5 For Fitness On Twitter

Living a healthy and fulfilling life is a major goal for most of us. This is why many people continue to seek advice and suggestions about health and fitness from specialists.  Someone who can support your health goals by providing simple and applicable tips. With the advent of the internet, there are now large numbers of health and fitness experts available at the push of a button.  Twitter is just one place where you can find the latest updates on health and fitness methods to improve your health and help you get into good physical shape.

Five fabulous twitter accounts to follow for up to date health and fitness tips:

1.@CrossFit – this tops the list of top-class Twitter accounts to follow for updates on health and fitness tips. The administrator of this account provides continuous updates on healthy living tips that are well laid out to ensure that you do not miss a single point. It is widely believed that @CrossFit is one of those Twitter accounts that updates their feed every half an hour providing regular inspiration and information.

2. @BornFitness – new on the twitter scene, this feed is emerging as a reliable source of health and fitness tips. The coverage on this feed goes further by giving suggestions on some important weight loss programs without the use of diet pills. These natural ways of improving your health makes this Twitter account one of the reliable health and fitness accounts you can get on this social media platform.

3. @TakeaChallenge – the tips are of more practical procedures are aimed at ensuring that you maintain or improve on your health status by participating in exercises that are important to ensuring that you live a healthy life.

4. @greatist – another Twitter account with tips that are aimed at improving on your health and body appearance. The suggestions on this account are very professional and straightforward to ensure that you are not lost or confused while focusing on your body health.

5. @actionhapiness – one of the most popular feeds, this account not only gives updates on health and fitness tips but also has suggestions on how to improve on your life by living happily. The main aim of this feed is to support you in creating your happy life.

It is important to note that these twitter accounts provide health and fitness tips that are aimed at ensuring that you live a healthy life that is not only enjoyable but also free from illness. Filled with  practical tips geared toward encouraging an exercise, fitness, health, and wellness routine which should help those looking to make  changes in their life and their physique. With the ideas and suggestions found on these accounts, there is regular encouragement to lead a healthy and fulfilling life as you embark on putting the ideas shared in these feeds into practice.

This article was provided by Carl Shaw of Followersboosts.com.

photo: http://flickr.com/photo/28618109@N05/5611575061

About Mira

Mira Dessy is The Ingredient Guru. A holistic nutrition professional, author, and a popular public speaker, she knows that it's not just what you eat, but what's in what you eat. She is the author of The Pantry Principle: how to read the label and understand what’s really in their food. Dessy is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner whose mission is to educate and empower consumers. She curates the Lean Clean Green Subscription box, the premier, organic, earth-friendly, healthy, sustainable subscription box which can be found online at https://theingredientguru.memberbox.com

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