Monthly Archives: October 2023

liquid whey

The Health Benefits Of Liquid Whey

If you’ve ever poured out the liquid that seems to always appear after you’ve spooned yogurt out of the container I’m here to tell you don’t do that. 

If you’ve ever made your own homemade Greek style yogurt and not known what to do with all that strained liquid, I’ve got your 4-1-1. 

Today we’re talking about liquid whey!

Understanding Liquid Whey

The liquid leftover from making cheeses and yougurt is whey and it’s got a lot of protein, so you don’t want to simply throw it out or feed it to the dog. 

Chances are you’re familiar with whey protein powders, but I’m here to advocate for the liquid form which has some great health benefits. 

Advantages of Incorporating Liquid Whey Into Your Diet

  • High-Quality Protein -  The protein in whey actually contains all of the essential animo acids your body needs for repairing muscle after workouts. This makes it a great choice for anyone who is an athlete or fitness fan who wants to improve their recovery time and possibly boost performance. 
  • Weight Management - The use of liquid whey protein can support the body in a positive way when it comes to helping promote feeling full.  This in turn may help reduce caloric intake. In addition to that, studies have shown that whey protein can support maintenance of lean muscle and body composition.
  • Antioxidant Rich - Because liquid whey provides a number of antoixodants, including glutathione, it helps to reduce oxidative stress and free radical damage. Studies further indicate that the whey protein is supportive for the antioxidant levels in the liver, lungs, muscles, and small intestine. 
  • Immune Boosting - The immunoglobulins and lactoferrin found in whey can help boost the immune system to support against disease and infection. According to studies whey has potential as a nutraceutical or functional food due to it’s anti-diabetic, anti-hypertensive, cardioprotective, and immunomodulatory abilities.
  • Gut Health Support - Because liquid whey is so rich in is rich BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) and peptides it can be beneficial to support the microbiome, enhance gut bacterial growth and development, and may also help reduce intestinal permeability and digestive issues.

All of which makes it a good choice to add to your diet.

Adding Liquid Whey To Your Diet

While it’s good to know why liquid whey is good for you, it’s probably more helpful to know what to do with it. My research indicates that manufacturers of sports beverages are looking at creating a new line of products that combines liquid whey with fruit juice, I’m not a fan of that method for adding liquid whey to the diet.  First, I suspect that whatever they create is going to have a lot of sugar.  Second, I have no idea what else they will put in the beverage.  

In my opinion it’s better to make your own liquid whey and use it as is. If you’re making your own and you have more than you know what to do with, you can store it in the fridge for about 2 weeks or put it in the freezer for longer term storage.

Ideas For Using Liquid Whey

  • Beans - using half water and half liquid whey is a great choice when cooking beans. It can help break down the toot-y causing properties of the beans.
  • Smoothies - Because liquid whey is high in protein this is a good boost to your smoothie.  Add in your favorite veggies and a little fruit and you’ve got a great protein-packed beverage. 
  • After Workout Beverage - Due to the health benefits listed above, liquid whey can be a great choice to help your muscles recover and may also help reduce soreness after a workout. Mix it with some water or a little plant milk. 
  • Soups - Add a healthy glug of liquid whey to your soups to add some extra protein.  It’s especially delicious in tomato based soups imho.  
  • Sauces - Adding liquid whey also works well for sauces, simply add a couple of tablespoons to the pan while cooking. 
  • Salad Dressing - for a protein punch for your salad dressing combine liquid whey with olive or avocado oil, lemon juice, fresh minced garlic, and whatever herbs you’d like.  It will be tangy and nutritious.
  • Baking or Cooking - you can use liquid whey as a replacement for some of the liquid.  It’s also a great substitute for water or milk when making pancakes, waffles, or oatmeal.
  • Fermented foods - Liquid whey is a great option when it comes to making fermented foods such as sauerkraut or pickles.  It enhances the flavor and boosts the beneficial probiotics. It’s also a wonderful way to make fermented condiments.
  • DIY Protein Ice Cream - For a delicious protein rich ice cream you can blend together frozen fruit, liquid whey, and a little sweetener. It’s a great way to use it and makes a tasty treat. 

Wonderful Whey Ice Creamliquid whey

Of course I can’t tell you about using whey to make an ice cream and not give you a recipe.  I especially like this recipe because it does not require the use of an ice cream maker.  

Although the recipe calls for frozen mixed berries you can use any frozen fruit you like.  Mango is particularly fabulous and cherries are wonderful.

I think the hardest part of this recipe is having enough whey on hand to make it.  I encourage you to make your own Greek style yogurt so you’ll have both the thickened yogurt and the whey for this recipe. I’ve given you the how-to as part of the recipe.  

  • 2 cups plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup liquid whey
  • 1/4 cup honey or maple syrup 
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)
    Note: if the berries, especially the strawberries, are too big, chop them first before adding

Making the Greek Style Yogurt and Whey

  • Start with 4 cups of organic, full-fat yogurt
  • Pour into a cheesecloth lined strainer or colander and place over a bowl
  • Allow the yogurt to drain for at least 6-8 hours
  • You should wind up with slightly more than 2 cups of Greek style yogurt and about 2 cups of liquid whey - see notes above for what to do with extra whey

Making the Ice Cream

  • Add Greek style yogurt, liquid whey, sweetener, vanilla extract, and salt to a mixing bowl and combine until smooth
  • Fold in the frozen fruit
  • Scrape the mixture into a shallow, freezer-safe glass container and cover with a lid (this will help prevent the formation of ice crystals)
  • Let the mixture freezer for about an hour, scrape/fold together, smooth and then let it continue to freeze
  • Freeze at least another 2 hours before serving
  • Let sit for 8-10 minutes to soften slightly before scooping to serve


Hopefully it’s clear that, as with any dietary changes, you need to know if this is something you can eat.  Especially if you have any specific food sensitivities or dietary restrictions.  

If you’ve determined that adding liquid whey to your diet is a good option for you, it’s a protein boosting, nutrient dense choice with a number of health benefits.  When you add this delicious ingredient into your diet with soups, smoothies, salads, and more, you’re adding a wonderful real-food ingredient and making use of something that might otherwise be discarded.

I encourage you to add liquid whey to your diet and enjoy its deliciousness and health benefits. 

[expand title="Sources"]

Anirudh, J., V. Dhineshkumar, and T. Sangeetha. "Whey as crucial component in rejuvenating athlete health-a review." Journal of Postharvest Technology 10.4 (2022): 135-155.

Devries, Michaela C., and Stuart M. Phillips. "Supplemental protein in support of muscle mass and health: advantage whey." Journal of food science 80.S1 (2015): A8-A15.

Vekoukis, Aristidis S., et al. "Whey protein boosts the antioxidant profile of rats by enhancing the activities of crucial antioxidant enzymes in a tissue-specific manner." Food and Chemical Toxicology 142 (2020): 111508.

Awuchi, Chinaza Godswill. "Whey protein from Milk as a source of nutraceuticals." Food and agricultural byproducts as important source of valuable nutraceuticals. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. 159-183.

Boscaini, Serena, et al. "The ‘Whey’to good health: Whey protein and its beneficial effect on metabolism, gut microbiota and mental health." Trends in Food Science & Technology (2023).


honey bees

Honey's Health Benefits And Bee Conservation

Honey is a remarkable creation, a tribute to the tireless honeybees and their invaluable contributions to our world. In this blog post, we'll explore the health benefits of honey, share exciting news about bee-tracking technology, and offer tips on how you can support bee conservation right in your own backyard.

Health Benefits of Honey

  • Immune Booster: Honey is known for its antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities, which can help protect against infections. It also provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits that promote overall health.
  • Energy Boost: With its unique combination of fructose and glucose, honey delivers both quick and sustained energy. However, moderation is key to avoiding blood sugar spikes.
  • Digestion: Studies have shown that honey supports a healthy digestive system by promoting gut function, regulating gut microbial communities, acting as a prebiotic, and reducing gut infections and inflammation.
  • Wound Healing: Honey's antimicrobial properties make it an effective antiseptic for minor cuts, burns, and wounds, provided it is 100% pure, raw, and unfiltered.
  • Cough Relief: Honey is a soothing remedy for sore throats and coughs, potentially as effective as over-the-counter cough medications for adults (not recommended for children under 1 due to the risk of infant botulism).

Enjoying Honey

There are numerous delightful ways to incorporate honey into your diet. Whether you use it as a sugar substitute in baking, add it to your tea, or drizzle it over yogurt or ice cream, choosing raw and unfiltered honey ensures you reap all its health benefits.

Bee Conservation

Let's not forget the bees' crucial role in honey production and pollination. Here are some ways you can contribute to bee conservation:

  • Plant Native Flowers: Cultivate native plants in your garden, as they provide essential forage for local pollinators and thrive in your area.
  • Reduce Your Lawn: Replace parts of your traditional grass lawn with a flower bed, as grass lawns offer no food for pollinators.
  • Avoid Pesticides: Refrain from using broad-spectrum insecticides, as they can harm both bees and your health.
  • Provide Water: Place rocks in your bird bath to offer bees a safe landing spot, preventing them from drowning.
  • Nesting Sites: Create nesting houses or leave patches of bare soil in your garden to support ground-nesting bees.

Bee Free Honey?

Beeio Honey Technologies is working on producing honey without bees, a concept that sparks debate about what constitutes true honey. While innovative, many argue that preserving bee populations should be the primary focus.

Honey is a marvel worth celebrating year-round, and by adopting bee-friendly practices and staying informed about the latest developments in bee conservation, we can ensure a sweeter future for everyone, bees included.


In summary, honey is a gift from bees, offering various health benefits. To enjoy these advantages, incorporate raw and unfiltered honey into your diet. Additionally, bee conservation is crucial, and you can contribute by planting native flowers, reducing your lawn, avoiding pesticides, providing water sources, and creating nesting sites for bees. While innovative bee-free honey technology exists, preserving bee populations should remain a top priority. Let's celebrate honey and work towards a sweeter future for all, including our essential pollinators. 


What You Need To Know About Splenda

While many individuals opt for artificial sweeteners such as Splenda in their pursuit of weight loss, recent studies suggest a contradictory outcome: these sweeteners may actually heighten one's appetite, leading to increased food consumption. 

Furthermore, for those seeking to regulate their blood sugar levels with non-caloric sweeteners, it's important to recognize that these products can negatively impact the composition of your gut microbiome, potentially impairing your body's ability to respond to glucose.

In this blog post, we'll explore the intricacies of Splenda, a popular sweetener used in a wide array of food products, shedding light on what you should be aware of when it comes to its use and potential effects.

What is Sucralose? 

Sucralose, the artificial sweetener approximately 600 times sweeter than sugar, is the primary component of Splenda. It's found in over 4,500 products, from diet sodas to sugar-free gum and baked goods. The manufacturer has declared sucralose safe, but it's essential to scrutinize the sources of these claims.

Safety Concerns

Long-term studies on rats, conducted by the manufacturer, have shown no carcinogenic effects of sucralose. However, external research has revealed a dose-related increase in malignant tumors in male mice, raising concerns about its safety. Breastfeeding mothers should be particularly cautious, as studies have demonstrated that sucralose can transfer into breast milk, potentially impacting nursing infants.

The Impact on Insulin Metabolism

Insulin resistance is a significant concern in today's culture, as it is a precursor to type 2 diabetes. A study published in the Journal of Immunology Research found that even a single sip of sucralose can stimulate insulin secretion in healthy young adults. This effect could have long-term implications for insulin metabolism, making it an unsettling prospect for those looking to regulate their blood sugar.

Immune System Imbalances

In the same study, the impact of sucralose consumption extended beyond insulin metabolism. It was found that a single sip of this artificial sweetener caused imbalances in the immune system, particularly with respect to immune cell populations. This highlights the need for more research into the potential immunological consequences of artificial sweeteners.

Gut Microbiome Disruption

The gut microbiome plays a vital role in our overall health, and emerging research indicates that sucralose may negatively impact it. A clinical trial found that consuming 48mg of sucralose daily for ten weeks caused gut dysbiosis in healthy, non-insulin-resistant young adults. This means that even amounts well below the suggested acceptable daily intake (ADI) can alter the balance of the gut microbiome.

Sugar Substitutions

Here are my healthier sugar alternatives and smart sweetener swaps from sucanat and turbinado to creating your cinnamon sugar blend.

  • Sugar: For most of your baking needs, consider substituting with sucanat (SUgar CAne NATural), the least processed sugar available. It's a one-to-one replacement, meaning you can use it in the same quantity as regular sugar. It's perfect for maintaining the integrity of your baked goods.
  • Brown Sugar: To replace brown sugar, try using turbinado sugar. It's moister and has fewer calories, offering a healthier option. You can use it in the same amount as brown sugar.
  • Cinnamon Sugar: Make your cinnamon sugar blend by mixing 7 tablespoons of sucanat with 1 tablespoon of cinnamon. This homemade blend is perfect for a variety of sweet treats.
  • Confectioner's Sugar: Instead of traditional confectioner's sugar, blend sucanat or evaporated cane juice crystals in your food processor until they reach a powdery consistency. For each cup of powdered sucanat, add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch to mimic the texture of confectioner's sugar.

Read more here to learn more about healthy liquid sweeteners and non-caloric sweeteners:


While Splenda's primary component, sucralose, may seem like a convenient sugar substitute, it comes with its concerns. From potential carcinogenic effects to insulin resistance, immune system imbalances, and gut microbiome disruption, the evidence suggests that the risks associated with this artificial sweetener cannot be ignored.

As you choose sweeteners in your diet, it's essential to be well-informed. Opting for natural sweeteners or minimally processed sugars is often a healthier choice. The decision to avoid high-sugar foods is wise, but choosing the right alternatives is just as crucial. So, as you reach for that sweet treat, consider the impact of Splenda and other artificial sweeteners on your health and well-being.

If you found this blog post informative and eye-opening about the potential risks of Splenda and other artificial sweeteners, you might want to explore the subject more deeply.

For a comprehensive and insightful resource on sugar and sweeteners, read my ebook, "Sugar: The Special Report." Learn more about the dangers of excessive sugar and other sweeteners in your diet, its possible contribution to chronic disease, and simple steps to make healthy changes!


[expand title="Sources"]

Wilk, Klara, et al. “The Effect of Artificial Sweeteners Use on Sweet Taste Perception and Weight Loss Efficacy: A Review.” MDPI, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 16 Mar. 2022, Accessed 24 Oct. 2023.

Pang, Michelle D., Gijs H. Goossens, and Ellen E. Blaak. "The impact of artificial sweeteners on body weight control and glucose homeostasis." Frontiers in nutrition 7 (2021): 333.

Gardener, Hannah, and Mitchell S V Elkind. “Artificial Sweeteners, Real Risks.” Stroke, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1 Mar. 2019, Accessed 24 Oct. 2023.

M S;m P;e T;l F;f M;m L;l B;m M;f B; “Sucralose Administered in Feed, Beginning Prenatally through Lifespan, Induces Hematopoietic Neoplasias in Male Swiss Mice.” International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Accessed 24 Oct. 2023.

M, Soffritti, et al. “Sucralose Administered in Feed, Beginning Prenatally through Lifespan, Induces Hematopoietic Neoplasias in Male Swiss Mice.” International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2016, Accessed 24 Oct. 2023.

Gómez-Arauz, Angélica Y., et al. “A Single 48 Mg Sucralose Sip Unbalances Monocyte Subpopulations and Stimulates Insulin Secretion in Healthy Young Adults – DOAJ.” Journal of Immunology Research, Hindawi Limited, 2019, Accessed 24 Oct. 2023.


chicken breast and veggie recipe

Stuffed Chicken Breasts With Dutch Oven Italian Veggies

I have a cast iron dutch oven and I love it. It’s a wonderful way to slow cook a lot of veggies and turn them into a delicious meal.  I started with a refrigerator drawer full of  veggies and some chicken breasts. Not feeling like grilling or cooking it in the instant pot I decided to go old school and use my oven. 

This recipes combines a flavorful stuffed chicken breast with the oven roasted vegetable medley, and makes a satisfying and tasty  meal. You can always change the vegetables in this. Sometimes it’s fun to pull out whatever you have in the fridge and put it together.  

If you have leftovers I think that’s a great thing.  These veggies are even better the next day after the flavors have had a chance to meld together even more.


chicken breast and veggie recipe

Stuffed chicken breasts with Dutch Oven Italian veggies


  • Stuffed Chicken Breasts

    4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

    Sea salt and pepper

    1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes in oil, chopped - keep the oil

    2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped

  • Dutch Oven Veggies

    1 Japanese eggplant, diced

    2 cups cabbage, thinly sliced (I used napa cabbage)

    1 cup mushrooms, diced

    1 bell pepper, diced

    1 yellow onion, diced

    1 15-ounce can diced tomatoes

    2 cloves garlic, minced

    3 tablespoons olive oil

    1 tablespoon dried parsley

    1 teaspoon dried thyme

    1 teaspoon dried rosemary

    Salt and pepper, to taste


  • Preheat oven to 400°F
    In a dutch oven combine veggies, herbs, and olive oil, toss to coat well
    Place dutch oven, uncovered, in the oven
    Cook for 30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes to thoroughly mix the veggies
  • Lightly oil a small baking tray or dish large enough to hold the chicken breasts
    Butterfly the chicken breasts and open
    Season with sea salt and pepper
    Sprinkle one side of the chicken breasts generously with sun dried tomatoes and their oil
    Add a generous sprinkling of chopped basil on top of the sun dried tomatoes
    Close the chicken breasts
    Oil a large skillet and heat to medium high
    Sear chicken for 3-4 minutes on each side to cook lightly
    Then transfer to baking tray and add to the oven
    Cook chicken for 20 minutes or until fully cooked
  • After removing the chicken from the oven let it rest for 5 minutes and then dice into bite sized pieces.
    Serve by ladeling veggies into a bowl and top with diced chicken.