Monthly Archives: May 2013

Water Water Where

As we move into the warmer months many people find their water consumption going up.  Drinking more water is the smallest part of our overall use.  However landscaping, washing cars, water activities such as pools, all contribute to higher water usage.  Many of us tend to ignore how much water we use or to be less mindful of ways to conserve this precious resource.  The following infographic highlights the growing stress on our water system.  We all need to learn to think about what and how we are using water.


Fructose, Sugar, And Health

Fructose is sometimes seen as a milder form of sugar.  Highly associated with fruit, many people don't realize that consuming excessive amounts of fructose can be very harmful for the body, most specifically the liver.  Sure an apple has fructose and it's good for you.  But that apple comes with fiber to help slow down how the body processes the sugar in the first place.   When we open it up into unbound forms (such as high fructose corn syrup or crystalline fructose) we start to get into trouble.  Especially when delivered in a liquid, easily consumable, non-nutritive form such as a soda.  There's no fiber, minerals, or other nutrients to slow down how quickly our body processes it.  That soda, in effect, becomes a liquid candy bar.

Sadly sugar has become overwhelmingly pervasive in our modern diet.  We're actually conditioned to seek it out.   This is because it used to be so difficult to find and it's a quick source of fuel and energy.  Unfortunately our bodies were designed to operate in a state of famine when it came to sugar.  These days we live with an abundant feast, but we still have our original genetic programming to seek it out.

Unfortunately food producers know this and take advantage of this innate desire.  Because it's so addictive they hide it in many different foods in order to trick us into thinking these foods taste better.  And example would be adding sugars (such as high fructose corn syrup) to something like applesauce.   It's so sweet already that adding extra sweetness in mind-boggling.  Unfortunately once we get used to the taste of the sweetened applesauce (or any other product) it starts to blunt our sensitivity, leading us to eventually crave more and more.  

Fructose is one of the most harmful, most common added sweeteners.  Adding to the growing number of those affected by heart disease, diabetes, metabolic resistance and other illnesses it appears in more foods than many realize.  Learn the harmful effects of fructose and where it tends to hide (where manufacturers have hidden it) in the diet in order to avoid consuming this health-damaging sweetener.  Read the label as your best defense.


Nutrition And Hearing Loss

Approximately 12% of the population in the US suffers from hearing loss.  I suspect that growing numbers of people will suffer as the advent of ipods has allowed for personal music to be played at very high levels very close to the ear drums.  The more exposure we have, and the higher the decibel levels, the more likely it is that we will suffer from hearing loss.

While it may seem unusual, there are some nutrients which support the body and help to guard against hearing loss.  While there is no definitive nutritional solution which will prevent hearing loss it can be delayed by making sure that you have optimal nutritional levels of the following:


Storing Half-used Ingredients

Half Used Ingredients

Do you throw away half-used ingredients such as the remaining portions of a carrot, cabbage or a big plump tomato? There are easy ways to keep them fresh and use them later. Food waste is a huge problem in this country and many people do not plan how to store or use their leftovers.  This contributes to increased landfills, economic loss (you paid for that food didn't you?) and a waste or resources.  Before putting those half-used ingredients in the trash, let's learn how to keep them fresh.
