride, speaking at a Wise Traditions Conference in Dallas, stated, "We are a shell, a habitat for our eco-system."  We need to support our ecosystem.  We can also protect future generations by focusing on and acknowledging that the ecosystem needs to be fully supported in order to function properly.

[expand title="Sources"] 

Liu, Andrew H. "Revisiting The Hygiene Hypothesis For Allergy And Asthma". Journal Of Allergy And Clinical Immunology, vol 136, no. 4, 2015, pp. 860-865. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/j.jaci.2015.08.012. Accessed 



Interested in knowing what your gut microbiome looks like? Schedule a consult with Mira to learn more.

rotation diet

How To Do A Rotation Diet

When diagnosed with food sensitivities you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed. Especially since the foods you are most likely to develop a sensitivity to are the ones you eat most often.  Once diagnosed, either by a doctor or through testing, it's important to have a rotation diet.

What is a Rotation Diet?

In simple terms, a rotation diet means that you are not eating the same foods every day. It's not a specific diet per se, such as Paleo, Keto, Mediterranean, etc, but rather a conscious way of eating that reduces your exposure to food proteins. Following this type of a plan requires you to write out what you can eat without repeating a food more than once every four days.  By following a rotation diet plan you are able to eat a variety of foods without building up sensitivities to them. This is because with a four-day gap in consumption you are not overconsuming to the proteins in those particular foods on an everyday basis.

Rotation Diet Basics

Here is an example.  When it comes to nuts most people eat a lot of almonds. In fact, they may eat them every day, or even multiple times per day.  But by eating almonds every day there is a possibility that you will eventually become hypersensitive to the proteins in them. That would then eventually show up on a delayed hypersensitivity test and you would need to avoid them while working on a program to support gut health.  By avoiding the foods that you are identified as sensitive to for 3-6 months and doing a supportive nutrition plan, you can potentially restore your insides to the point that you can eat some of those foods again.

Using the category of nuts and seeds for someone with an almond intolerance this might be a potential plan:

  • Day 1 - flax seeds, pistachio, hazelnuts (also called filberts),
  • Day 2 - brazil nuts, cashew, pinenuts
  • Day 3 - chestnuts, pumpkin seeds, walnuts
  • Day 4 - sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pecan
At the end of the four day period you begin the rotation again.
It's important to note that peanuts are not really a nut.  They are a fatty legume which tend to be one of the top food sensitivities and allergies. Therefore we do not include them in the rotation.
This pattern of rotating foods every four days applies to each category of food:
  • Dairy (if tolerated)
  • Herbs and Spices
  • Fish/Shellfish
  • Fruit
  • Poultry
  • Meat
  • Nuts and Seeds
  • Oils
  • Vegetables

Eggs are included in the poultry category and are consumed with their protein, i.e., chicken eggs with chicken, duck eggs when you are eating duck, turkey, quail, etc.

In the case of severe or a significant number of food intolerances, you may need to follow a rotation diet for an extended period of time while you work on your gut health.